Edit File: envato-setup.js
var EnvatoWizard = (function($){ var t; // callbacks from form button clicks. var callbacks = { install_plugins: function(btn){ var plugins = new PluginManager(); plugins.init(btn); }, install_content: function(btn){ var content = new ContentManager(); content.init(btn); } }; function window_loaded(){ // init button clicks: $('.button-next').on( 'click', function(e) { var loading_button = dtbaker_loading_button(this); if(!loading_button){ return false; } if($(this).data('callback') && typeof callbacks[$(this).data('callback')] != 'undefined'){ // we have to process a callback before continue with form submission callbacks[$(this).data('callback')](this); return false; }else{ loading_content(); return true; } }); $('.button-upload').on( 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); renderMediaUploader(); }); $('.theme-presets a').on( 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $ul = $(this).parents('ul').first(); $ul.find('.current').removeClass('current'); var $li = $(this).parents('li').first(); $li.addClass('current'); var newcolor = $(this).data('style'); $('#new_style').val(newcolor); return false; }); } function loading_content(){ $('.envato-setup-content').block({ message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6 } }); } function PluginManager(){ var complete; var items_completed = 0; var current_item = ''; var $current_node; var current_item_hash = ''; function ajax_callback(response){ if(typeof response == 'object' && typeof response.message != 'undefined'){ $current_node.find('span').text(response.message); if(typeof response.url != 'undefined'){ // we have an ajax url action to perform. if(response.hash == current_item_hash){ $current_node.find('span').text("failed"); find_next(); }else { current_item_hash = response.hash; jQuery.post(response.url, response, function(response2) { process_current(); $current_node.find('span').text(response.message + envato_setup_params.verify_text); }).fail(ajax_callback); } }else if(typeof response.done != 'undefined'){ // finished processing this plugin, move onto next find_next(); }else{ // error processing this plugin find_next(); } }else{ // error - try again with next plugin $current_node.find('span').text("ajax error"); find_next(); } } function process_current(){ if(current_item){ // query our ajax handler to get the ajax to send to TGM // if we don't get a reply we can assume everything worked and continue onto the next one. jQuery.post(envato_setup_params.ajaxurl, { action: 'envato_setup_plugins', wpnonce: envato_setup_params.wpnonce, slug: current_item }, ajax_callback).fail(ajax_callback); } } function find_next(){ var do_next = false; if($current_node){ if(!$current_node.data('done_item')){ items_completed++; $current_node.data('done_item',1); } $current_node.find('.spinner').css('visibility','hidden'); } var $li = $('.envato-wizard-plugins li'); $li.each(function(){ if(current_item == '' || do_next){ current_item = $(this).data('slug'); $current_node = $(this); process_current(); do_next = false; }else if($(this).data('slug') == current_item){ do_next = true; } }); if(items_completed >= $li.length){ // finished all plugins! complete(); } } return { init: function(btn){ $('.envato-wizard-plugins').addClass('installing'); complete = function(){ loading_content(); window.location.href=btn.href; }; find_next(); } } } function ContentManager(){ var complete; var items_completed = 0; var current_item = ''; var $current_node; var current_item_hash = ''; function ajax_callback(response) { if(typeof response == 'object' && typeof response.message != 'undefined'){ $current_node.find('span').text(response.message); if(typeof response.url != 'undefined'){ // we have an ajax url action to perform. if(response.hash == current_item_hash){ $current_node.find('span').text("failed"); find_next(); }else { current_item_hash = response.hash; jQuery.post(response.url, response, ajax_callback).fail(ajax_callback); // recuurrssionnnnn } }else if(typeof response.done != 'undefined'){ // finished processing this plugin, move onto next find_next(); }else{ // error processing this plugin find_next(); } }else{ // error - try again with next plugin $current_node.find('span').text("ajax error"); find_next(); } } function process_current(){ if(current_item){ var $check = $current_node.find('input:checkbox'); if($check.is(':checked')) { console.log("Doing 2 "+current_item); // process htis one! jQuery.post(envato_setup_params.ajaxurl, { action: 'envato_setup_content', wpnonce: envato_setup_params.wpnonce, content: current_item }, ajax_callback).fail(ajax_callback); }else{ $current_node.find('span').text("Skipping"); setTimeout(find_next,300); } } } function find_next(){ var do_next = false; if($current_node){ if(!$current_node.data('done_item')){ items_completed++; $current_node.data('done_item',1); } $current_node.find('.spinner').css('visibility','hidden'); } var $items = $('tr.envato_default_content'); var $enabled_items = $('tr.envato_default_content input:checked'); $items.each(function(){ if (current_item == '' || do_next) { current_item = $(this).data('content'); $current_node = $(this); process_current(); do_next = false; } else if ($(this).data('content') == current_item) { do_next = true; } }); if(items_completed >= $items.length){ // finished all items! complete(); } } return { init: function(btn){ $('.envato-setup-pages').addClass('installing'); $('.envato-setup-pages').find('input').prop("disabled", true); complete = function(){ loading_content(); window.location.href=btn.href; }; find_next(); } } } /** * Callback function for the 'click' event of the 'Set Footer Image' * anchor in its meta box. * * Displays the media uploader for selecting an image. * * @since 0.1.0 */ function renderMediaUploader() { 'use strict'; var file_frame, attachment; if ( undefined !== file_frame ) { file_frame.open(); return; } file_frame = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ title: 'Upload Logo',//jQuery( this ).data( 'uploader_title' ), button: { text: 'Select Logo' //jQuery( this ).data( 'uploader_button_text' ) }, multiple: false // Set to true to allow multiple files to be selected }); // When an image is selected, run a callback. file_frame.on( 'select', function() { // We set multiple to false so only get one image from the uploader attachment = file_frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); jQuery('.site-logo').attr('src',attachment.url); jQuery('#new_logo_id').val(attachment.id); // Do something with attachment.id and/or attachment.url here }); // Now display the actual file_frame file_frame.open(); } function dtbaker_loading_button(btn){ var $button = jQuery(btn); if($button.data('done-loading') == 'yes')return false; var existing_text = $button.text(); var existing_width = $button.outerWidth(); var loading_text = '⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄'; var completed = false; $button.css('width',existing_width); $button.addClass('dtbaker_loading_button_current'); var _modifier = $button.is('input') || $button.is('button') ? 'val' : 'text'; $button[_modifier](loading_text); //$button.attr('disabled',true); $button.data('done-loading','yes'); var anim_index = [0,1,2]; // animate the text indent function moo() { if (completed)return; var current_text = ''; // increase each index up to the loading length for(var i = 0; i < anim_index.length; i++){ anim_index[i] = anim_index[i]+1; if(anim_index[i] >= loading_text.length)anim_index[i] = 0; current_text += loading_text.charAt(anim_index[i]); } $button[_modifier](current_text); setTimeout(function(){ moo();},60); } moo(); return { done: function(){ completed = true; $button[_modifier](existing_text); $button.removeClass('dtbaker_loading_button_current'); $button.attr('disabled',false); } } } return { init: function(){ t = this; $(window_loaded); }, callback: function(func){ console.log(func); console.log(this); } } })(jQuery); EnvatoWizard.init();