Edit File: db-install.php
<?php /** * * @package templates/default * */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; $paramsManager = DUPX_Paramas_Manager::getInstance(); ?> <script> DUPX.startAjaxDbInstall = function (isTheFirstCall, successCallback) { if (isTheFirstCall) { DUPX.pageComponents.resetTopMessages().showProgress({ 'title': 'Installing Database', 'perc': '0%', 'secondary': 'Bytes processed: 0', 'bottomText': '<i>Keep this window open during the creation process.</i><br/>' + '<i>This can take several minutes.</i>' }); } let dbInstallAction = <?php echo DupProSnapJsonU::wp_json_encode(DUPX_Ctrl_ajax::ACTION_DBINSTALL); ?>; let dbInstallToken = <?php echo DupProSnapJsonU::wp_json_encode(DUPX_Ctrl_ajax::generateToken(DUPX_Ctrl_ajax::ACTION_DBINSTALL)); ?>; let retryAttemp = 0; DUPX.StandarJsonAjaxWrapper( dbInstallAction, dbInstallToken, {}, function (data) { DUPX.progress.update({ 'perc': data.actionData.perc, 'secondary': data.actionData.queryOffset }); console.log('dbinstall data', data); if (data.actionData.is_error) { const result = { 'success': false, 'message': 'DB INSTALL ERROR: ' + data.actionData.error_msg, 'errorContent': { 'pre': '', 'html': '' }, 'actionData': null }; DUPX.ajaxErrorDisplayHideError(result, null, null); } else if (data.actionData.continue_chunking) { DUPX.startAjaxDbInstall(false, successCallback); } else if (data.actionData.pass) { if (typeof successCallback === "function") { successCallback(data); } else { alert('db install complete'); } } else { const result = { 'success': false, 'message': 'DB INSTALL ERROR: not passed', 'errorContent': { 'pre': '', 'html': '' }, 'actionData': null }; DUPX.ajaxErrorDisplayHideError(result, null, null); } }, function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) { let default_timeout_message = ''; let status = "<b>Server Code:</b> " + jqXHR.status + "<br/>"; status += "<b>Status:</b> " + jqXHR.statusText + "<br/>"; status += "<b>Response:</b> " + jqXHR.responseText + "<hr/>"; if (textStatus && textStatus.toLowerCase() == "timeout" || textStatus.toLowerCase() == "service unavailable") { status += "<b>Recommendation:</b><br/>"; status += "To resolve this problem please follow the instructions showing <a target='_blank' href='https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/faqs-tech/#faq-installer-100-q'>in the FAQ</a>.<br/><br/>"; } else if ((jqXHR.status == 403) || (jqXHR.status == 500)) { status += "<b>Recommendation</b><br/>"; status += "See <a target='_blank' href='https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/faqs-tech/#faq-installer-120-q'>this section</a> of the Technical FAQ for possible resolutions.<br/><br/>" } else if (jqXHR.status == 0) { status += "<b>Recommendation</b><br/>"; status += "This may be a server timeout and performing a 'Manual Extract' install can avoid timeouts. See <a target='_blank' href='https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/faqs-tech/?reload=1#faq-installer-015-q'>this section</a> of the FAQ for a description of how to do that.<br/><br/>" } result.errorContent.html += status; DUPX.ajaxErrorDisplayHideError(result, textStatus, jqXHR); }, { retryOnFailure: true, numberOfAttempts: 2, delayRetryOnFailure: 5000, callbackOnRetry: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR, options) { retryAttemp++; DUPX.progress.update({ 'notice': 'Db install failed: ' + data.message + ',<br>' + 'wait ' + (options.delayRetryOnFailure / 1000) + ' seconds and retry.<br>' + '<b>' + DUPX.stringifyNumber(retryAttemp) + ' attempt</b>' }); console.log('Callback on retry', data); } } ); }; </script>