Edit File: transfer.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); DUP_PRO_U::hasCapability('export'); /* @var $package DUP_PRO_Package */ $storage_list = DUP_PRO_Storage_Entity::get_all(); $storage_list_count = count($storage_list); $transfer_occurring = (($package->Status >= DUP_PRO_PackageStatus::STORAGE_PROCESSING) && ($package->Status < DUP_PRO_PackageStatus::COMPLETE)); $view_state = DUP_PRO_UI_ViewState::getArray(); $ui_css_transfer_log = (isset($view_state['dup-transfer-transfer-log']) && $view_state['dup-transfer-transfer-log']) ? 'display:block' : 'display:none'; ?> <style> h3 {margin:10px 0 5px 0} div.transfer-panel {padding:5px 5px 10px 10px;} div.transfer-hdr { margin: 0 0 20px 0} div#step1-section {margin: 5px 0 40px 0} div#step1-section label {font-weight: bold; padding-right: 20px} div#step2-section {margin: 5px 0 40px 0} div#location-quick-opts {display:none} div#location-quick-opts input[type=text] {width:300px} div#step3-section {margin: 5px 0 20px 0} div#dpro-progress-bar-area {width:300px; margin:5px auto 0 auto; ext-align: center} div.dpro-active-status-area { display: none; } #dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn { margin-top: 10px; } button.dpro-btn-stop {width:150px !important} </style> <div class="transfer-panel"> <div class="transfer-hdr"> <h2><i class="fas fa-exchange-alt"></i> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Manual Transfer'); ?></h2> <hr/> </div> <!-- =================== STEP 1 Old --> <div id="step1-section" style="display:none"> <h3><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Step 1: Select Files') ?></h3> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="files-installer" /> <i class="fa fa-bolt fa-sm"></i> <label for="files-installer"><?php echo DUP_PRO_U::__('Installer').' '.DUP_PRO_U::byteSize($package->Installer->Size); ?> </label> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="files-archive" /> <i class="fa fa-archive fa-sm"></i> <label for="files-archive"><?php echo DUP_PRO_U::__('Archive').' '.$package->ZipSize ?></label> <input type="checkbox" id="files-database" /> <i class="fas fa-database fa-sm"></i> <label for="files-database"><?php echo DUP_PRO_U::__('Database').' '.DUP_PRO_U::byteSize($package->Database->Size); ?></label> </div> <!-- =================== STEP 1 --> <div id="step2-section"> <div style="margin:0px 0 0px 0"> <h3><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Step 1: Choose Location') ?></h3> <input style="display:none" type="radio" name="location" id="location-storage" checked="checked" onclick="DupPro.Pack.Transfer.ToggleLocation()" /> <label style="display:none" for="location-storage"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Storage'); ?></label> <input style="display:none" type="radio" name="location" id="location-quick" onclick="DupPro.Pack.Transfer.ToggleLocation()" /> <label style="display:none" for="location-quick"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Quick FTP Connect'); ?></label> </div> <!-- STEP 1: STORAGE --> <table id="location-storage-opts" class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th style='white-space: nowrap; width:10px;'></th> <th style='width:275px'><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Name') ?></th> <th style='width:100px'><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Type') ?></th> <th style="white-space: nowrap"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Location') ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $i = 0; foreach ($storage_list as $store) : /* @var $store DUP_PRO_Storage_Entity */ if ($store->id != DUP_PRO_Virtual_Storage_IDs::Default_Local) { $i++; $store_type = $store->get_storage_type_string(); $store_location = $store->get_storage_location_string(); $is_valid = $store->is_valid(); $mincheck = ($i == 1) ? 'data-parsley-mincheck="1" data-parsley-required="true"' : ''; $row_style = ($i % 2) ? 'alternate' : ''; $row_style .= ($is_valid) ? '' : ' storage-missing'; ?> <tr class="package-row <?php echo $row_style ?>"> <td> <input class="duppro-storage-input" <?php echo DUP_PRO_UI::echoDisabled($is_valid == false); ?> name="_storage_ids[]" data-parsley-errors-container="#storage_error_container" <?php echo $mincheck; ?> type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $store->id; ?>" /> <input name="edit_id" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $i ?>" /> </td> <td> <a href="?page=duplicator-pro-storage&tab=storage&inner_page=edit&storage_id=<?php echo intval($store->id); ?>" target="_blank"> <?php echo ($is_valid == false) ? '<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-sm"></i>' : (($store_type == 'Local') ? '<i class="fa fa-server"></i>' : '<i class="fa fa-cloud"></i>'); echo " {$store->name}"; ?> </a> </td> <td><?php echo $store_type ?></td> <td><?php echo (($store_type == 'Local') || ($store_type == 'Google Drive') || ($store_type == 'Amazon S3')) ? $store_location : "<a href='{$store_location}' target='_blank'>".urldecode($store_location)."</a>"; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } endforeach; ?> <?php if ($i == 0) : ?> <tr class="package-row"> <td colspan="4" style="text-align: center">- <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('No Storage Items Found') ?> -</td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> </tbody> <tr style="background: #F1F1F1"> <td colspan="4" style="text-align:right; padding:3px"> <a href="admin.php?page=duplicator-pro-storage&tab=storage&inner_page=edit" target="_blank"> [<?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Create New Storage') ?>] </a> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- STEP 1: QUICK --> <div style="display:none" id="location-quick-opts"> <table> <tr> <td><label><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Host'); ?>:</label></td> <td><input type="text" id="quick-host" name="quick-host" /></td> <td> <label><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Port'); ?>:</label> <input type="text" id="quick-port" name="quick-port" style="width:50px" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Username'); ?>:</label></td> <td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="quick-user" name="quick-user" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Password'); ?>:</label></td> <td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="quick-pass" name="quick-pass" /></td> </tr> </table> <input type="button" class="button button-small" value="<?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_attr_e('Test Connection') ?>"/> </div> </div> <!-- =================== STEP 2 --> <div id="step3-section"> <h3> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Step 2: Transfer Files') ?><br/><br/> </h3> <input style="display: <?php echo ($transfer_occurring ? 'none' : 'default'); ?>" id="dup-pro-transfer-btn" type="button" class="button button-large button-primary" value="<?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_attr_e('Start Transfer') ?>" onclick="DupPro.Pack.Transfer.StartTransfer();"/> <div style="width:700px; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" class="dpro-active-status-area"> <div style="display:none; font-size:20px; font-weight:bold" id="dpro-progress-bar-percent"></div> <div style="font-size:14px" id="dpro-progress-bar-text"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Processing') ?></div> <div id="dpro-progress-bar-percent-help"> <small><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Full package percentage shown on packages screen'); ?></small> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align: center;"> <div id="dpro-progress-bar-area" class="dpro-active-status-area"> <div class="dup-pro-meter-wrapper" > <div class="dup-pro-meter blue dup-pro-fullsize"> <span></span> </div> <span class="text"></span> </div> <button disabled id="dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn" type="button" class="button button-large button-primarybutton dpro-btn-stop" value="" onclick="DupPro.Pack.Transfer.StopBuild();"> <i class="fa fa-times fa-sm"></i> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Stop Transfer'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </div> <!-- =============================== TRANSFER LOG --> <div class="dup-box"> <div class="dup-box-title"> <i class="fas fa-database fa-sm"></i> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Transfer Log') ?> <div class="dup-box-arrow"></div> </div> <div class="dup-box-panel" id="dup-transfer-transfer-log" style="<?php echo $ui_css_transfer_log ?>"> <table class="widefat package-tbl"> <thead> <tr> <th style='width:150px'><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Started') ?></th> <th style='width:100px'><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Stopped') ?></th> <th style="white-space: nowrap"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Status') ?></th> <th style="white-space: nowrap"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Type') ?></th> <th style="width: 50%; white-space: nowrap"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Description') ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <?php $alert1 = new DUP_PRO_UI_Dialog(); $alert1->title = DUP_PRO_U::__('Storage Warning!'); $alert1->message = DUP_PRO_U::__('At least one storage location must be checked.'); $alert1->initAlert(); $alert2 = new DUP_PRO_UI_Dialog(); $alert2->title = DUP_PRO_U::__('Transfer Failure!'); $alert2->message = DUP_PRO_U::__('Transfer failure when calling duplicator_pro_manual_transfer_storage.'); $alert2->initAlert(); $alert3 = new DUP_PRO_UI_Dialog(); $alert3->title = DUP_PRO_U::__('Build Error'); $alert3->message = DUP_PRO_U::__('Failed to stop build'); $alert3->initAlert(); $alert4 = new DUP_PRO_UI_Dialog(); $alert4->title = $alert3->title; $alert4->message = DUP_PRO_U::__('Failed to stop build due to ajax error.'); $alert4->initAlert(); $alert5 = new DUP_PRO_UI_Dialog(); $alert5->title = 'INFO!'; $alert5->message = ''; // javascript inserted message $alert5->initAlert(); $alert6 = new DUP_PRO_UI_Dialog(); $alert6->title = 'INFO!'; $alert6->message = ''; // javascript inserted message $alert6->initAlert(); ?> <script> DupPro.Pack.Transfer = {}; jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { var transferRequestedTimestamp = 0; var activePackageId = -1; DupPro.Pack.Transfer.GetTimeStamp = function () { return Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); } /* METHOD: Starts the data transfer */ DupPro.Pack.Transfer.StartTransfer = function () { if (jQuery('#location-storage-opts input[type=checkbox]:checked').length == 0) { <?php $alert1->showAlert(); ?> } else { $(".dpro-active-status-area").show(500); var selected_storage_ids = $.map($(':checkbox[name=_storage_ids\\[\\]]:checked'), function (n, i) { return n.value; }); var data = { action: 'duplicator_pro_manual_transfer_storage', package_id: <?php echo absint($package_id); ?>, storage_ids: selected_storage_ids, nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('duplicator_pro_manual_transfer_storage'); ?>' } console.log("sending to selected storages " + selected_storage_ids); transferRequestedTimestamp = DupPro.Pack.Transfer.GetTimeStamp(); $("#dpro-progress-bar-text").text("<?php echo DUP_PRO_U::__('Initiating transfer. Please wait.') ?>"); $("#dpro-progress-bar-percent").text(''); DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(true); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, cache: false, timeout: 10000000, data: data, success: function (respData) { try { var parsedData = DupPro.parseJSON(respData); } catch (err) { console.error(err); console.error('JSON parse failed for response data: ' + respData); <?php $alert2->showAlert(); ?> transferRequestedTimestamp = 0; DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(false); console.log(respData); return false; } if (!parsedData.success) { if (parsedData.message != '') { <?php $alert5->showAlert(); ?> $("#<?php echo $alert5->getID(); ?>_message").html(parsedData.message); } transferRequestedTimestamp = 0; DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(false); DupPro.Pack.Transfer.GetPackageState(); } }, error: function (respData) { <?php $alert2->showAlert(); ?> transferRequestedTimestamp = 0; DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(false); console.log(respData); } }); } }; /* METHOD: Starts the data transfer */ DupPro.Pack.Transfer.StopBuild = function () { var data = { action: 'duplicator_pro_package_stop_build', package_id: activePackageId, nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('duplicator_pro_package_stop_build'); ?>' } $("#dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn").prop("disabled", true); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, timeout: 10000000, data: data, success: function (respData) { try { var parsedData = DupPro.parseJSON(respData); } catch(err) { console.error(err); console.error('JSON parse failed for response data: ' + respData); <?php $alert4->showAlert(); ?> $("#dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn").prop("disabled", false); return false; } if (!parsedData.success) { <?php $alert3->showAlert(); ?> $("#dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn").prop("disabled", false); } console.log(parsedData.message); }, error: function (respData) { <?php $alert4->showAlert(); ?> $("#dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn").prop("disabled", false); } }); }; /* METHOD: Progress bar display state*/ DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState = function (activeProcessing) { if (activeProcessing) { $(".dpro-active-status-area").show(500); $("#dup-pro-transfer-btn").hide(); $("#location-storage input").prop("disabled", true); $("#location-storage-opts input").prop("disabled", true); } else { $("#dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn").prop("disabled", true); // Only allow to revert after enough time has past since the last transfer request currentTimestamp = DupPro.Pack.Transfer.GetTimeStamp(); if ((currentTimestamp - transferRequestedTimestamp) > 10) { $("#location-storage input").prop("disabled", false); $("#location-storage-opts input").prop("disabled", false); $("#dup-pro-transfer-btn").show(); $(".dpro-active-status-area").hide(); } } } /* METHOD: Retreive package state */ DupPro.Pack.Transfer.GetPackageState = function () { var package_id = <?php echo $package_id; ?>; var data = { action: 'duplicator_pro_packages_details_transfer_get_package_vm', package_id: package_id, nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('duplicator_pro_packages_details_transfer_get_package_vm'); ?>' }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, timeout: 10000000, data: data, success: function (respData) { try { var parsedData = DupPro.parseJSON(respData); } catch (err) { console.error(err); console.error('JSON parse failed for response data: ' + respData); console.log("Transfer failure."); DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(false); console.log(respData); return false; } console.log(parsedData); if (parsedData.success) { var vm = parsedData.vm; // vm - view model for this screen // vm.active_package_id: Active package id (-1 for none) // vm.percent_text: Percent through the current transfer // vm.text: Text to display // vm.transfer_logs: array of transfer request vms (start, stop, status, message) if (activePackageId != vm.active_package_id) { // Once we have an active package ID allow the stop button to be clicked $("#dup-pro-stop-transfer-btn").prop("disabled", false); } activePackageId = vm.active_package_id; if (vm.active_package_id == -1) { // No packages are running DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(false); } else if (vm.active_package_id == package_id) { // This package is running if (vm.percent_text != '') { $("#dpro-progress-bar-percent").text(vm.percent_text); } else { $("#dpro-progress-bar-percent").text(''); } $("#dpro-progress-bar-text").text(vm.text); DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(true); } else { // A package other than this one is running $("#dpro-progress-bar-text").text(vm.text); DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(true); } DupPro.Pack.Transfer.UpdateTransferLog(vm); } else { if (parsedData.message != '') { <?php $alert6->showAlert(); ?> $("#<?php echo $alert6->getID(); ?>_message").html(parsedData.message); } DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(false); console.log(data); } }, error: function (data) { console.log("Transfer failure."); DupPro.Pack.Transfer.SetUIState(false); console.log(data); } }); }; /* METHOD: Updates the transfer log with the information from the view model */ DupPro.Pack.Transfer.UpdateTransferLog = function (vm) { $("#dup-transfer-transfer-log table tbody").empty(); var i; for (i = 0; i < vm.transfer_logs.length; i++) { var transfer_log = vm.transfer_logs[i]; var row_style = (i % 2) ? ' alternate' : ''; var row_html = '<tr class="package-row"' + row_style + '">'; row_html += '<td style="width:16%">' + transfer_log.started + '</td>'; row_html += '<td style="width:16%">' + transfer_log.stopped + '</td>'; row_html += '<td style="width:10%">' + transfer_log.status_text + '</td>'; row_html += '<td style="width:12%">' + transfer_log.storage_type_text + '</td>'; row_html += '<td style="width:46%">' + transfer_log.message + '</td>'; row_html += '</tr>'; $("#dup-transfer-transfer-log table tbody").append(row_html); } if (i == 0) { var row_html = '<tr><td colspan="5" style="text-align:center"><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('- No transactions found for this package -'); ?></td></tr>'; $("#dup-transfer-transfer-log table tbody").append(row_html); } }; //INIT DupPro.Pack.Transfer.GetPackageState(); setInterval(DupPro.Pack.Transfer.GetPackageState, 8000); }); </script>