Edit File: class-twitter.php
<?php /** * Twitter cards functionality. * * @since 0.9.0 * @package RankMath * @subpackage RankMath\OpenGraph * @author Rank Math <support@rankmath.com> * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2019, Yoast BV * The following code is a derivative work of the code from the Yoast(https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/), which is licensed under GPL v3. */ namespace RankMath\OpenGraph; use RankMath\Helper; use RankMath\Post; use RankMath\Helpers\Str; use RankMath\Helpers\Arr; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Twitter class. */ class Twitter extends OpenGraph { /** * Network slug. * * @var string */ public $network = 'twitter'; /** * Metakey prefix. * * @var string */ public $prefix = 'twitter'; /** * Hold site info for twitter card. * * @var string */ private $site = null; /** * Will hold the Twitter card type being created * * @var string */ private $type; /** * The Constructor. */ public function __construct() { /** * Allow changing the Twitter Card type as output in the Twitter card. * * @param string $type */ if ( false === $this->do_filter( 'opengraph/twitter_card', true ) ) { return; } $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'use_facebook', 1 ); $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'type', 5 ); $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'title', 10 ); $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'description', 11 ); $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'website', 14 ); if ( ! post_password_required() ) { $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'image', 30 ); } if ( is_singular() ) { $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'article_author', 15 ); } parent::__construct(); } /** * Set `use_facebook` variable. */ public function use_facebook() { $use_facebook = ( is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax() ) ? Helper::get_term_meta( 'twitter_use_facebook' ) : Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_use_facebook', Post::is_shop_page() ? Post::get_shop_page_id() : 0, true ); if ( $use_facebook ) { $this->prefix = 'facebook'; } } /** * Display the Twitter card type. * * This defaults to summary but can be filtered using the <code>rank_math_twitter_card_type</code> filter. */ public function type() { $this->determine_card_type(); $this->sanitize_card_type(); $this->tag( 'twitter:card', $this->type ); $remove_tags = false; if ( is_singular() && ! is_front_page() && in_array( $this->type, [ 'app', 'player' ], true ) ) { $remove_tags = 'app' === $this->type; $this->action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', $this->type, 15 ); } $remove_tags = is_date() && in_array( $this->type, [ 'summary', 'summary_large_image' ], true ); if ( $remove_tags ) { $this->remove_tags(); } } /** * Output App card. */ public function app() { $this->tag( 'twitter:description', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_description' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:app:country', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_country' ) ); // iPhone. $this->tag( 'twitter:app:name:iphone', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_iphone_name' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:app:id:iphone', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_iphone_id' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:app:url:iphone', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_iphone_url' ) ); // iPad. $this->tag( 'twitter:app:name:ipad', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_ipad_name' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:app:id:ipad', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_ipad_id' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:app:url:ipad', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_ipad_url' ) ); // Google Play. $this->tag( 'twitter:app:name:googleplay', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_googleplay_name' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:app:id:googleplay', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_googleplay_id' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:app:url:googleplay', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_app_googleplay_url' ) ); } /** * Output player card. */ public function player() { $this->tag( 'twitter:player', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_player_url' ) ); $size = Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_player_size' ); if ( $size ) { $size = Arr::from_string( $size, 'x' ); if ( isset( $size[1] ) ) { $twitter_meta['twitter:player:width'] = (int) $size[0]; $twitter_meta['twitter:player:height'] = (int) $size[1]; } } $this->tag( 'twitter:player:stream', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_player_stream' ) ); $this->tag( 'twitter:player:stream:content_type', Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_player_stream_ctype' ) ); } /** * Output the title. */ public function title() { $this->tag( 'twitter:title', trim( $this->get_title() ) ); } /** * Output the description. */ public function description() { $this->tag( 'twitter:description', trim( $this->get_description() ) ); } /** * Output the Twitter account for the site. */ public function website() { $this->site = Helper::get_settings( 'titles.twitter_author_names' ); if ( Str::is_non_empty( $this->site ) ) { $this->tag( 'twitter:site', '@' . $this->site ); } } /** * Output the image for Twitter. * * Only used when OpenGraph is inactive or Summary Large Image card is chosen. */ public function image() { $images = new Image( false, $this ); foreach ( $images->get_images() as $image_url => $image_meta ) { $overlay = $this->get_overlay_image( $this->prefix ); if ( $overlay && ! empty( $image_meta['id'] ) ) { $secret = $images->generate_secret( $image_meta['id'], $overlay ); $image_url = admin_url( "admin-ajax.php?action=rank_math_overlay_thumb&id={$image_meta['id']}&type={$overlay}&hash={$secret}" ); } $this->tag( 'twitter:image', esc_url_raw( $image_url ) ); } } /** * Outputs the authors twitter handle. */ public function article_author() { $author = Helper::get_user_meta( 'twitter_author', $GLOBALS['post']->post_author ); $author = $author ? $author : get_user_meta( $GLOBALS['post']->post_author, 'twitter', true ); $author = $this->get_twitter_id( ltrim( trim( $author ), '@' ) ); if ( Str::is_non_empty( $author ) ) { $this->tag( 'twitter:creator', '@' . $author ); } elseif ( Str::is_non_empty( $this->site ) ) { $this->tag( 'twitter:creator', '@' . $this->site ); } } /** * Determines the twitter card type for the current page */ private function determine_card_type() { $this->type = Helper::get_post_meta( 'twitter_card_type' ); $this->type = $this->type ? $this->type : Helper::get_settings( 'titles.twitter_card_type' ); /** * Allow changing the Twitter Card type as output in the Twitter card. * * @param string $this->type */ $this->type = $this->do_filter( 'opengraph/twitter/card_type', $this->type ); } /** * Determines whether the card type is of a type currently allowed by Twitter * * @link https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types */ private function sanitize_card_type() { if ( ! in_array( $this->type, [ 'summary', 'summary_large_image', 'app', 'player' ], true ) ) { $this->type = 'summary'; } } /** * Checks if the given ID is actually an ID or a URL and if URL, distills the ID from it. * * Solves issues with filters returning URLs and theme's/other plugins also adding a user meta * twitter field which expects URL rather than an ID (which is what we expect). * * @param string $id Twitter ID or URL. * * @return string|bool Twitter ID or false if it failed to get a valid Twitter ID. */ private function get_twitter_id( $id ) { if ( preg_match( '`([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,25})$`', $id, $match ) ) { return $match[1]; } return false; } /** * Remove archive tags. */ private function remove_tags() { $this->remove_action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'title', 10 ); $this->remove_action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'description', 11 ); $this->remove_action( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter', 'image', 30 ); } }