Edit File: class.u.params.manager.php
<?php /** * Installer params manager * * Standard: PSR-2 * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2 Full Documentation * * @package SC\DUPX\U * */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/descriptors/class.u.params.descriptors.php'); require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/items/class.u.param.item.php'); require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/items/class.u.param.item.form.php'); require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/items/class.u.param.item.form.pass.php'); require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/items/class.u.param.item.form.plugins.php'); require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/items/class.u.param.item.form.wpconfig.php'); require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/items/class.u.param.item.form.urlmapping.php'); require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/params/items/class.u.param.item.form.users.pass.reset.php'); /** * singleton class * * this class takes care of initializing the parameters and managing their updating with persistence. * It also provides parameter values accessible from all the instlaler. */ final class DUPX_Paramas_Manager { const ENV_PARAMS_KEY = 'DUPLICATOR_PRO_PARAMS'; /** * overwrite file content example <?php $json = <<<JSON { "debug": { "value": false }, "debug_params": { "value": true }, "logging": { "value": 2 } } JSON; // OVERWRITE FILE END */ const LOCAL_OVERWRITE_PARAMS = 'duplicator_pro_params_overwrite'; const LOCAL_OVERWRITE_PARAMS_EXTENSION = '.php'; // actionsLOCAL_OVERWRITE_PARAMS const PARAM_INSTALLER_MODE = 'inst_mode'; const PARAM_OVERWRITE_SITE_DATA = 'ovr_site_data'; const PARAM_CTRL_ACTION = 'ctrl_action'; const PARAM_ROUTER_ACTION = 'router-action'; const PARAM_SECURE_PASS = 'secure-pass'; const PARAM_SECURE_OK = 'secure-ok'; const PARAM_STEP_ACTION = 'step-action'; const PARAM_TEMPLATE = 'template'; const PARAM_VALIDATION_LEVEL = 'valid-level'; const PARAM_VALIDATION_ACTION_ON_START = 'valid-act'; const PARAM_VALIDATION_SHOW_ALL = 'valid-show-all'; const PARAM_ACCEPT_TERM_COND = 'accept-warnings'; const PARAM_RECOVERY_LINK = 'recovery-link'; const PARAM_FROM_SITE_IMPORT_INFO = 'import-info'; // input params const PARAM_DEBUG = 'debug'; const PARAM_DEBUG_PARAMS = 'debug_params'; const PARAM_RESTORE_BACKUP_MODE = 'restore-backup'; const PARAM_ARCHIVE_ENGINE = 'archive_engine'; const PARAM_ARCHIVE_ENGINE_SKIP_WP_CORE = 'archive_engine_wpskip'; const PARAM_ARCHIVE_ACTION = 'archive_action'; const PARAM_LOGGING = 'logging'; const PARAM_REMOVE_RENDUNDANT = 'remove-redundant'; const PARAM_FILE_TIME = 'zip_filetime'; const PARAM_HTACCESS_CONFIG = 'ht_config'; const PARAM_OTHER_CONFIG = 'other_config'; const PARAM_WP_CONFIG = 'wp_config'; const PARAM_SAFE_MODE = 'exe_safe_mode'; const PARAM_SET_FILE_PERMS = 'set_file_perms'; const PARAM_FILE_PERMS_VALUE = 'file_perms_value'; const PARAM_SET_DIR_PERMS = 'set_dir_perms'; const PARAM_DIR_PERMS_VALUE = 'dir_perms_value'; const PARAM_MULTISITE_INST_TYPE = 'multisite-install-type'; const PARAM_SUBSITE_ID = 'subsite_id'; const PARAM_DB_DISPLAY_OVERWIRE_WARNING = 'db-display-overwarn'; const PARAM_DB_ENGINE = 'db-engine'; const PARAM_DB_VIEW_MODE = 'view_mode'; const PARAM_DB_ACTION = 'dbaction'; const PARAM_DB_HOST = 'dbhost'; const PARAM_DB_NAME = 'dbname'; const PARAM_DB_USER = 'dbuser'; const PARAM_DB_TABLE_PREFIX = 't_prefix'; const PARAM_DB_PASS = 'dbpass'; const PARAM_DB_CHARSET = 'dbcharset'; const PARAM_DB_COLLATE = 'dbcollate'; const PARAM_DB_CHUNK = 'dbchunk'; const PARAM_DB_SPACING = 'dbnbsp'; const PARAM_DB_VIEW_CREATION = 'dbobj_views'; const PARAM_DB_PROC_CREATION = 'dbobj_procs'; const PARAM_DB_SPLIT_CREATES = 'dbsplit_creates'; const PARAM_DB_MYSQL_MODE = 'dbmysqlmode'; const PARAM_DB_MYSQL_MODE_OPTS = 'dbmysqlmode_opts'; const PARAM_CPNL_CAN_SELECTED = 'cpnl-can-sel'; const PARAM_CPNL_HOST = 'cpnl-host'; const PARAM_CPNL_USER = 'cpnl-user'; const PARAM_CPNL_PASS = 'cpnl-pass'; const PARAM_CPNL_IGNORE_PREFIX = 'cpnl_ignore_prefix'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_ACTION = 'cpnl-dbaction'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_HOST = 'cpnl-dbhost'; const PARAM_CPNL_PREFIX = 'cpnl-prefix'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_NAME_SEL = 'cpnl-dbname-select'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_NAME_TXT = 'cpnl-dbname-txt'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_USER_SEL = 'cpnl-dbuser-select'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_USER_TXT = 'cpnl-dbuser-txt'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_USER_CHK = 'cpnl-dbuser-chk'; const PARAM_CPNL_DB_PASS = 'cpnl-dbpass'; const PARAM_URL_OLD = 'url_old'; const PARAM_URL_NEW = 'url_new'; const PARAM_SITE_URL_OLD = 'siteurl_old'; const PARAM_SITE_URL = 'siteurl'; const PARAM_PATH_WP_CORE_OLD = 'path_core_old'; const PARAM_PATH_WP_CORE_NEW = 'path_core_new'; const PARAM_PATH_OLD = 'path_old'; const PARAM_PATH_NEW = 'path_new'; const PARAM_PATH_CONTENT_OLD = 'path_cont_old'; const PARAM_PATH_CONTENT_NEW = 'path_cont_new'; const PARAM_URL_CONTENT_OLD = 'url_cont_old'; const PARAM_URL_CONTENT_NEW = 'url_cont_new'; const PARAM_PATH_UPLOADS_OLD = 'path_upl_old'; const PARAM_PATH_UPLOADS_NEW = 'path_upl_new'; const PARAM_URL_UPLOADS_OLD = 'url_upl_old'; const PARAM_URL_UPLOADS_NEW = 'url_upl_new'; const PARAM_PATH_PLUGINS_OLD = 'path_plug_old'; const PARAM_PATH_PLUGINS_NEW = 'path_plug_new'; const PARAM_URL_PLUGINS_OLD = 'url_plug_old'; const PARAM_URL_PLUGINS_NEW = 'url_plug_new'; const PARAM_PATH_MUPLUGINS_OLD = 'path_muplug_old'; const PARAM_PATH_MUPLUGINS_NEW = 'path_muplug_new'; const PARAM_URL_MUPLUGINS_OLD = 'url_muplug_old'; const PARAM_URL_MUPLUGINS_NEW = 'url_muplug_new'; const PARAM_WP_ADDON_SITES_PATHS = 'wpaddon_sites'; const PARAM_BLOGNAME = 'blogname'; const PARAM_REPLACE_MODE = 'replace_mode'; const PARAM_MU_REPLACE = 'mu_replace'; const PARAM_REPLACE_ENGINE = 'mode_chunking'; const PARAM_SKIP_PATH_REPLACE = 'skip_path_replace'; const PARAM_EMPTY_SCHEDULE_STORAGE = 'empty_schedule_storage'; const PARAM_DB_TABLES = 'tables'; const PARAM_EMAIL_REPLACE = 'search_replace_email_domain'; const PARAM_FULL_SEARCH = 'fullsearch'; const PARAM_POSTGUID = 'postguid'; const PARAM_MAX_SERIALIZE_CHECK = 'mstrlim'; const PARAM_MULTISITE_CROSS_SEARCH = 'cross_search'; const PARAM_PLUGINS = 'plugins'; const PARAM_IGNORE_PLUGINS = 'ignore_plugins'; const PARAM_FORCE_DIABLE_PLUGINS = 'fd_plugins'; const PARAM_CUSTOM_SEARCH = 'search'; const PARAM_CUSTOM_REPLACE = 'replace'; const PARAM_KEEP_TARGET_SITE_USERS = 'keep_users'; const PARAM_USERS_PWD_RESET = 'users_pwd_reset'; const PARAM_WP_ADMIN_CREATE_NEW = 'wp_new_admin'; const PARAM_WP_ADMIN_NAME = 'wp_username'; const PARAM_WP_ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'wp_password'; const PARAM_WP_ADMIN_MAIL = 'wp_mail'; const PARAM_WP_ADMIN_NICKNAME = 'wp_nickname'; const PARAM_WP_ADMIN_FIRST_NAME = 'wp_first_name'; const PARAM_WP_ADMIN_LAST_NAME = 'wp_last_name'; // WP CONFIG const PARAM_GEN_WP_AUTH_KEY = 'auth_keys_and_salts'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_SITEURL = 'wpc_WP_SITEURL'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_HOME = 'wpc_WP_HOME'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_CONTENT_DIR = 'wpc_WP_CONTENT_DIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_CONTENT_URL = 'wpc_WP_CONTENT_URL'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_PLUGIN_DIR = 'wpc_WP_PLUGIN_DIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_PLUGIN_URL = 'wpc_WP_PLUGIN_URL'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_PLUGINDIR = 'wpc_PLUGINDIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_UPLOADS = 'wpc_UPLOADS'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 'wpc_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_POST_REVISIONS = 'wpc_WP_POST_REVISIONS'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_COOKIE_DOMAIN = 'wpc_COOKIE_DOMAIN'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE = 'wpc_WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_NOBLOGREDIRECT = 'wpc_NOBLOGREDIRECT'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_DEBUG = 'wpc_WP_DEBUG'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_SCRIPT_DEBUG = 'wpc_SCRIPT_DEBUG'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS = 'wpc_CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_DEBUG_LOG = 'wpc_WP_DEBUG_LOG'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER = 'wpc_WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY = 'wpc_WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_MEMORY_LIMIT = 'wpc_WP_MEMORY_LIMIT'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT = 'wpc_WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_TEMP_DIR = 'wpc_WP_TEMP_DIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_CACHE = 'wpc_WP_CACHE'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_CUSTOM_USER_TABLE = 'wpc_CUSTOM_USER_TABLE'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE = 'wpc_CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WPLANG = 'wpc_WPLANG'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_LANG_DIR = 'wpc_WP_LANG_DIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_SAVEQUERIES = 'wpc_SAVEQUERIES'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_FS_CHMOD_DIR = 'wpc_FS_CHMOD_DIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_FS_CHMOD_FILE = 'wpc_FS_CHMOD_FILE'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_FS_METHOD = 'wpc_FS_METHOD'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_ALTERNATE_WP_CRON = 'wpc_ALTERNATE_WP_CRON'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_DISABLE_WP_CRON = 'wpc_DISABLE_WP_CRON'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 'wpc_WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_COOKIEPATH = 'wpc_COOKIEPATH'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_SITECOOKIEPATH = 'wpc_SITECOOKIEPATH'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH = 'wpc_ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_PLUGINS_COOKIE_PATH = 'wpc_PLUGINS_COOKIE_PATH'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_TEMPLATEPATH = 'wpc_TEMPLATEPATH'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_STYLESHEETPATH = 'wpc_STYLESHEETPATH'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS = 'wpc_EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_ALLOW_REPAIR = 'wpc_WP_ALLOW_REPAIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES = 'wpc_DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT = 'wpc_DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_DISALLOW_FILE_MODS = 'wpc_DISALLOW_FILE_MODS'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_FORCE_SSL_ADMIN = 'wpc_FORCE_SSL_ADMIN'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL = 'wpc_WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS = 'wpc_WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED = 'wpc_AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE = 'wpc_WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE = 'wpc_IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR = 'wpc_WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_WPMU_PLUGIN_URL = 'wpc_WPMU_PLUGIN_URL'; const PARAM_WP_CONF_MUPLUGINDIR = 'wpc_MUPLUGINDIR'; // OTHER WP CONFIG SETTINGS NOT IN WP CORE const PARAM_WP_CONF_WPCACHEHOME = 'wpc_WPCACHEHOME'; const PARAM_FINAL_REPORT_DATA = 'final_report'; /** * * @var self */ private static $instance = null; /** * * @var bool */ private static $initialized = false; /** * * @var DUPX_Param_item_form[] */ private $params = array(); /** * * @var array */ private $paramsHtmlInfo = array(); /** * * @return self */ public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * init params and load */ private function __construct() { } /** * * @return boolean * @throws Exception */ public function initParams() { if (self::$initialized) { // prevent multiple inizialization return true; } self::$initialized = true; $this->params = array(); $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = '***** INIT PARAMS WITH STD VALUlES'; DUPX_Paramas_Descriptors::init($this->params); return true; } /** * get value of param key. * thorw execption if key don't exists * * * @param string $key * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function getValue($key) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } return $this->params[$key]->getValue(); } /** * * @param string $key * @return string // STATUS_INIT | STATUS_OVERWRITE | STATUS_UPD_FROM_INPUT * * @throws Exception */ public function getInitStatus($key) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'does not exists'); } return $this->params[$key]->getStatus(); } /** * get the label of param key. * thorw execption if key don't exists * * @param string $key * @return string * @throws Exception */ public function getLabel($key) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } return rtrim($this->params[$key]->getLabel(), ": \n\t"); } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return boolean // return false if params isn't valid * @throws Exception // if key don't exists */ public function setValue($key, $value) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } return $this->params[$key]->setValue($value); } /** * this cungion set value get from input method. * * @param string $key * @param string $method * @param bool $thowException // if true throw exception if value isn't valid. * @return type * @throws Exception */ public function setValueFromInput($key, $method = DUPX_Param_item_form::INPUT_POST, $thowException = true, $nextStepErrorMessage = false) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (($result = $this->params[$key]->setValueFromInput($method)) === false) { $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = 'INVALID VALUE INPUT <b>'.$key.'</b>'; if ($nextStepErrorMessage) { $this->addParamValidationFaliedNotice($key); } if ($thowException) { $errorMessage = 'Parameter "'.$this->getLabel($key).'" have invalid value'; throw new Exception('PARAM ERROR: '.$errorMessage); } } else { $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = 'SET FROM INPUT <b>'.$key.'</b> VALUE: '.DUPX_Log::varToString($this->params[$key]->getValue()); } return $result; } public function addParamValidationFaliedNotice($key) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } $longMessage = '<b>'.$this->getLabel($key).'</b> '.$this->params[$key]->getInvalidErrorMessage()."<br>\n"; DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::getInstance()->addNextStepNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'Parameter validation failed', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::CRITICAL, 'longMsg' => $longMessage, 'longMsgMode' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::MSG_MODE_HTML ), DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::ADD_UNIQUE_APPEND, 'params_validation_fail'); } /** * return the form param wrapper id * @param string $key * @return boolean|string // return false if the item key isn't a instance of DUPX_Param_item_form * @throws Exception */ public function getFormWrapperId($key) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (method_exists($this->params[$key], 'getFormWrapperId')) { return $this->params[$key]->getFormWrapperId(); } else { return false; } } /** * * @param string $key * @return boolean|string // return false if the item key isn't a instance of DUPX_Param_item_form * @throws Exception */ public function getFormItemId($key) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (method_exists($this->params[$key], 'getFormItemId')) { return $this->params[$key]->getFormItemId(); } else { return false; } } /** * * @param string $key * @return boolean|string // return false if the item key isn't a instance of DUPX_Param_item_form * @throws Exception */ public function getFormStatus($key) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (method_exists($this->params[$key], 'getFormStatus')) { return $this->params[$key]->getFormStatus(); } else { return false; } } /** * * @param string $key * @param string|callable // STATUS_ENABLED , STATUS_READONLY or callable function * * @return boolean|string // return false if the item key isn't a instance of DUPX_Param_item_form * @throws Exception */ public function setFormStatus($key, $status) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (method_exists($this->params[$key], 'setFormAttr')) { return $this->params[$key]->setFormAttr('status', $status); } else { return false; } } /** * * @param string $key * @param string $class * * @return boolean|string // return false if the item key isn't a instance of DUPX_Param_item_form * @throws Exception */ public function addFormWrapperClass($key, $class) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (method_exists($this->params[$key], 'addWrapperClass')) { return $this->params[$key]->addWrapperClass($class); } else { return false; } } /** * * @param string $key * @param string $class * * @return boolean|string // return false if the item key isn't a instance of DUPX_Param_item_form * @throws Exception */ public function removeFormWrapperClass($key, $class) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (method_exists($this->params[$key], 'removeWrapperClass')) { return $this->params[$key]->removeWrapperClass($class); } else { return false; } } /** * this tunction add o remove note on the param form * * @param string $key * @param string $htmlString // is html */ public function setFormNote($key, $htmlString) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (method_exists($this->params[$key], 'setFormAttr')) { return $this->params[$key]->setFormAttr('subNote', $htmlString); } else { return false; } } /** * return true if the input exists in html form * false if isn't DUPX_Param_item_form object or status is STATUS_INFO_ONLY or STATUS_SKIP * * @param string $key * @return boolean * @throws Exception */ public function isHtmlInput($key) { $status = $this->getFormStatus($key); switch ($status) { case DUPX_Param_item_form::STATUS_ENABLED: case DUPX_Param_item_form::STATUS_READONLY: case DUPX_Param_item_form::STATUS_DISABLED: return true; case DUPX_Param_item_form::STATUS_INFO_ONLY: case DUPX_Param_item_form::STATUS_SKIP: default: return false; } } /** * get the input form html * * @param string $key // the param identifier * @param mixed $overwriteValue // if not null set overwriteValue begore get html (IMPORTANT: the stored param value don't change. To change it use setValue.) * @param bool $echo // true echo else return string * * @return bool|string // return false if the item kay isn't a instance of DUPX_Param_item_form * * @throws Exception */ public function getHtmlFormParam($key, $overwriteValue = null, $echo = true) { if (!isset($this->params[$key])) { throw new Exception('Param key '.DUPX_Log::varToString($key).'don\' exists'); } if (!($this->params[$key] instanceof DUPX_Param_item_form)) { return false; } if (is_null($overwriteValue)) { return $this->params[$key]->getHtml($echo); } else { $tmpParam = clone $this->params[$key]; if ($tmpParam->setValue($overwriteValue) === false) { throw new Exception('Can\'t set overwriteValue '.DUPX_Log::varToString($overwriteValue).' in param:'.$tmpParam->getName()); } return $tmpParam->getHtml($echo); } } /** * load params from persistance files * * @return boolean */ public function load($reset = false) { if ($reset) { $this->resetParams(); $this->initParamsOverwrite(); return true; } else { if (!file_exists(self::getPersistanceFilePath())) { return false; } $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = '***** LOAD PARAMS FROM PERSISTENCE FILE'; if (($json = file_get_contents(self::getPersistanceFilePath())) === false) { throw new Exception('Can\'t read param persistence file '.DUPX_Log::varToString(self::getPersistanceFilePath())); } $arrayData = json_decode($json, true); if ($this->setParamsValues($arrayData) === false) { throw new Exception('Can\'t set params from persistence file '.DUPX_Log::varToString(self::getPersistanceFilePath())); } return true; } } /** * remove persistance file and all params and reinit all */ protected function resetParams() { $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = '***** RESET PARAMS'; DupProSnapLibIOU::rm(self::getPersistanceFilePath()); $this->params = array(); self::$initialized = false; return $this->initParams(); } /** * ovrewrite params from sources * * @return boolean * @throws Exception */ public function initParamsOverwrite() { DUPX_Log::info('OVERWRITE PARAMS'); $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = '***** LOAD OVERWRITE INFO'; /** * @todo temp disabled require major study * if (isset($_ENV[self::ENV_PARAMS_KEY])) { * $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = 'LOAD FROM ENV VARS'; $arrayData = json_decode($_ENV[self::ENV_PARAMS_KEY]); $this->setParamsValues($arrayData, true); } */ // LOAD PARAMS FROM PACKAGE OVERWRITE $arrayData = (array) DUPX_ArchiveConfig::getInstance()->overwriteInstallerParams; if (!empty($arrayData)) { $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = '***** LOAD FROM PACKAGE OVERWRITE'; DUPX_Log::info(' *** FROM PACKAGE'); if ($this->setParamsValues($arrayData, true, DUPX_Log::LV_DEFAULT) === false) { throw new Exception('Can\'t set params from package overwrite '); } } // LOAD PARAMS FROM LOCAL OVERWRITE $localOverwritePath = DUPX_ROOT.'/'.self::LOCAL_OVERWRITE_PARAMS.self::LOCAL_OVERWRITE_PARAMS_EXTENSION; if (is_readable($localOverwritePath)) { // json file is set in $localOverwritePath php file $json = null; include($localOverwritePath); if (empty($json)) { DUPX_Log::info('LOCAL OVERWRITE PARAMS FILE ISN\'T WELL FORMED'); } else { $arrayData = json_decode($json, true); if (!empty($arrayData)) { $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = '***** LOAD FROM LOCAL OVERWRITE'; DUPX_Log::info(' *** FROM LOCAL FILE'); if ($this->setParamsValues($arrayData, true, DUPX_Log::LV_DEFAULT) === false) { throw new Exception('Can\'t set params from local overwrite '); } } } } // LOAD PARAMS FROM LOCAL OVERWRITE PACKAGE_HASH $localOverwritePath = DUPX_ROOT.'/'.self::LOCAL_OVERWRITE_PARAMS.'_'.DUPX_Boot::getPackageHash().'.json'; if (is_readable($localOverwritePath)) { if (($json = file_get_contents($localOverwritePath)) === false) { DUPX_Log::info('CAN\'T READ LOCAL OVERWRITE PARAM HASH FILE'); } else { $arrayData = json_decode($json, true); if (!empty($arrayData)) { $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = '***** LOAD FROM LOCAL OVERWRITE HASH'; DUPX_Log::info(' *** FROM LOCAL FILE'); if ($this->setParamsValues($arrayData, true, DUPX_Log::LV_DEFAULT) === false) { throw new Exception('Can\'t set params from local overwrite '); } } } } DUPX_Paramas_Descriptors::updateParamsAfterOverwrite($this->params); DUPX_Log::info("********************************************************************************"); return true; } /** * update params values from arrayData * * @param array $arrayData * @return bool // returns false if a parameter has not been set * @throws Exception */ protected function setParamsValues($arrayData, $overwrite = false, $logginLevelSet = DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG) { if (!is_array($arrayData)) { throw new Exception('Invalid data params '); } $result = true; foreach ($arrayData as $key => $arrayValues) { if (isset($this->params[$key])) { $arrayValues = (array) $arrayValues; $arrayValValToStr = array_map(array('DUPX_Log', 'varToString'), $arrayValues); $this->paramsHtmlInfo[] = 'SET PARAM <b>'.$key.'</b> ARRAY DATA: '.DupProSnapLibStringU::implodeKeyVals(', ', $arrayValValToStr, '[<b>%s</b> = %s]'); if ($this->params[$key]->fromArrayData($arrayValues) === false) { DUPX_Log::info('PARAM ISSUE SET KEY['.$key.'] VALUE: '.DupProSnapLibStringU::implodeKeyVals(', ', $arrayValValToStr, '[%s = %s]')); DUPX_Log::info(DUPX_Log::traceToString(debug_backtrace())); // $result = false; } else { $log = 'PARAM SET KEY['.$key.']'; $log .= (DUPX_Log::isLevel(DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG) ? (' VALUE: '.DupProSnapLibStringU::implodeKeyVals(', ', $arrayValValToStr, '[%s = %s]')) : ''); DUPX_Log::info($log, $logginLevelSet); if ($overwrite) { $this->params[$key]->setOveriteStatus(); } } } } return $result; } /** * update persistance file * * @return bool\int // This function returns the number of bytes that were written to the file, or FALSE on failure. */ public function save() { DUPX_LOG::info("SAVE PARAMS\n".DUPX_Log::traceToString(debug_backtrace()), DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG); $arrayData = array(); foreach ($this->params as $param) { if ($param->isPersistent()) { $arrayData[$param->getName()] = $param->toArrayData(); } } $json = DupProSnapJsonU::wp_json_encode_pprint($arrayData); if (($result = file_put_contents(self::getPersistanceFilePath(), $json, LOCK_EX)) === false) { DUPX_Log::info('PRAMS: can\'t save persistence file'); } return $result; } /** * * @staticvar string $path * @return string */ protected static function getPersistanceFilePath() { static $path = null; if (is_null($path)) { $path = DUPX_INIT.'/'.'dup-params__'.DUPX_Package::getPackageHash().'.json'; } return $path; } /** * html params info for debug params * * @return void */ public function getParamsHtmlInfo() { if (!$this->getValue(self::PARAM_DEBUG_PARAMS)) { return; } ?> <div id="params-html-info" > <h3>CURRENT VALUES</h3> <ul class="values" > <?php foreach ($this->params as $param) { ?> <li> PARAM <b><?php echo $param->getName(); ?></b> VALUE: <b><?php echo htmlentities(DUPX_Log::varToString($param->getValue())); ?></b> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <h3>LOAD SEQUENCE</h3> <ul class="load-sequence" > <?php foreach ($this->paramsHtmlInfo as $info) { ?> <li> <?php echo $info; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <h3>ARCHIVE PARAM DATA</h3> <pre><?php $data = DUPX_ArchiveConfig::getInstance(); var_dump($data); ?></pre> </div> <?php } /** * get params value list for log * @return string */ public function getParamsToText() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->params as $param) { if (method_exists($param, 'getFormStatus')) { $line = 'PARAM FORM '.$param->getName().' VALUE: '.DUPX_Log::varToString($param->getValue()).' STATUS: '.$param->getFormStatus(); } else { $line = 'PARAM ITEM '.$param->getName().' VALUE: '.DUPX_Log::varToString($param->getValue()); } $result[] = $line; } return implode("\n", $result); } private function __clone() { } }