Edit File: class.u.s3.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); // S3 Notes // Object key is a unique name within the bucket up to 1024 characters ong - you would put full path in here // Client specifies region and bucket is in a region - unknown ramifications of making these different // Need to do the following from user // * Create bucket if not exists (checkbox) // * Path within bucket [first part of object key] // * Region for client // * Access keys (recommend they create new ones with limited functionality - in the future we could use master user to create sub users so we don't have access to their entire account) // * Storage class - Standard, Stnd1ard/Infrequent Access, Reduced Redundancy // * Important metadata: Date (creation date) // * Note ALL keys should not be prefixed with / but look like a relative path // Test information // test.snapcreek.com // user:bob // Access Key ID: AKIAJ2AVLUPKYIFP5V3Q // Secret Access Key: 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 if (DUP_PRO_U::PHP53()) { require_once (DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH.'/aws/aws-autoloader.php'); class DUP_PRO_S3_Client_UploadInfo { // S3 API LIMIT CAN'T BE LOWER OF 5120 KB const UPLOAD_PART_MIN_SIZE_IN_K = 5120; const UploadPartSizeBytes = 2097152; public $next_offset = 0; public $error_details = null; public $is_complete = false; public $upload_id = ''; public $parts = array(); public $part_number = 1; public $src_filepath; public $bucket; public $dest_directory; public $upload_part_size = self::UploadPartSizeBytes; public $storage_class; public function get_key() { $trimmed_dir = trim($this->dest_directory, '/'); $basename = basename($this->src_filepath); return "$trimmed_dir/$basename"; } } class DUP_PRO_S3_U { public static function delete_file($s3_client, $bucket, $remote_filepath) { $success = false; try { $result = $s3_client->deleteObject(array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $remote_filepath)); $delete_marker = ((bool) $result->get('DeleteMarker') ? 'true' : 'false'); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Delete of S3 file $remote_filepath succeeded delete marker = $delete_marker"); $success = true; } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Exception when trying to delete S3 file $remote_filepath in bucket $bucket"); } return $success; } // Retrieve files in a given directory orderd by creation date public static function get_files_in_directory($s3_client, $remote_parent_directory) { $remote_file_paths = null; return $remote_file_paths; } public static function get_active_multipart_uploads($s3_client, $bucket, $storage_folder) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Looking for bucket $bucket $storage_folder"); $results = false; try { $dirname = trim($storage_folder, '/').'/'; $return_val = $s3_client->listMultipartUploads(array( 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Delimiter' => '/', 'Prefix' => $dirname )); $results = array(); if (array_key_exists('Uploads', $return_val)) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("**** Uploads key exists "); foreach ($return_val['Uploads'] as $upload) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->upload_id = $upload['UploadId']; $result->key = $upload['Key']; $result->timestamp = strtotime($upload['Initiated']); $results[] = $result; } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("**** Uploads key doesnt exist"); } } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Exception when retrieving multipart uploads in bucket $bucket:".$ex->getMessage()); } return $results; } public static function abort_multipart_upload($s3_client, $bucket, $key, $upload_id) { try { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Aborting multipart upload $upload_id"); $s3_client->abortMultipartUpload(array( 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $key, 'UploadId' => $upload_id )); } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Exception when aborting multipart upload $upload_id in bucket $bucket:".$ex->getMessage()); } } // Upload a file all in one shot // returns true/false for success/failure public static function upload_file($s3_client, $bucket, $src_filepath, $remote_directory, $storage_class, $dest_filename = '') { // storage classes: s3 standard, s3 infrequent access, reduced redundency $success = false; try { $filename = !empty($dest_filename) ? $dest_filename : basename($src_filepath); $key = trim($remote_directory, '/'); $key = "$key/$filename"; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Bucket: $bucket, Key:$key SouceFile:$src_filepath StorageClass:$storage_class"); $result = $s3_client->putObject(array( 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $key, 'SourceFile' => $src_filepath, 'ACL' => 'bucket-owner-full-control', 'StorageClass' => $storage_class, )); $result = $result->getAll(); $local_md5 = md5_file($src_filepath); $s3_md5 = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $result['ETag']); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace(print_r($result,true)); DUP_PRO_Log::trace("$local_md5 <===> $s3_md5"); $success = $local_md5 == $s3_md5; // $success = true; } catch (Exception $ex) { if (!isset($src_filepath)) { $src_filepath = 'test file'; } DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Error uploading $src_filepath to S3. Exception:".$ex); } return $success; } // Will either upload it successfully or populate $upload_info->error_details public static function upload_file_chunk($s3_client, &$s3_client_uploadinfo, $max_upload_time_in_sec = 15, $server_load_delay = 0) { /* @var $s3_client DuplicatorPro\Aws\S3\S3Client */ /* @var $s3_client_uploadinfo DUP_PRO_S3_Client_UploadInfo */ try { if (file_exists($s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath) == false) { $message = "{$s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath} doesn't exist!"; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); $s3_client_uploadinfo->error_details = $message; return $s3_client_uploadinfo; } if ($s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_id == '') { try { $response = $s3_client->createMultipartUpload(array( 'Bucket' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->bucket, 'Key' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->get_key(), 'StorageClass' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->storage_class )); $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_id = $response['UploadId']; return $s3_client_uploadinfo; } catch (Exception $ex) { $message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__("Problem starting multipart upload from %1$s to %2$s in bucket %3$s (chunk_size_in_k %5$s) %4$s"), $s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath, $s3_client_uploadinfo->dest_directory, $s3_client_uploadinfo->bucket, $ex->getMessage(), $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_part_size ); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); $s3_client_uploadinfo->error_details = $message; return $s3_client_uploadinfo; } } // Upload the various parts. $handle = fopen($s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath, "rb"); $filesize = filesize($s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath); if ($handle != false) { fseek($handle, $s3_client_uploadinfo->next_offset); $start_time = time(); $time_passed = 0; while (!$s3_client_uploadinfo->is_complete && !feof($handle) && ($time_passed < $max_upload_time_in_sec)) { if($server_load_delay !== 0) { usleep($server_load_delay); } $amount_left = $filesize - $s3_client_uploadinfo->next_offset; if ($amount_left > $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_part_size) { $read_amount = $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_part_size; } else { $read_amount = $amount_left; } DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("About to upload part {$s3_client_uploadinfo->part_number} with read amount $read_amount at offset {$s3_client_uploadinfo->next_offset}"); $response = $s3_client->uploadPart(array( 'Bucket' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->bucket, 'Key' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->get_key(), 'UploadId' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_id, 'PartNumber' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->part_number, 'Body' => fread($handle, $read_amount), )); $s3_client_uploadinfo->parts[] = array( 'PartNumber' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->part_number++, 'ETag' => trim($response['ETag'], '"') ); $s3_client_uploadinfo->next_offset += $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_part_size; if ($s3_client_uploadinfo->next_offset < $filesize) { fseek($handle, $s3_client_uploadinfo->next_offset); } else { $s3_client_uploadinfo->is_complete = true; } $time_passed = time() - $start_time; } if ($s3_client_uploadinfo->is_complete) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("S3 transfer is complete!"); // Correct the parts array since the etags have problems being stored with quotes $fixed_parts = array(); foreach ($s3_client_uploadinfo->parts as $part) { if (is_array($part)) { $fixed_part['PartNumber'] = $part['PartNumber']; $fixed_part['ETag'] = '"'.$part['ETag'].'"'; } else { $fixed_part['PartNumber'] = $part->PartNumber; $fixed_part['ETag'] = '"'.$part->ETag.'"'; } $fixed_parts[] = $fixed_part; } DUP_PRO_Log::trace(print_r($fixed_parts,true)); try { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceObject("complete multipart $s3_client_uploadinfo->bucket {$s3_client_uploadinfo->get_key()} $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_id", $fixed_parts); $result = $s3_client->completeMultipartUpload(array( 'Bucket' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->bucket, 'Key' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->get_key(), 'UploadId' => $s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_id, 'Parts' => $fixed_parts )); $local_ETag = self::calculateETag($s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath,$s3_client_uploadinfo->upload_part_size); $s3_ETag = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '',$result->get("ETag")); DUP_PRO_Log::trace("$local_ETag <===> $s3_ETag"); if($s3_ETag != $local_ETag){ throw new Exception("MD5 checksums don't match."); } DUP_PRO_Log::trace(print_r($result,true)); $bucket = $s3_client_uploadinfo->bucket; $key = $s3_client_uploadinfo->get_key(); $is_object_exists = $s3_client->doesObjectExist($bucket, $key); if (!$is_object_exists) { throw new Exception("Archive is not exist on the bucket at the completion of multi part upload"); } DUP_PRO_LOG::traceObject('Completed multipart upload', $result); } catch (Exception $ex) { $message = DUP_PRO_U::__("Problem uploading multipart upload from %1$s to %2$s in bucket %3$s %4$s", $s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath, $s3_client_uploadinfo->dest_directory, $s3_client_uploadinfo->bucket, $ex->getMessage() ); DUP_PRO_LOG::traceError($message); $s3_client_uploadinfo->error_details = $message; } } fclose($handle); } else { $s3_client_uploadinfo->error_details = "Error opening $s3_client_uploadinfo->src_filepath"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $s3_client_uploadinfo->error_details = "Error uploading to S3: ".$ex->getMessage(); } return $s3_client_uploadinfo; } public static function download_file($s3_client, $bucket, $remote_directory, $remote_filename, $local_filepath, $overwrite_local = true) { /* @var $s3_client S3Client */ $success = false; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("1"); if ($overwrite_local || (file_exists($local_filepath) === false)) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("2"); $trimmed_dir = trim($remote_directory, '/'); $key = "$trimmed_dir/$remote_filename"; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("bucket: $bucket key:$key saveas:$local_filepath"); try { $result = $s3_client->getObject(array( 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $key, 'SaveAs' => $local_filepath )); DUP_PRO_LOG::traceObject('result', $result); $success = true; } catch (Exception $ex) { $message = DUP_PRO_U::__("Problem downloading $key in bucket $bucket and saving to $local_filepath").$ex->getMessage(); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("3"); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Attempted to download a file to $local_filepath but that file already exists!"); } DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("4"); return $success; } public static function calculateETag($src_file,$chunksize) { $result = ''; $sum_string = ''; $handle = fopen($src_file,"r"); $number_of_parts = 0; while (!feof($handle)) { $file_chunk = fread($handle,$chunksize); $sum_string .= hash("md5",$file_chunk,true); $number_of_parts++; } $result = hash("md5",$sum_string).'-'.$number_of_parts; return $result; } public static function get_s3_client($region, $access_key, $secret_key, $endpoint = '') { $args = array( 'version' => '2006-03-01', 'region' => $region, 'signature' => 'v4', 'credentials' => array('key' => $access_key, 'secret' => $secret_key), ); if ('' != $endpoint) { if (!preg_match("~^(?:f|ht)tps?://~i", $endpoint)) { $endpoint = "https://" . $endpoint; } $args['endpoint'] = $endpoint; } $client = DuplicatorPro\Aws\S3\S3Client::factory($args); $global = DUP_PRO_Global_Entity::get_instance(); $opts = array(); if ($global->ipv4_only) $opts[CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4; $client->setConfig($opts); $verify_peer = $global->ssl_disableverify ? false : true; $verify_host = $global->ssl_disableverify ? 0 : 2; $ssl_ca_cert = false; if (!$global->ssl_useservercerts) { $ssl_ca_cert = DUPLICATOR_PRO_CERT_PATH; } $client->setSslVerification($ssl_ca_cert, $verify_peer, $verify_host); return $client; } } }