Edit File: customizer-reset.js
jQuery(function ($) { const $resetButton = jQuery('#flatsome-customizer-reset') const $clearTypographyCache = jQuery( '#flatsome-customizer-clear-typography-cache' ) $resetButton.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault() var data = { wp_customize: 'on', action: 'customizer_reset', nonce: _FlatsomeCustomizerReset.nonce.reset, } var r = confirm(_FlatsomeCustomizerReset.confirm) if (!r) return $resetButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled') $.post(ajaxurl, data, function () { wp.customize.state('saved').set(true) location.reload() }) }) $clearTypographyCache.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault() const data = { wp_customize: 'on', action: 'customizer_clear_typography_cache', nonce: _FlatsomeCustomizerReset.nonce.reset, } const r = confirm( 'Are you sure you want to clear typography cache and locally downloaded font files?' ) if (!r) return $clearTypographyCache.prop('disabled', true) $.post(ajaxurl, data) .done(({ success }) => { if (!success) return console.log( 'Flatsome: Typography cache and locally saved fonts files removed successfully' ) }) .always(() => { $clearTypographyCache.prop('disabled', false) }) }) })