Edit File: class.u.json.php
<?php defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; class DUP_PRO_JSON_U { protected static $_messages = array( JSON_ERROR_NONE => 'No error has occurred', JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded', JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH => 'Invalid or malformed JSON', JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded', JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => 'Syntax error', JSON_ERROR_UTF8 => 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded. To resolve see https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/faqs-tech/#faq-package-170-q' ); public static function customEncode($value, $iteration = 1) { if (DUP_PRO_U::PHP53()) { $encoded = DupProSnapJsonU::wp_json_encode_pprint($value); switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("#### no json errors so returning"); return $encoded; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: throw new RuntimeException('Maximum stack depth exceeded'); // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: throw new RuntimeException('Underflow or the modes mismatch'); // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: throw new RuntimeException('Unexpected control character found'); case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: throw new RuntimeException('Syntax error, malformed JSON'); // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: if ($iteration == 1) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("#### utf8 error so redoing"); $clean = self::makeUTF8($value); return self::customEncode($clean, $iteration + 1); } else { throw new RuntimeException('UTF-8 error loop'); } default: throw new RuntimeException('Unknown error'); // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() } } else { return self::oldCustomEncode($value); } } public static function safeEncode($data, $options = 0, $depth = 512) { try { $jsonString = DupProSnapJsonU::wp_json_encode($data, $options, $depth); } catch (Exception $e) { $jsonString = false; } if (($jsonString === false) || trim($jsonString) == '') { $jsonString = self::customEncode($value); if (($jsonString === false) || trim($jsonString) == '') { throw new Exception('Unable to generate JSON from object'); } } return $jsonString; } public static function decode($json, $assoc = false) { return json_decode($json, $assoc); } /** ======================================================== * PRIVATE METHODS * ===================================================== */ private static function makeUTF8($mixed) { if (is_array($mixed)) { foreach ($mixed as $key => $value) { $mixed[$key] = self::makeUTF8($value); } } else if (is_string($mixed)) { return utf8_encode($mixed); } return $mixed; } private static function escapeString($str) { return addcslashes($str, "\v\t\n\r\f\"\\/"); } private static function oldCustomEncode($in) { $out = ""; if (is_object($in)) { //$class_vars = get_object_vars(($in)); //$arr = array(); //foreach ($class_vars as $key => $val) //{ $arr[$key] = "\"".self::escapeString($key)."\":\"{$val}\""; //} //$val = implode(',', $arr); //$out .= "{{$val}}"; $in = get_object_vars($in); } //else if (is_array($in)) { $obj = false; $arr = array(); foreach ($in AS $key => $val) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { $obj = true; } $arr[$key] = self::oldCustomEncode($val); } if ($obj) { foreach ($arr AS $key => $val) { $arr[$key] = "\"".self::escapeString($key)."\":{$val}"; } $val = implode(',', $arr); $out .= "{{$val}}"; } else { $val = implode(',', $arr); $out .= "[{$val}]"; } } elseif (is_bool($in)) { $out .= $in ? 'true' : 'false'; } elseif (is_null($in)) { $out .= 'null'; } elseif (is_string($in)) { $out .= "\"".self::escapeString($in)."\""; } else { $out .= $in; } return "{$out}"; } private static function oldMakeUTF8($val) { if (is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { $val[$k] = self::oldMakeUTF8($v); } } else if (is_object($val)) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { $val->$k = self::oldMakeUTF8($v); } } else { if (mb_detect_encoding($val, 'UTF-8', true)) { return $val; } else { return utf8_encode($val); } } return $val; } }