Edit File: function-global.php
<?php /** * Get the Flatsome instance. * * @return Flatsome */ function flatsome() { return Flatsome::get_instance(); } /** * Get the Flatsome Envato instance. */ function flatsome_envato() { return Flatsome_Envato::get_instance(); } /** * Register a webpack bundle. * * @param string $handle Script handle name. * @param string $entrypoint The entrypoint name. * @param array $dependencies Extra dependencies. * @return void */ function flatsome_register_asset( $handle, $entrypoint, $dependencies = array() ) { $filename = "js/$entrypoint.js"; $theme = wp_get_theme( get_template() ); $version = $theme->get( 'Version' ); $template_dir = get_template_directory(); $template_uri = get_template_directory_uri(); $assets_path = "$template_dir/assets/assets.php"; $script_url = "$template_uri/assets/$filename"; $assets = file_exists( $assets_path ) ? require $assets_path : array(); $script_asset = isset( $assets[ $filename ] ) ? $assets[ $filename ] : array( 'dependencies' => array(), 'version' => $version ); wp_register_script( $handle, $script_url, array_merge( $script_asset['dependencies'], $dependencies ), $script_asset['version'], true ); } /** * Enqueues a webpack bundle. * * @param string $handle Script handle name. * @param string $entrypoint The entrypoint name. * @param array $dependencies Extra dependencies. * @return void */ function flatsome_enqueue_asset( $handle, $entrypoint, $dependencies = array() ) { flatsome_register_asset( $handle, $entrypoint, $dependencies ); wp_enqueue_script( $handle ); } /** * Get Flatsome option * * @deprecated in favor of get_theme_mod() * * @return string */ function flatsome_option($option) { // Get options return get_theme_mod( $option, flatsome_defaults($option) ); } if(!function_exists('flatsome_dummy_image')) { function flatsome_dummy_image() { return get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/img/missing.jpg'; } } /** * Checks current WP version against a given version. * * @param string $version The version to check for. * * @return bool Returns true if WP version is equal or higher then given version. */ function flatsome_wp_version_check( $version = '5.4' ) { global $wp_version; if ( version_compare( $wp_version, $version, '>=' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* Check WooCommerce Version */ if( ! function_exists('fl_woocommerce_version_check') ){ function fl_woocommerce_version_check( $version = '2.6' ) { if( version_compare( WC()->version, $version, ">=" ) ) { return true; } return false; } } /* Get Site URL shortcode */ if( ! function_exists( 'flatsome_site_path' ) ) { function flatsome_site_path(){ return site_url(); } } add_shortcode('site_url', 'flatsome_site_path'); add_shortcode('site_url_secure', 'flatsome_site_path'); /* Get Year */ if( ! function_exists( 'flatsome_show_current_year' ) ) { function flatsome_show_current_year(){ return date('Y'); } } add_shortcode('ux_current_year', 'flatsome_show_current_year'); function flatsome_get_post_type_items($post_type, $args_extended=array()) { global $post; $old_post = $post; $return = false; $args = array( 'post_type'=>$post_type , 'post_status'=>'publish' , 'showposts'=>-1 , 'order'=>'ASC' , 'orderby'=>'title' ); if ($args && count($args_extended)) { $args = array_merge($args, $args_extended); } query_posts($args); if (have_posts()) { global $post; $return = array(); while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $return[get_the_ID()] = $post; } } wp_reset_query(); $post = $old_post; return $return; } function flatsome_is_request( $type ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'admin' : return is_admin(); case 'ajax' : return defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ); case 'frontend' : return ( ! is_admin() || defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) && ! defined( 'DOING_CRON' ); } } function flatsome_api_url() { $api_url = 'https://flatsome-api.netlify.com'; if ( defined( 'FLATSOME_API_URL' ) && FLATSOME_API_URL ) { $api_url = FLATSOME_API_URL; } return $api_url; } function flatsome_facebook_accounts() { $theme_mod = get_theme_mod( 'facebook_accounts', array() ); return array_filter( $theme_mod, function ( $account ) { return ! empty( $account ) && is_array( $account ); } ); } /** * Returns the current Facebook GraphAPI version beeing used. * * @since 3.13 * * @return string */ function flatsome_facebook_api_version() { return 'v14.0'; } // Get block id by ID or slug. function flatsome_get_block_id( $post_id ) { global $wpdb; if ( empty ( $post_id ) ) { return null; } // Get post ID if using post_name as id attribute. if ( ! is_numeric( $post_id ) ) { $post_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'blocks' AND post_name = %s", $post_id ) ); } // Polylang support. if ( function_exists( 'pll_get_post' ) ) { if ( $lang_id = pll_get_post( $post_id ) ) { $post_id = $lang_id; } } // WPML Support. if ( function_exists( 'icl_object_id' ) ) { if ( $lang_id = icl_object_id( $post_id, 'blocks', false, ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ) ) { $post_id = $lang_id; } } return $post_id; } /** * Retrieve a list of blocks. * * @param array|string $args Optional. Array or string of arguments. * * @return array|false List of blocks matching defaults or `$args`. */ function flatsome_get_block_list_by_id( $args = '' ) { $defaults = array( 'option_none' => '', ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $blocks = array(); if ( $parsed_args['option_none'] ) { $blocks = array( 0 => $parsed_args['option_none'] ); } $posts = flatsome_get_post_type_items( 'blocks' ); if ( $posts ) { foreach ( $posts as $value ) { $blocks[ $value->ID ] = $value->post_title; } } return $blocks; } /** * Retrieves a page given its title. * * @param string $page_title Page title. * @param string $output Optional. The required return type. One of OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N, which * correspond to a WP_Post object, an associative array, or a numeric array, * respectively. Default OBJECT. * @param string|array $post_type Optional. Post type or array of post types. Default 'page'. * * @return WP_Post|array|null WP_Post (or array) on success, or null on failure. */ function flatsome_get_page_by_title( $page_title, $output = OBJECT, $post_type = 'page' ) { $args = array( 'title' => $page_title, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post_status' => get_post_stati(), 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'update_post_meta_cache' => false, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'orderby' => 'post_date ID', 'order' => 'ASC', ); $query = new WP_Query( $args ); $pages = $query->posts; if ( empty( $pages ) ) { return null; } return get_post( $pages[0], $output ); } /** * Calls a shortcode function by its tag name. * * @param string $tag The shortcode of the function to be called. * @param array $atts The attributes to pass to the shortcode function (optional). * @param array $content The content of the shortcode (optional). * * @return bool|string If a shortcode tag doesn't exist => false, if exists => the result of the shortcode. */ function flatsome_apply_shortcode( $tag, $atts = array(), $content = null ) { global $shortcode_tags; if ( ! isset( $shortcode_tags[ $tag ] ) ) return false; return call_user_func( $shortcode_tags[ $tag ], $atts, $content, $tag ); } /** * Hides characters in a string. * * @param string $string The token. * @param int $visible_chars How many characters to show. * @return string */ function flatsome_hide_chars( $string, $visible_chars = 4 ) { if ( ! is_string( $string ) ) { $string = ''; } if ( strlen( $string ) <= $visible_chars ) { $visible_chars = strlen( $string ) - 2; } $chars = str_split( $string ); $end = strlen( $string ) - $visible_chars; for ( $i = $visible_chars; $i < $end; $i++ ) { if ( $chars[ $i ] === '-' ) continue; $chars[ $i ] = '*'; } return implode( '', $chars ); } /** * Normalizes the theme directory name. * * @param string $slug Optional theme slug. * @return string */ function flatsome_theme_key( $slug = null ) { if ( empty( $slug ) ) { $slug = basename( get_template_directory() ); } $slug = trim( $slug ); $slug = preg_replace( '/[,.\s]+/', '-', $slug ); $slug = strtolower( $slug ); return $slug; } /** * Callback to sort on priority. * * @param int $a First item. * @param int $b Second item. * * @return bool */ function flatsome_sort_on_priority( $a, $b ) { if ( ! isset( $a['priority'], $b['priority'] ) ) { return - 1; } if ( $a['priority'] === $b['priority'] ) { return 0; } return $a['priority'] < $b['priority'] ? - 1 : 1; } /** * Clean variables using sanitize_text_field. Arrays are cleaned recursively. * Non-scalar values are ignored. * * @param string|array $data Data to sanitize. * * @return string|array * @see wc_clean() */ function flatsome_clean( $data ) { if ( is_array( $data ) ) { return array_map( 'flatsome_clean', $data ); } else { return is_scalar( $data ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data ) : $data; } } /** * Retrieves the directory path for the theme uploaded fonts. * * @return string The directory path for the theme uploaded fonts. */ function flatsome_get_fonts_dir() { return WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/fonts'; } /** * Check if support is expired. * * @return bool */ function flatsome_is_support_expired() { // _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); return true; } /** * Check if support time is invalid. * * @param string $support_ends Support end timestamp. * * @return bool True if invalid false otherwise. */ function flatsome_is_invalid_support_time( $support_ends ) { // _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); return false; } /** * Checks whether theme is registered. * * @return bool */ function flatsome_is_theme_enabled() { return flatsome_envato()->registration->is_registered(); } /** * Flatsome Payment Icons List. * * Returns a list of Flatsome Payment Icons. * * @return array Payment Icons list. */ function flatsome_get_payment_icons_list() { return apply_filters( 'flatsome_payment_icons', array( 'amazon' => __( 'Amazon', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'americanexpress' => __( 'American Express', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'applepay' => __( 'Apple Pay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'afterpay' => __( 'AfterPay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'afterpay-2' => __( 'AfterPay 2', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'alipay' => __( 'Alipay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'atm' => __( 'Atm', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'bancontact' => __( 'Bancontact', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'bankomat' => __( 'Bankomat', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'banktransfer' => __( 'Bank Transfer', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'belfius' => __( 'Belfius', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'bitcoin' => __( 'BitCoin', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'braintree' => __( 'Braintree', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'cartasi' => __( 'CartaSi', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'cashcloud' => __( 'CashCloud', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'cashondelivery' => __( 'Cash On Delivery', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'cashonpickup' => __( 'Cash on Pickup', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'cbc' => __( 'CBC', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'cirrus' => __( 'Cirrus', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'clickandbuy' => __( 'Click and Buy', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'creditcard' => __( 'Credit Card', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'creditcard2' => __( 'Credit Card 2', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'dancard' => __( 'DanKort', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'dinnersclub' => __( 'Dinners Club', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'discover' => __( 'Discover', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'elo' => __( 'Elo', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'eps' => __( 'Eps', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'facture' => __( 'Facture', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'fattura' => __( 'Fattura', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'flattr' => __( 'Flattr', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'giropay' => __( 'GiroPay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'googlepay' => __( 'Google Pay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'googlewallet' => __( 'Google Wallet', 'flatsome-admin' ), // Deprecated, changed to Google Pay. 'hiper' => __( 'Hiper', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'ideal' => __( 'IDeal', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'interac' => __( 'Interac', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'invoice' => __( 'Invoice', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'jcb' => __( 'JCB', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'kbc' => __( 'KBC', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'klarna' => __( 'Klarna', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'maestro' => __( 'Maestro', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'mastercard' => __( 'MasterCard', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'mastercard-2' => __( 'MasterCard 2', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'mir' => __( 'Mir', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'moip' => __( 'Moip', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'mollie' => __( 'Mollie', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'ogone' => __( 'Ogone', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paybox' => __( 'Paybox', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paylife' => __( 'Paylife', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paymill' => __( 'PayMill', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paypal' => __( 'PayPal', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paypal-2' => __( 'PayPal 2', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paysafe' => __( 'PaySafe', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paysera' => __( 'Paysera', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'payshop' => __( 'PayShop', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'paytm' => __( 'Paytm', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'payu' => __( 'PayU', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'postepay' => __( 'Postepay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'quick' => __( 'Quick', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'rechung' => __( 'Rechung', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'revolut' => __( 'Revolut', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'ripple' => __( 'Ripple', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'rupay' => __( 'RuPay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'sage' => __( 'Sage', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'sepa' => __( 'Sepa', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'six' => __( 'Six', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'skrill' => __( 'Skrill', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'sofort' => __( 'Sofort', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'square' => __( 'Square', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'stripe' => __( 'Stripe', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'swish' => __( 'Swish (SE)', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'truste' => __( 'Truste', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'twint' => __( 'Twint', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'unionpay' => __( 'UnionPay', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'venmo' => __( 'Venmo', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'verisign' => __( 'VeriSign', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'vipps' => __( 'Vipps', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'visa' => __( 'Visa', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'visa1' => __( 'Visa 2', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'visaelectron' => __( 'Visa Electron', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'westernunion' => __( 'Western Union', 'flatsome-admin' ), 'wirecard' => __( 'Wirecard', 'flatsome-admin' ), ) ); } /** * Get an HTML img element representing an image attachment * * @uses wp_get_attachment_image() * * @param int $attachment_id Image attachment ID. * @param string|int[] $size Optional. Image size. Accepts any registered image size name, or an array * of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'thumbnail'. * @param bool $icon Optional. Whether the image should be treated as an icon. Default false. * @param string|array $attr { * Optional. Attributes for the image markup. * * @type string $src Image attachment URL. * @type string $class CSS class name or space-separated list of classes. * Default `attachment-$size_class size-$size_class`, * where `$size_class` is the image size being requested. * @type string $alt Image description for the alt attribute. * @type string $srcset The 'srcset' attribute value. * @type string $sizes The 'sizes' attribute value. * @type string|false $loading The 'loading' attribute value. Passing a value of false * will result in the attribute being omitted for the image. * Defaults to 'lazy', depending on wp_lazy_loading_enabled(). * @type string $decoding The 'decoding' attribute value. Possible values are * 'async' (default), 'sync', or 'auto'. Passing false or an empty * string will result in the attribute being omitted. * } * @return string HTML img element or empty string on failure. */ function flatsome_get_attachment_image_no_srcset( $attachment_id, $size = 'thumbnail', $icon = false, $attr = '' ) { add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset_meta', '__return_null' ); $html = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size, $icon, $attr ); remove_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset_meta', '__return_null' ); return $html; }