Edit File: postmessage.js
/* global kirkiPostMessageFields, WebFont */ var kirkiPostMessage = { /** * The fields. * * @since 3.0.26 */ fields: {}, /** * A collection of methods for the <style> tags. * * @since 3.0.26 */ styleTag: { /** * Add a <style> tag in <head> if it doesn't already exist. * * @since 3.0.26 * @param {string} id - The field-ID. * @returns {void} */ add: function( id ) { if ( null === document.getElementById( 'kirki-postmessage-' + id ) || 'undefined' === typeof document.getElementById( 'kirki-postmessage-' + id ) ) { jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="kirki-postmessage-' + id + '"></style>' ); } }, /** * Add a <style> tag in <head> if it doesn't already exist, * by calling the this.add method, and then add styles inside it. * * @since 3.0.26 * @param {string} id - The field-ID. * @param {string} styles - The styles to add. * @returns {void} */ addData: function( id, styles ) { kirkiPostMessage.styleTag.add( id ); jQuery( '#kirki-postmessage-' + id ).text( styles ); } }, /** * Common utilities. * * @since 3.0.26 */ util: { /** * Processes the value and applies any replacements and/or additions. * * @since 3.0.26 * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument. * @param {mixed} value - The value. * @param {string} controlType - The control-type. * @returns {string|false} - Returns false if value is excluded, otherwise a string. */ processValue: function( output, value ) { var self = this, settings = window.parent.wp.customize.get(), excluded = false; if ( 'object' === typeof value ) { _.each( value, function( subValue, key ) { value[ key ] = self.processValue( output, subValue ); } ); return value; } output = _.defaults( output, { prefix: '', units: '', suffix: '', value_pattern: '$', pattern_replace: {}, exclude: [] } ); if ( 1 <= output.exclude.length ) { _.each( output.exclude, function( exclusion ) { if ( value == exclusion ) { excluded = true; } } ); } if ( excluded ) { return false; } value = output.value_pattern.replace( new RegExp( '\\$', 'g' ), value ); _.each( output.pattern_replace, function( id, placeholder ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( settings[ id ] ) ) { value = value.replace( placeholder, settings[ id ] ); } } ); return output.prefix + value + output.units + output.suffix; }, /** * Make sure urls are properly formatted for background-image properties. * * @since 3.0.26 * @param {string} url - The URL. * @returns {string} */ backgroundImageValue: function( url ) { return ( -1 === url.indexOf( 'url(' ) ) ? 'url(' + url + ')' : url; } }, /** * A collection of utilities for CSS generation. * * @since 3.0.26 */ css: { /** * Generates the CSS from the output (js_vars) parameter. * * @since 3.0.26 * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument. * @param {mixed} value - The value. * @param {string} controlType - The control-type. * @returns {string} */ fromOutput: function( output, value, controlType ) { var styles = '', kirkiParent = window.parent.kirki, googleFont = '', mediaQuery = false, processedValue; if ( output.js_callback && 'function' === typeof window[ output.js_callback ] ) { value = window[ output.js_callback[0] ]( value, output.js_callback[1] ); } switch ( controlType ) { case 'kirki-typography': styles += output.element + '{'; _.each( value, function( val, key ) { if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) { return; } processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, val ); if ( false !== processedValue ) { styles += key + ':' + processedValue + ';'; } } ); styles += '}'; // Check if this is a googlefont so that we may load it. if ( ! _.isUndefined( WebFont ) && value['font-family'] && 'google' === kirkiParent.util.webfonts.getFontType( value['font-family'] ) ) { // Calculate the googlefont params. googleFont = value['font-family'].replace( /\"/g, '"' ); if ( value.variant ) { if ( 'regular' === value.variant ) { googleFont += ':400'; } else if ( 'italic' === value.variant ) { googleFont += ':400i'; } else { googleFont += ':' + value.variant; } } googleFont += ':cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,devanagari,greek,greek-ext,khmer,latin,latin-ext,vietnamese,hebrew,arabic,bengali,gujarati,tamil,telugu,thai'; WebFont.load( { google: { families: [ googleFont ] } } ); } break; case 'kirki-background': case 'kirki-dimensions': case 'kirki-multicolor': case 'kirki-sortable': styles += output.element + '{'; _.each( value, function( val, key ) { if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) { return; } if ( 'background-image' === key ) { val = kirkiPostMessage.util.backgroundImageValue( val ); } processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, val ); if ( false !== processedValue ) { // Mostly used for padding, margin & position properties. if ( output.property ) { styles += output.property; if ( '' !== output.property && ( 'top' === key || 'bottom' === key || 'left' === key || 'right' === key ) ) { styles += '-' + key; } styles += ':' + processedValue + ';'; } else { styles += key + ':' + processedValue + ';'; } } } ); styles += '}'; break; default: if ( 'kirki-image' === controlType ) { value = ( ! _.isUndefined( value.url ) ) ? kirkiPostMessage.util.backgroundImageValue( value.url ) : kirkiPostMessage.util.backgroundImageValue( value ); } if ( _.isObject( value ) ) { styles += output.element + '{'; _.each( value, function( val, key ) { if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) { return; } processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, val ); if ( ! output.property ) { output.property = key; } if ( false !== processedValue ) { styles += output.property + ':' + processedValue + ';'; } } ); styles += '}'; } else { processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, value ); if ( false !== processedValue ) { styles += output.element + '{' + output.property + ':' + processedValue + ';}'; } } break; } // Get the media-query. if ( output.media_query && 'string' === typeof output.media_query && ! _.isEmpty( output.media_query ) ) { mediaQuery = output.media_query; if ( -1 === mediaQuery.indexOf( '@media' ) ) { mediaQuery = '@media ' + mediaQuery; } } // If we have a media-query, add it and return. if ( mediaQuery ) { return mediaQuery + '{' + styles + '}'; } // Return the styles. return styles; } }, /** * A collection of utilities to change the HTML in the document. * * @since 3.0.26 */ html: { /** * Modifies the HTML from the output (js_vars) parameter. * * @since 3.0.26 * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument. * @param {mixed} value - The value. * @returns {string} */ fromOutput: function( output, value ) { if ( output.js_callback && 'function' === typeof window[ output.js_callback ] ) { value = window[ output.js_callback[0] ]( value, output.js_callback[1] ); } if ( _.isObject( value ) || _.isArray( value ) ) { if ( ! output.choice ) { return; } _.each( value, function( val, key ) { if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) { return; } value = val; } ); } value = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, value ); if ( output.attr ) { jQuery( output.element ).attr( output.attr, value ); } else { jQuery( output.element ).html( value ); } } }, /** * A collection of utilities to allow toggling a CSS class. * * @since 3.0.26 */ toggleClass: { /** * Toggles a CSS class from the output (js_vars) parameter. * * @since 3.0.21 * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument. * @param {mixed} value - The value. * @returns {string} */ fromOutput: function( output, value ) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof output.class || 'undefined' === typeof output.value ) { return; } if ( value === output.value && ! jQuery( output.element ).hasClass( output.class ) ) { jQuery( output.element ).addClass( output.class ); } else { jQuery( output.element ).removeClass( output.class ); } } } }; jQuery( document ).ready( function() { _.each( kirkiPostMessageFields, function( field ) { wp.customize( field.settings, function( value ) { value.bind( function( newVal ) { var styles = ''; _.each( field.js_vars, function( output ) { if ( ! output.function || 'undefined' === typeof kirkiPostMessage[ output.function ] ) { output.function = 'css'; } if ( 'css' === output.function ) { styles += kirkiPostMessage.css.fromOutput( output, newVal, field.type ); } else { kirkiPostMessage[ output.function ].fromOutput( output, newVal, field.type ); } } ); kirkiPostMessage.styleTag.addData( field.settings, styles ); } ); } ); } ); } );