Edit File: db-supported-charset.php
<?php /** * * @package templates/default * */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; /* Variables */ /* @var $testResult int // DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::[LV_FAIL|LV_HARD_WARNING|...] */ /* @var $invalidCharsets string[] */ /* @var $invalidCollations string[] */ /* @var $charsetsList string[] */ /* @var $collationsList string[] */ /* @var $usedCharset string */ /* @var $usedCollate string */ /* @var $errorMessage string */ $statusClass = $testResult > DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_SOFT_WARNING ? 'green' : 'red'; $dupDatabase = basename(DUPX_Package::getSqlFilePath()); $dupDatabaseDupFolder = basename(DUPX_INIT).'/'.$dupDatabase; $invalidCheckboxTitle = ''; $subTitle = ''; ?> <div class="sub-title">STATUS</div> <p class="<?php echo $statusClass; ?>"> <?php switch ($testResult) { case DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_FAIL: ?> It is impossible to verify the list of charsets in the database. <?php break; case DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_HARD_WARNING: if (!empty($invalidCharsets) && !empty($invalidCollations)) { $invalidCheckboxTitle = '"Legacy Character set" and "Legacy Collation"'; $subTitle = 'character set and collation'; } elseif (!empty($invalidCharsets)) { $invalidCheckboxTitle = '"Legacy Character set"'; $subTitle = 'character set'; } elseif (!empty($invalidCollations)) { $invalidCheckboxTitle = '"Legacy Collation"'; $subTitle = 'collation'; } ?> <?php echo htmlentities($subTitle); ?> isn't supported on current database. <?php echo htmlentities($invalidCheckboxTitle); ?> will be replaced with default values.<br> <?php break; default: ?> Character set and Collate test passed! This database supports the required table character sets and collations. <?php break; } ?> </p> <?php if (!empty($errorMessage)) { ?> <p> Error detail: <span class="red" ><?php echo htmlentities($errorMessage); ?></span> </p> <?php } ?> <div class="sub-title">DETAILS</div> <p> This test checks to make sure this database can support the character set and collations found in the <b><?php echo htmlentities($dupDatabaseDupFolder); ?></b> script. </p> <table class="validation-charset-list margin-bottom-1"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" > <b>Character set list</b> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($charsetsList as $charset) { ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $charset; ?> </td> <td> <?php $testLv = in_array($charset, $invalidCharsets) ? DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_FAIL : DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_PASS; ?> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($testLv); ?>"> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" > <b>Collations list</b></b> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($collationsList as $collate) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $collate; ?></td> <td> <?php $testLv = in_array($collate, $invalidCollations) ? DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_FAIL : DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_PASS; ?> <span class="status-badge <?php echo DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::resultLevelToBadgeClass($testLv); ?>"> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tbody> </table> <?php if ($testResult == DUPX_Validation_abstract_item::LV_HARD_WARNING) { ?> <p> The database where the package was created has a <b><?php echo htmlentities($subTitle); ?></b> that is not supported on this server. This issue happens when a site is moved from an newer version of MySQL to a older version of MySQL. The recommended fix is to update MySQL on this server to support the character set that is failing below. <b>If this is not an option for your host, then you can continue the installation. Invalid values will be replaced with the default values.</b> For more details about this issue and other details regarding this issue see the FAQ link below. </p> <?php } ?> <p> <i>Default charset and setting in current installation</i><br> <i>DB_CHARSET = <b><?php echo $usedCharset; ?></b></i><br> <i>DB_COLLATE = <b><?php echo $usedCollate; ?></b></i> <p> <div class="sub-title">TROUBLESHOOT</div> <ul> <li> <i class="far fa-file-code"></i> <a href='<?php echo DUPX_U::esc_attr(DUPX_Constants::FAQ_URL); ?>#faq-installer-110-q' target='_help'> What is Compatibility mode & 'Unknown Collation' errors? </a> </li> <li> In case the default charset/collates are not the desired ones you can <b>change the setting</b> in the <b>advanced installation mode</b>. </li> </ul>