Edit File: class-kirki-modules-css.php
<?php /** * Handles the CSS Output of fields. * * @package Kirki * @category Modules * @author Ari Stathopoulos (@aristath) * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, David Vongries * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * @since 3.0.0 */ /** * The Kirki_Modules_CSS object. */ class Kirki_Modules_CSS { /** * The object instance. * * @static * @access private * @since 3.0.0 * @var object */ private static $instance; /** * The CSS array * * @access public * @var array */ public static $css_array = array(); /** * Constructor * * @access protected */ protected function __construct() { $class_files = array( 'Kirki_Modules_CSS_Generator' => '/class-kirki-modules-css-generator.php', 'Kirki_Output' => '/class-kirki-output.php', 'Kirki_Output_Field_Background' => '/field/class-kirki-output-field-background.php', 'Kirki_Output_Field_Image' => '/field/class-kirki-output-field-image.php', 'Kirki_Output_Field_Multicolor' => '/field/class-kirki-output-field-multicolor.php', 'Kirki_Output_Field_Dimensions' => '/field/class-kirki-output-field-dimensions.php', 'Kirki_Output_Field_Typography' => '/field/class-kirki-output-field-typography.php', 'Kirki_Output_Property' => '/property/class-kirki-output-property.php', 'Kirki_Output_Property_Background_Image' => '/property/class-kirki-output-property-background-image.php', 'Kirki_Output_Property_Background_Position' => '/property/class-kirki-output-property-background-position.php', 'Kirki_Output_Property_Font_Family' => '/property/class-kirki-output-property-font-family.php', ); foreach ( $class_files as $class_name => $file ) { if ( ! class_exists( $class_name ) ) { include_once wp_normalize_path( dirname( __FILE__ ) . $file ); // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude } } add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) ); } /** * Gets an instance of this object. * Prevents duplicate instances which avoid artefacts and improves performance. * * @static * @access public * @since 3.0.0 * @return object */ public static function get_instance() { if ( ! self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Init. * * @access public */ public function init() { Kirki_Modules_Webfonts::get_instance(); // Allow completely disabling Kirki CSS output. if ( ( defined( 'KIRKI_NO_OUTPUT' ) && true === KIRKI_NO_OUTPUT ) || ( isset( $config['disable_output'] ) && true === $config['disable_output'] ) ) { return; } if ( ! is_customize_preview() ) { // Admin styles, adds compatibility with the new WordPress editor (Gutenberg). add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', array( $this, 'enqueue_styles' ), 100 ); } add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'print_styles_action' ) ); if ( ! apply_filters( 'kirki_output_inline_styles', true ) ) { $config = apply_filters( 'kirki_config', array() ); $priority = 999; if ( isset( $config['styles_priority'] ) ) { $priority = absint( $config['styles_priority'] ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_styles' ), $priority ); } else { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'print_styles_inline' ), 999 ); } } /** * Print styles inline. * * @access public * @since 3.0.36 * @return void */ public function print_styles_inline() { echo '<style id="kirki-inline-styles">'; $this->print_styles(); echo '</style>'; } /** * Enqueue the styles. * * @access public * @since 3.0.36 * @return void */ public function enqueue_styles() { $args = array( 'action' => apply_filters( 'kirki_styles_action_handle', 'kirki-styles' ), ); if ( is_admin() && ! is_customize_preview() ) { $args['editor'] = '1'; } // Enqueue the dynamic stylesheet. wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-styles', add_query_arg( $args, site_url() ), array(), KIRKI_VERSION ); } /** * Prints the styles as an enqueued file. * * @access public * @since 3.0.36 * @return void */ public function print_styles_action() { /** * Note to code reviewers: * There is no need for a nonce check here, we're only checking if this is a valid request or not. */ if ( empty( $_GET['action'] ) || apply_filters( 'kirki_styles_action_handle', 'kirki-styles' ) !== $_GET['action'] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification return; } // This is a stylesheet. header( 'Content-type: text/css' ); $this->print_styles(); exit; } /** * Prints the styles. * * @access public */ public function print_styles() { // Go through all configs. $configs = Kirki::$config; foreach ( $configs as $config_id => $args ) { if ( isset( $args['disable_output'] ) && true === $args['disable_output'] ) { continue; } $styles = self::loop_controls( $config_id ); $styles = apply_filters( "kirki_{$config_id}_dynamic_css", $styles ); if ( ! empty( $styles ) ) { /** * Note to code reviewers: * * Though all output should be run through an escaping function, this is pure CSS. * * When used in the print_styles_action() method the PHP header() call makes the browser interpret it as such. * No code, script or anything else can be executed from inside a stylesheet. * * When using in the print_styles_inline() method the wp_strip_all_tags call we use below * strips anything that has the possibility to be malicious, and since this is inslide a <style> tag * it can only be interpreted by the browser as such. * wp_strip_all_tags() excludes the possibility of someone closing the <style> tag and then opening something else. */ echo wp_strip_all_tags( $styles ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput } } do_action( 'kirki_dynamic_css' ); } /** * Loop through all fields and create an array of style definitions. * * @static * @access public * @param string $config_id The configuration ID. */ public static function loop_controls( $config_id ) { // Get an instance of the Kirki_Modules_CSS_Generator class. // This will make sure google fonts and backup fonts are loaded. Kirki_Modules_CSS_Generator::get_instance(); $fields = Kirki::$fields; $css = array(); // Early exit if no fields are found. if ( empty( $fields ) ) { return; } foreach ( $fields as $field ) { // Only process fields that belong to $config_id. if ( $config_id !== $field['kirki_config'] ) { continue; } if ( true === apply_filters( "kirki_{$config_id}_css_skip_hidden", true ) ) { // Only continue if field dependencies are met. if ( ! empty( $field['required'] ) ) { $valid = true; foreach ( $field['required'] as $requirement ) { if ( isset( $requirement['setting'] ) && isset( $requirement['value'] ) && isset( $requirement['operator'] ) ) { $controller_value = Kirki_Values::get_value( $config_id, $requirement['setting'] ); if ( ! Kirki_Helper::compare_values( $controller_value, $requirement['value'], $requirement['operator'] ) ) { $valid = false; } } } if ( ! $valid ) { continue; } } } // Only continue if $field['output'] is set. if ( isset( $field['output'] ) && ! empty( $field['output'] ) ) { $css = Kirki_Helper::array_replace_recursive( $css, Kirki_Modules_CSS_Generator::css( $field ) ); // Add the globals. if ( isset( self::$css_array[ $config_id ] ) && ! empty( self::$css_array[ $config_id ] ) ) { Kirki_Helper::array_replace_recursive( $css, self::$css_array[ $config_id ] ); } } } $css = apply_filters( "kirki_{$config_id}_styles", $css ); if ( is_array( $css ) ) { return Kirki_Modules_CSS_Generator::styles_parse( Kirki_Modules_CSS_Generator::add_prefixes( $css ) ); } } /** * The FA field got deprecated in v3.0.42. * This is here for backwards-compatibility in case a theme was calling it directly. * * @static * @since 3.0.26 * @access public * @return void */ public static function add_fontawesome_script() {} /** * The FA field got deprecated in v3.0.42. * This is here for backwards-compatibility in case a theme was calling it directly. * * @static * @since 3.0.35 * @access public * @return false */ public static function get_enqueue_fa() { return false; } }