Edit File: db-user-perms.php
<?php /** * * @package templates/default * */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; /* Variables */ /* @var $testResult int */ /* @var $dbuser string */ /* @var $dbname string */ /* @var $perms array */ /* @var $errorMessages string[] */ $statusClass = $testResult == DUPX_Validation_test_db_user_perms::LV_PASS ? 'green' : 'red'; ?> <div class="sub-title">STATUS</div> <p class="<?php echo $statusClass; ?>"> <?php switch ($testResult) { case DUPX_Validation_test_db_user_perms::LV_PASS: ?> The user <b>[<?php echo htmlentities($dbuser); ?>]</b> the correct privileges on the database <b>[<?php echo htmlentities($dbname); ?>]</b>. <?php break; case DUPX_Validation_test_db_user_perms::LV_FAIL: ?> The user <b>[<?php echo htmlentities($dbuser); ?>]</b> is missing privileges on the database <b>[<?php echo htmlentities($dbname); ?>]</b> <?php break; case DUPX_Validation_test_db_user_perms::LV_HARD_WARNING: ?> The user <b>[<?php echo htmlentities($dbuser); ?>]</b> is missing privileges on the database <b>[<?php echo htmlentities($dbname); ?>]</b><br> You can continue with the installation but some features may not be restored correctly. <?php break; } ?> </p> <?php if (!empty($errorMessages)) { ?> <p> Error detail: <br> <?php foreach ($errorMessages as $errorMessage) { ?> <span class="red" ><?php echo htmlentities($errorMessage); ?></span><br> <?php } ?> </p> <?php } ?> <div class="sub-title">DETAILS</div> <p> This test checks the privileges a user has when working with tables. Below is a list of all the privileges that the user can currently view. In order to successfully use Duplicator Pro all of the privileges are required. </p> <div class="sub-title">TABLE PRIVILEDGES ON [<?php echo htmlentities($dbname); ?>]</div> <ul class="tbl-list"> <li> <b>Create:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['create']); ?>"> </li> <li> <b>Select:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['select']); ?>"> </li> <li> <b>Insert:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['insert']); ?>"> </li> <li> <b>Update:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['update']); ?>"> </li> <li> <b>Delete:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['delete']); ?>"> </li> <li> <b>Drop:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['drop']); ?>"> </li> <?php if ($perms['view'] < DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_SKIP) { ?> <li> <b>Create Views:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['view']); ?>"> </li> <?php } if ($perms['proc'] < DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_SKIP) { ?> <li> <b>Create & Alter Procedures:</b> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($perms['proc']); ?>"> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="sub-title">TROUBLESHOOT</div> <ul> <li>Validate that the database user is correct per your hosts documentation</li> <li> Check to make sure the 'User' has been granted the correct privileges <ul class='vids'> <li><i class="fa fa-video-camera"></i> <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU9WCC_-8aI' target='_video'>How to grant user privileges in cPanel</a></li> <li><i class="fa fa-video-camera"></i> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfX-B-h3vo0" target="_video">How to grant user privileges in phpMyAdmin</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><i class="far fa-file-code"></i> <a href='<?php echo DUPX_U::esc_attr(DUPX_Constants::FAQ_URL); ?>#faq-installer-100-q' target='_help'>I'm running into issues with the Database what can I do?</a></li> </ul>