Edit File: inc.validator.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); wp_enqueue_script('dup-pro-handlebars'); $scan_run = (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'duplicator_recursion') ? true :false; $ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce('DUP_PRO_CTRL_Tools_runScanValidator'); ?> <style> div#hb-result {padding: 10px 5px 0 5px; line-height:20px; font-size: 12px} </style> <!-- ========================================== THICK-BOX DIALOGS: --> <?php $confirm1 = new DUP_PRO_UI_Dialog(); $confirm1->title = DUP_PRO_U::__('Run Validator'); $confirm1->message = DUP_PRO_U::__('This will run the scan validation check. This may take several minutes. Do you want to Continue?'); $confirm1->progressOn = false; $confirm1->jsCallback = 'DupPro.Tools.runScanValidator()'; $confirm1->initConfirm(); ?> <!-- ============================== SCAN VALIDATOR --> <div class="dup-box"> <div class="dup-box-title"> <i class="far fa-check-square"></i> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("Scan Validator"); ?> <div class="dup-box-arrow"></div> </div> <div class="dup-box-panel" style="display: <?php echo $scan_run ? 'block' : 'none'; ?>"> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("This utility will help to find unreadable files and sys-links in your environment that can lead to issues during the scan process. "); DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("The utility will also shows how many files and directories you have in your system. This process may take several minutes to run. "); DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("If there is a recursive loop on your system then the process has a built in check to stop after a large set of files and directories have been scanned. "); DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("A message will show indicated that that a scan depth has been reached. If you have issues with the package scanner (step 2) during the build process then try to add " . "The paths below to your file filters to allow the scanner to finish."); ?> <br/><br/> <button id="scan-run-btn" type="button" class="button button-large button-primary" onclick="DupPro.Tools.ConfirmScanValidator()"> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("Run Scan Integrity Validation"); ?> </button> <script id="hb-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> <b><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Scan Paths:'); ?></b><br/> {{#if payload.scanPaths}} {{#each payload.scanPaths}} {{@index}} : {{this}}<br/> {{/each}} {{else}} <i><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Empty scan path'); ?></i> <br/> {{/if}} <br/> <b><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Scan Results'); ?></b><br/> <table> <tr> <td><b><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Files:'); ?></b></td> <td>{{payload.fileCount}} </td> <td> </td> <td><b><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Dirs:'); ?></b></td> <td>{{payload.dirCount}} </td> </tr> </table> <br/> <b>Unreadable Dirs/Files:</b> <br/> {{#if payload.unreadable}} {{#each payload.unreadable}} {{@index}} : {{this}}<br/> {{/each}} {{else}} <i><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('No Unreadable items found'); ?></i> <br/> {{/if}} <br/> <b><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Symbolic Links:'); ?></b> <br/> {{#if payload.symLinks}} {{#each payload.symLinks}} {{@index}} : {{this}}<br/> {{/each}} {{else}} <i>No Sym-links found</i> <br/> <small> <?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("Note: Symlinks are not discoverable on Windows OS with PHP"); ?></small> <br/> {{/if}} <br/> <b>Directory Name Checks:</b> <br/> {{#if payload.nameTestDirs}} {{#each payload.nameTestDirs}} {{@index}} : {{this}}<br/> {{/each}} {{else}} <i><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('No name check warnings located for directory paths'); ?></i> <br/> {{/if}} <br/> <b>File Name Checks:</b> <br/> {{#if payload.nameTestFiles}} {{#each payload.nameTestFiles}} {{@index}} : {{this}}<br/> {{/each}} {{else}} <i><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('No name check warnings located for directory paths'); ?></i> <br/> {{/if}} <br/> </script> <div id="hb-result"></div> </div> </div> <br/> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { DupPro.Tools.ConfirmScanValidator = function() { <?php $confirm1->showConfirm(); ?> } //Run request to: admin-ajax.php?action=DUP_CTRL_Tools_runScanValidator DupPro.Tools.runScanValidator = function() { tb_remove(); var data = { action : 'DUP_PRO_CTRL_Tools_runScanValidator', nonce: '<?php echo $ajax_nonce; ?>', 'scan-recursive': 1 }; $('#hb-result').html('<?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("Scanning Environment... This may take a few minutes."); ?>'); $('#scan-run-btn').html('<i class="fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin fa-fw"></i> Running Please Wait...'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, dataType: "text", data: data, success: function(respData) { try { var data = DupPro.parseJSON(respData); } catch(err) { console.error(err); console.error('JSON parse failed for response data: ' + respData); console.log(respData); return false; } DupPro.Tools.IntScanValidator(data); }, error: function(data) {console.log(data)}, done: function(data) {console.log(data)} }); } //Process Ajax Template DupPro.Tools.IntScanValidator= function(data) { var template = $('#hb-template').html(); var templateScript = Handlebars.compile(template); var html = templateScript(data); $('#hb-result').html(html); $('#scan-run-btn').html('<?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e("Run Scan Integrity Validation"); ?>'); } }); </script>