Edit File: class.options_machine.php
<?php /** * SMOF Options Machine Class * * @package WordPress * @subpackage SMOF * @since 1.0.0 * @author Syamil MJ */ #[AllowDynamicProperties] class Options_Machine { /** * PHP5 contructor * * @since 1.0.0 */ function __construct($options) { $return = $this->optionsframework_machine($options); $this->Inputs = $return[0]; $this->Menu = $return[1]; $this->Defaults = $return[2]; } /** * Sanitize option * * Sanitize & returns default values if don't exist * * Notes: - For further uses, you can check for the $value['type'] and performs more speficic sanitization on the option - The ultimate objective of this function is to prevent the "undefined index" errors some authors are having due to malformed options array */ static function sanitize_option( $value ) { $defaults = array( "name" => "", "desc" => "", "id" => "", "std" => "", "mod" => "", "type" => "" ); $value = wp_parse_args( $value, $defaults ); return $value; } /** * Process options data and build option fields * * @uses get_theme_mod() * * @access public * @since 1.0.0 * * @return array */ public static function optionsframework_machine($options) { global $smof_output, $smof_details, $smof_data; if (empty($options)) return; if (empty($smof_data)) $smof_data = of_get_options(); $data = $smof_data; $defaults = array(); $counter = 0; $menu = ''; $output = ''; $update_data = false; do_action('optionsframework_machine_before', array( 'options' => $options, 'smof_data' => $smof_data, )); if ($smof_output != "") { $output .= $smof_output; $smof_output = ""; } foreach ($options as $value) { // sanitize option if ($value['type'] != "heading") $value = self::sanitize_option($value); $counter++; $val = ''; //create array of defaults if ($value['type'] == 'multicheck'){ if (is_array($value['std'])){ foreach($value['std'] as $i=>$key){ $defaults[$value['id']][$key] = true; } } else { $defaults[$value['id']][$value['std']] = true; } } else { if (isset($value['id'])) $defaults[$value['id']] = $value['std']; } /* condition start */ if(!empty($smof_data) || !empty($data)){ if (array_key_exists('id', $value) && !isset($smof_data[$value['id']])) { $smof_data[$value['id']] = $value['std']; if ($value['type'] == "checkbox" && $value['std'] == 0) { $smof_data[$value['id']] = 0; } else { $update_data = true; } } if (array_key_exists('id', $value) && !isset($smof_details[$value['id']])) { $smof_details[$value['id']] = $smof_data[$value['id']]; } //Start Heading if ( $value['type'] != "heading" ) { $class = ''; if(isset( $value['class'] )) { $class = $value['class']; } //hide items in checkbox group $fold=''; if (array_key_exists("fold",$value)) { if (isset($smof_data[$value['fold']]) && $smof_data[$value['fold']]) { $fold="f_".$value['fold']." "; } else { $fold="f_".$value['fold']." temphide "; } } $output .= '<div id="section-'.$value['id'].'" class="'.$fold.'section section-'.$value['type'].' '. $class .'">'."\n"; //only show header if 'name' value exists if($value['name']) $output .= '<h3 class="heading">'. $value['name'] .'</h3>'."\n"; $output .= '<div class="option">'."\n" . '<div class="controls">'."\n"; } //End Heading //if (!isset($smof_data[$value['id']]) && $value['type'] != "heading") // continue; //switch statement to handle various options type switch ( $value['type'] ) { //text input case 'text': $t_value = ''; $t_value = stripslashes($smof_data[$value['id']]); $t_value = str_replace('"',"'",$t_value); $mini =''; if(!isset($value['mod'])) $value['mod'] = ''; if($value['mod'] == 'mini') { $mini = 'mini';} $output .= '<input class="of-input '.$mini.'" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'. $value['id'] .'" type="'. $value['type'] .'" value="'. $t_value .'" />'; break; //select option case 'select': $mini =''; if(!isset($value['mod'])) $value['mod'] = ''; if($value['mod'] == 'mini') { $mini = 'mini';} $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper ' . $mini . '">'; $output .= '<select class="select of-input" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'. $value['id'] .'">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $select_ID => $option) { $theValue = $option; if (!is_numeric($select_ID)) $theValue = $select_ID; $output .= '<option id="' . $select_ID . '" value="'.$select_ID.'" ' . selected($smof_data[$value['id']], $select_ID, false) . ' />'.$option.'</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; break; case 'presets': $output .= '<a href="#" class="button-primary">Select presets</a>'; $output .= '<div class="pre_select_wrapper">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $select_ID => $option) { $output .= '<a href="#" data-preset="'.$option.'"><img class="pre-select-img" style="width:100%;" src="'.$select_ID.'"/></a>'; } $output .= '</div>'; break; //textarea option case 'textarea': $cols = '8'; $ta_value = ''; if(isset($value['options'])){ $ta_options = $value['options']; if(isset($ta_options['cols'])){ $cols = $ta_options['cols']; } } $ta_value = $smof_data[$value['id']]; $output .= '<textarea class="of-input" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'. $value['id'] .'" cols="'. $cols .'" rows="8">' . esc_textarea( $ta_value ) . '</textarea>'; break; //radiobox option case "radio": $checked = (isset($smof_data[$value['id']])) ? checked($smof_data[$value['id']], $option, false) : ''; foreach($value['options'] as $option=>$name) { $output .= '<input class="of-input of-radio" name="'.$value['id'].'" type="radio" value="'.$option.'" ' . checked($smof_data[$value['id']], $option, false) . ' /><label class="radio">'.$name.'</label><br/>'; } break; //checkbox option case 'checkbox': if (!isset($smof_data[$value['id']])) { $smof_data[$value['id']] = 0; } $fold = ''; if (array_key_exists("folds",$value)) $fold="fld "; $output .= '<input type="hidden" class="'.$fold.'checkbox of-input" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'. $value['id'] .'" value="0"/>'; $output .= '<input type="checkbox" class="'.$fold.'checkbox of-input" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'. $value['id'] .'" value="1" '. checked($smof_data[$value['id']], 1, false) .' />'; break; //multiple checkbox option case 'multicheck': (isset($smof_data[$value['id']]))? $multi_stored = $smof_data[$value['id']] : $multi_stored=""; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { if (!isset($multi_stored[$key])) {$multi_stored[$key] = '';} $of_key_string = $value['id'] . '_' . $key; $output .= '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox of-input" name="'.$value['id'].'['.$key.']'.'" id="'. $of_key_string .'" value="1" '. checked($multi_stored[$key], 1, false) .' /><label class="multicheck" for="'. $of_key_string .'">'. $option .'</label><br />'; } break; // Color picker case "color": $default_color = ''; if ( isset($value['std']) ) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' .$value['std'] . '" '; } $output .= '<input name="' . $value['id'] . '" id="' . $value['id'] . '" class="of-color" type="text" value="' . $smof_data[$value['id']] . '"' . $default_color .' />'; break; //typography option case 'typography': $typography_stored = isset($smof_data[$value['id']]) ? $smof_data[$value['id']] : $value['std']; /* Font Size */ if(isset($typography_stored['size'])) { $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper typography-size" original-title="Font size">'; $output .= '<select class="of-typography of-typography-size select" name="'.$value['id'].'[size]" id="'. $value['id'].'_size">'; for ($i = 9; $i < 20; $i++){ $test = $i.'px'; $output .= '<option value="'. $i .'px" ' . selected($typography_stored['size'], $test, false) . '>'. $i .'px</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; } /* Line Height */ if(isset($typography_stored['height'])) { $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper typography-height" original-title="Line height">'; $output .= '<select class="of-typography of-typography-height select" name="'.$value['id'].'[height]" id="'. $value['id'].'_height">'; for ($i = 20; $i < 38; $i++){ $test = $i.'px'; $output .= '<option value="'. $i .'px" ' . selected($typography_stored['height'], $test, false) . '>'. $i .'px</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; } /* Font Face */ if(isset($typography_stored['face'])) { $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper typography-face" original-title="Font family">'; $output .= '<select class="of-typography of-typography-face select" name="'.$value['id'].'[face]" id="'. $value['id'].'_face">'; $faces = array('arial'=>'Arial', 'verdana'=>'Verdana, Geneva', 'trebuchet'=>'Trebuchet', 'georgia' =>'Georgia', 'times'=>'Times New Roman', 'tahoma'=>'Tahoma, Geneva', 'palatino'=>'Palatino', 'helvetica'=>'Helvetica' ); foreach ($faces as $i=>$face) { $output .= '<option value="'. $i .'" ' . selected($typography_stored['face'], $i, false) . '>'. $face .'</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; } /* Font Weight */ if(isset($typography_stored['style'])) { $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper typography-style" original-title="Font style">'; $output .= '<select class="of-typography of-typography-style select" name="'.$value['id'].'[style]" id="'. $value['id'].'_style">'; $styles = array('normal'=>'Normal', 'italic'=>'Italic', 'bold'=>'Bold', 'bold italic'=>'Bold Italic'); foreach ($styles as $i=>$style){ $output .= '<option value="'. $i .'" ' . selected($typography_stored['style'], $i, false) . '>'. $style .'</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; } /* Font Color */ if(isset($typography_stored['color'])) { $output .= '<div id="' . $value['id'] . '_color_picker" class="colorSelector typography-color"><div style="background-color: '.$typography_stored['color'].'"></div></div>'; $output .= '<input class="of-color of-typography of-typography-color" original-title="Font color" name="'.$value['id'].'[color]" id="'. $value['id'] .'_color" type="text" value="'. $typography_stored['color'] .'" />'; } break; //border option case 'border': /* Border Width */ $border_stored = $smof_data[$value['id']]; $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper border-width">'; $output .= '<select class="of-border of-border-width select" name="'.$value['id'].'[width]" id="'. $value['id'].'_width">'; for ($i = 0; $i < 21; $i++){ $output .= '<option value="'. $i .'" ' . selected($border_stored['width'], $i, false) . '>'. $i .'</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; /* Border Style */ $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper border-style">'; $output .= '<select class="of-border of-border-style select" name="'.$value['id'].'[style]" id="'. $value['id'].'_style">'; $styles = array('none'=>'None', 'solid'=>'Solid', 'dashed'=>'Dashed', 'dotted'=>'Dotted'); foreach ($styles as $i=>$style){ $output .= '<option value="'. $i .'" ' . selected($border_stored['style'], $i, false) . '>'. $style .'</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; /* Border Color */ $output .= '<div id="' . $value['id'] . '_color_picker" class="colorSelector"><div style="background-color: '.$border_stored['color'].'"></div></div>'; $output .= '<input class="of-color of-border of-border-color" name="'.$value['id'].'[color]" id="'. $value['id'] .'_color" type="text" value="'. $border_stored['color'] .'" />'; break; //images checkbox - use image as checkboxes case 'images': $i = 0; $select_value = (isset($smof_data[$value['id']])) ? $smof_data[$value['id']] : ''; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $i++; $checked = ''; $selected = ''; if(NULL!=checked($select_value, $key, false)) { $checked = checked($select_value, $key, false); $selected = 'of-radio-img-selected'; } $output .= '<span>'; $output .= '<input type="radio" id="of-radio-img-' . $value['id'] . $i . '" class="checkbox of-radio-img-radio" value="'.$key.'" name="'.$value['id'].'" '.$checked.' />'; $output .= '<div class="of-radio-img-label">'. $key .'</div>'; $output .= '<img src="'.$option.'" alt="" class="of-radio-img-img '. $selected .'" onClick="document.getElementById(\'of-radio-img-'. $value['id'] . $i.'\').checked = true;" />'; $output .= '</span>'; } break; //info (for small intro box etc) case "info": $info_text = $value['std']; $output .= '<div class="of-info">'.$info_text.'</div>'; break; //display a single image case "image": $src = $value['std']; $output .= '<img src="'.$src.'">'; break; //tab heading case 'heading': if($counter >= 2){ $output .= '</div>'."\n"; } //custom icon $icon = ''; if(isset($value['icon'])){ $icon = ' style="background-image: url('. $value['icon'] .');"'; } $header_class = str_replace(' ','',strtolower($value['name'])); $jquery_click_hook = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($value['name']) ); $jquery_click_hook = "of-option-" . trim(preg_replace('/ +/', '', preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/', '', urldecode(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($jquery_click_hook)))))); $menu .= '<li class="'. $header_class .'"><a title="'. $value['name'] .'" href="#'. $jquery_click_hook .'"'. $icon .'>'. $value['name'] .'</a></li>'; $output .= '<div class="group" id="'. $jquery_click_hook .'"><h2>'.$value['name'].'</h2>'."\n"; break; //drag & drop slide manager case 'slider': $output .= '<div class="slider"><ul id="'.$value['id'].'">'; $slides = $smof_data[$value['id']]; $count = count($slides); if ($count < 2) { $oldorder = 1; $order = 1; $output .= Options_Machine::optionsframework_slider_function($value['id'],$value['std'],$oldorder,$order); } else { $i = 0; foreach ($slides as $slide) { $oldorder = $slide['order']; $i++; $order = $i; $output .= Options_Machine::optionsframework_slider_function($value['id'],$value['std'],$oldorder,$order); } } $output .= '</ul>'; $output .= '<a href="#" class="button slide_add_button">Add New Slide</a></div>'; break; //drag & drop block manager case 'sorter': // Make sure to get list of all the default blocks first $all_blocks = $value['std']; $temp = array(); // holds default blocks $temp2 = array(); // holds saved blocks foreach($all_blocks as $blocks) { $temp = array_merge($temp, $blocks); } $sortlists = isset($data[$value['id']]) && !empty($data[$value['id']]) ? $data[$value['id']] : $value['std']; foreach( $sortlists as $sortlist ) { $temp2 = array_merge($temp2, $sortlist); } // now let's compare if we have anything missing foreach($temp as $k => $v) { if(!array_key_exists($k, $temp2)) { $sortlists['disabled'][$k] = $v; } } // now check if saved blocks has blocks not registered under default blocks foreach( $sortlists as $key => $sortlist ) { foreach($sortlist as $k => $v) { if(!array_key_exists($k, $temp)) { unset($sortlist[$k]); } } $sortlists[$key] = $sortlist; } // assuming all sync'ed, now get the correct naming for each block foreach( $sortlists as $key => $sortlist ) { foreach($sortlist as $k => $v) { $sortlist[$k] = $temp[$k]; } $sortlists[$key] = $sortlist; } $output .= '<div id="'.$value['id'].'" class="sorter">'; if ($sortlists) { foreach ($sortlists as $group=>$sortlist) { $output .= '<ul id="'.$value['id'].'_'.$group.'" class="sortlist_'.$value['id'].'">'; $output .= '<h3>'.$group.'</h3>'; foreach ($sortlist as $key => $list) { $output .= '<input class="sorter-placebo" type="hidden" name="'.$value['id'].'['.$group.'][placebo]" value="placebo">'; if ($key != "placebo") { $output .= '<li id="'.$key.'" class="sortee">'; $output .= '<input class="position" type="hidden" name="'.$value['id'].'['.$group.']['.$key.']" value="'.$list.'">'; $output .= $list; $output .= '</li>'; } } $output .= '</ul>'; } } $output .= '</div>'; break; //background images option case 'tiles': $i = 0; $select_value = isset($smof_data[$value['id']]) && !empty($smof_data[$value['id']]) ? $smof_data[$value['id']] : ''; if (is_array($value['options'])) { foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $i++; $checked = ''; $selected = ''; if(NULL!=checked($select_value, $option, false)) { $checked = checked($select_value, $option, false); $selected = 'of-radio-tile-selected'; } $output .= '<span>'; $output .= '<input type="radio" id="of-radio-tile-' . $value['id'] . $i . '" class="checkbox of-radio-tile-radio" value="'.$option.'" name="'.$value['id'].'" '.$checked.' />'; $output .= '<div class="of-radio-tile-img '. $selected .'" style="background: url('.$option.')" onClick="document.getElementById(\'of-radio-tile-'. $value['id'] . $i.'\').checked = true;"></div>'; $output .= '</span>'; } } break; //backup and restore options data case 'backup': $backup = of_get_options(BACKUPS); $init = of_get_options('smof_init'); if(!isset($backup['backup_log'])) { $log = 'No backups yet'; } else { $log = $backup['backup_log']; } $output .= '<div class="backup-box">'; $output .= '<p><strong>'. __('Last Backup : ', 'flatsome-admin').'<span class="backup-log">'.$log.'</span></strong></p>'."\n"; $output .= '<a href="#" id="of_backup_button" class="button" title="Backup Options">Backup Options</a>'; if ( isset( $backup['backup_log'] ) ) : $output .= '<a href="#" id="of_restore_button" class="button" title="Restore Options">Restore Options</a>'; $output .= '<a href="#" id="of_delete_backup_button" class="button" title="Delete Backup">Delete Backup</a>'; endif; $output .= '</div>'; break; //export or import data between different installs case 'transfer': $instructions = $value['desc']; $output .= '<textarea id="export_data" rows="8">'.base64_encode(serialize($smof_data)) /* 100% safe - ignore theme check nag */ .'</textarea>'."\n"; $output .= '<a href="#" id="of_import_button" class="button" title="Restore Options">Import Options</a>'; break; // google font field case 'select_google_font': $output .= '<div class="select_wrapper">'; $output .= '<select class="select of-input google_font_select" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'. $value['id'] .'">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $select_key => $option) { $output .= '<option value="'.$select_key.'" ' . selected((isset($smof_data[$value['id']]))? $smof_data[$value['id']] : "", $option, false) . ' />'.$option.'</option>'; } $output .= '</select></div>'; if(isset($value['preview']['text'])){ $g_text = $value['preview']['text']; } else { $g_text = '0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; } if(isset($value['preview']['size'])) { $g_size = 'style="font-size: '. $value['preview']['size'] .';"'; } else { $g_size = ''; } $hide = " hide"; if ($smof_data[$value['id']] != "none" && $smof_data[$value['id']] != "") $hide = ""; $output .= '<p class="'.$value['id'].'_ggf_previewer google_font_preview'.$hide.'" '. $g_size .'>'. $g_text .'</p>'; break; //JQuery UI Slider case 'sliderui': $s_val = $s_min = $s_max = $s_step = $s_edit = '';//no errors, please $s_val = stripslashes($smof_data[$value['id']]); if(!isset($value['min'])){ $s_min = '0'; }else{ $s_min = $value['min']; } if(!isset($value['max'])){ $s_max = $s_min + 1; }else{ $s_max = $value['max']; } if(!isset($value['step'])){ $s_step = '1'; }else{ $s_step = $value['step']; } if(!isset($value['edit'])){ $s_edit = ' readonly="readonly"'; } else { $s_edit = ''; } if ($s_val == '') $s_val = $s_min; //values $s_data = 'data-id="'.$value['id'].'" data-val="'.$s_val.'" data-min="'.$s_min.'" data-max="'.$s_max.'" data-step="'.$s_step.'"'; //html output $output .= '<input type="text" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'" value="'. $s_val .'" class="mini" '. $s_edit .' />'; $output .= '<div id="'.$value['id'].'-slider" class="smof_sliderui" style="margin-left: 7px;" '. $s_data .'></div>'; break; //Switch option case 'switch': if (!isset($smof_data[$value['id']])) { $smof_data[$value['id']] = 0; } $fold = ''; if (array_key_exists("folds",$value)) $fold="s_fld "; $cb_enabled = $cb_disabled = '';//no errors, please //Get selected if ($smof_data[$value['id']] == 1){ $cb_enabled = ' selected'; $cb_disabled = ''; }else{ $cb_enabled = ''; $cb_disabled = ' selected'; } //Label ON if(!isset($value['on'])){ $on = "On"; }else{ $on = $value['on']; } //Label OFF if(!isset($value['off'])){ $off = "Off"; }else{ $off = $value['off']; } $output .= '<p class="switch-options">'; $output .= '<label class="'.$fold.'cb-enable'. $cb_enabled .'" data-id="'.$value['id'].'"><span>'. $on .'</span></label>'; $output .= '<label class="'.$fold.'cb-disable'. $cb_disabled .'" data-id="'.$value['id'].'"><span>'. $off .'</span></label>'; $output .= '<input type="hidden" class="'.$fold.'checkbox of-input" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'. $value['id'] .'" value="0"/>'; $output .= '<input type="checkbox" id="'.$value['id'].'" class="'.$fold.'checkbox of-input main_checkbox" name="'.$value['id'].'" value="1" '. checked($smof_data[$value['id']], 1, false) .' />'; $output .= '</p>'; break; // Uploader 3.5 case "upload": case "media": if(!isset($value['mod'])) $value['mod'] = ''; $u_val = ''; if($smof_data[$value['id']]){ $u_val = stripslashes($smof_data[$value['id']]); } $output .= Options_Machine::optionsframework_media_uploader_function($value['id'],$u_val, $value['mod']); break; } do_action('optionsframework_machine_loop', array( 'options' => $options, 'smof_data' => $smof_data, 'defaults' => $defaults, 'counter' => $counter, 'menu' => $menu, 'output' => $output, 'value' => $value )); if ($smof_output != "") { $output .= $smof_output; $smof_output = ""; } //description of each option if ( $value['type'] != 'heading') { if(!isset($value['desc'])){ $explain_value = ''; } else{ $explain_value = '<div class="explain">'. $value['desc'] .'</div>'."\n"; } $output .= '</div>'.$explain_value."\n"; $output .= '<div class="clear"> </div></div></div>'."\n"; } } /* condition empty end */ } if ($update_data == true) { of_save_options($smof_data); } $output .= '</div>'; do_action('optionsframework_machine_after', array( 'options' => $options, 'smof_data' => $smof_data, 'defaults' => $defaults, 'counter' => $counter, 'menu' => $menu, 'output' => $output, 'value' => $value )); if ($smof_output != "") { $output .= $smof_output; $smof_output = ""; } return array($output,$menu,$defaults); } /** * Native media library uploader * * @uses get_theme_mod() * * @access public * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string */ public static function optionsframework_media_uploader_function($id,$std,$mod){ $data = of_get_options(); $smof_data = of_get_options(); $uploader = ''; $upload = ""; if (isset($smof_data[$id])) $upload = $smof_data[$id]; $hide = ''; if ($mod == "min") {$hide ='hide';} if ( $upload != "") { $val = $upload; } else {$val = $std;} $uploader .= '<input class="'.$hide.' upload of-input" name="'. $id .'" id="'. $id .'_upload" value="'. $val .'" />'; //Upload controls DIV $uploader .= '<div class="upload_button_div">'; //If the user has WP3.5+ show upload/remove button if ( function_exists( 'wp_enqueue_media' ) ) { $uploader .= '<span class="button media_upload_button" id="'.$id.'">Upload</span>'; if(!empty($upload)) {$hide = '';} else { $hide = 'hide';} $uploader .= '<span class="button remove-image '. $hide.'" id="reset_'. $id .'" title="' . $id . '">Remove</span>'; } else { $output .= '<p class="upload-notice"><i>Upgrade your version of WordPress for full media support.</i></p>'; } $uploader .='</div>' . "\n"; // Load custom font if($mod == 'font'){ $uploader .= '<style>@font-face{ font-family: customFont; src: url('. $val .'); } </style>'; } //Preview if(!$mod){ $uploader .= '<div class="screenshot">'; if(!empty($upload)){ $uploader .= '<a class="of-uploaded-image" href="'. $upload . '">'; $uploader .= '<img class="of-option-image" id="image_'.$id.'" src="'.$upload.'" alt="" />'; $uploader .= '</a>'; } $uploader .= '</div>'; } $uploader .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n"; return $uploader; } /** * Drag and drop slides manager * * @uses get_theme_mod() * * @access public * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string */ public static function optionsframework_slider_function($id,$std,$oldorder,$order){ $data = of_get_options(); $smof_data = of_get_options(); $slider = ''; $slide = array(); if (isset($smof_data[$id])) $slide = $smof_data[$id]; if (isset($slide[$oldorder])) { $val = $slide[$oldorder]; } else {$val = $std;} //initialize all vars $slidevars = array('title','url','link','description'); foreach ($slidevars as $slidevar) { if (!isset($val[$slidevar])) { $val[$slidevar] = ''; } } //begin slider interface if (!empty($val['title'])) { $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>'.stripslashes($val['title']).'</strong>'; } else { $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>Slide '.$order.'</strong>'; } $slider .= '<input type="hidden" class="slide of-input order" name="'. $id .'['.$order.'][order]" id="'. $id.'_'.$order .'_slide_order" value="'.$order.'" />'; $slider .= '<a class="slide_edit_button" href="#">Edit</a></div>'; $slider .= '<div class="slide_body">'; $slider .= '<label>Title</label>'; $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input of-slider-title" name="'. $id .'['.$order.'][title]" id="'. $id .'_'.$order .'_slide_title" value="'. stripslashes($val['title']) .'" />'; $slider .= '<label>Image URL</label>'; $slider .= '<input class="upload slide of-input" name="'. $id .'['.$order.'][url]" id="'. $id .'_'.$order .'_slide_url" value="'. $val['url'] .'" />'; $slider .= '<div class="upload_button_div"><span class="button media_upload_button" id="'.$id.'_'.$order .'">Upload</span>'; if(!empty($val['url'])) {$hide = '';} else { $hide = 'hide';} $slider .= '<span class="button remove-image '. $hide.'" id="reset_'. $id .'_'.$order .'" title="' . $id . '_'.$order .'">Remove</span>'; $slider .='</div>' . "\n"; $slider .= '<div class="screenshot">'; if(!empty($val['url'])){ $slider .= '<a class="of-uploaded-image" href="'. $val['url'] . '">'; $slider .= '<img class="of-option-image" id="image_'.$id.'_'.$order .'" src="'.$val['url'].'" alt="" />'; $slider .= '</a>'; } $slider .= '</div>'; $slider .= '<label>Link URL (optional)</label>'; $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input" name="'. $id .'['.$order.'][link]" id="'. $id .'_'.$order .'_slide_link" value="'. $val['link'] .'" />'; $slider .= '<label>Description (optional)</label>'; $slider .= '<textarea class="slide of-input" name="'. $id .'['.$order.'][description]" id="'. $id .'_'.$order .'_slide_description" cols="8" rows="8">'.stripslashes($val['description']).'</textarea>'; $slider .= '<a class="slide_delete_button" href="#">Delete</a>'; $slider .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n"; $slider .= '</div>'; $slider .= '</li>'; return $slider; } }//end Options Machine class ?>