Edit File: class.u.gdrive.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); if (DUP_PRO_U::PHP53()) { require_once (DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/entities/class.system.global.entity.php'); require_once (DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/utilities/class.u.php'); require_once (DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/utilities/class.u.string.php'); require_once (DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH . '/lib/google/apiclient/autoload.php'); require_once (DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH . '/lib/google/class.enhanced.google.media.file.upload.php'); DUP_PRO_U::init(); class DUP_PRO_GDriveClient_UploadInfo { public $resume_uri = ''; public $next_offset = 0; public $error_details = null; public $is_complete = false; } class DUP_PRO_GDrive_U { const RedirectUri = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'; // Special URI indicating that user should copy and paste const UploadChunkSizeBytes = 1048576; // 2097152; static $Scopes; public static function init() { // The drive.file scope limits access to just those files created by the plugin self::$Scopes = array('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file', 'profile', 'email'); } public static function get_directory_view_link($google_service_drive, $directory) { $directory_id = DUP_PRO_GDrive_U::get_directory_id($google_service_drive, $directory); if($directory_id != null) { $directory_metadata = DUP_PRO_GDrive_U::get_file_metadata_by_id($google_service_drive, $directory_id); if ($directory_metadata != null) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Directory link = " . $directory_metadata->alternateLink); return $directory_metadata->alternateLink; } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Directory link for $directory not found"); return null; } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Directory id for $directory not found"); return null; } } public static function get_file_metadata_by_id($google_service_drive, $file_id) { try { $file_metadata = $google_service_drive->files->get($file_id); } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Problems retrieving metadata for file $file_id"); } return $file_metadata; } public static function delete_file($google_service_drive, $file_id) { $success = false; /* @var $google_service_drive Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive */ try { $google_service_drive->files->delete($file_id); $success = true; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Delete of Google Drive file $file_id succeeded"); } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Exception when trying to delete Google Drive file id $file_id"); } return $success; } // Retrieve files in a given directory orderd by creation date public static function get_files_in_directory($google_service_drive, $directory_id) { $file_items = null; $parameters = array('orderBy' => 'createdTime', 'q' => "'$directory_id' in parents and trashed=false"); try { $file_list = $google_service_drive->files->listFiles($parameters); $file_items = $file_list->getFiles(); } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Error retrieving file list for directory ID $directory_id " . $ex->getMessage()); } return $file_items; } public static function get_file($google_service_drive, $filename, $directory_id) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("get_file for $filename $directory_id"); $file_id = null; $file_items = self::get_files_in_directory($google_service_drive, $directory_id); if($file_items != null) { foreach ($file_items as $drive_file) { /* @var $drive_file Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile */ $google_filename = $drive_file->getName(); if($google_filename == $filename) { $file_id = $drive_file->getId(); break; } } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("files in directory $directory_id are null"); } return $file_id; } public static function get_directory_id($google_service_drive, $path, $autocreate = true) { $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); $path = rtrim($path, '/'); $directory_parts = explode('/', $path); $parent_id = 'root'; try { foreach ($directory_parts as $subdirectory) { $parameters = array(); $parameters['q'] = "'$parent_id' in parents and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and trashed=false"; $file_list = $google_service_drive->files->listFiles($parameters); $folder_id = ''; //DUP_PRO_LOG::traceObject('#### file_list', $file_list); //$items = $file_list->getItems(); $items = $file_list->getFiles(); foreach ($items as $drive_file) { /* @var $drive_file Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile */ if ($drive_file->name == $subdirectory) { $folder_id = $drive_file->id; break; } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("{$drive_file->name} doesnt equal $subdirectory"); } } if ($folder_id == '') { if($autocreate) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Creating new folder " . $subdirectory); // Folder wasn't present so we have to create one $folder_file = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(); $folder_file->setName($subdirectory); $folder_file->setMimeType('application/vnd.google-apps.folder'); $folder_file->setParents(array($parent_id)); $created_file = $google_service_drive->files->create($folder_file, array('mimeType' => 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder')); $folder_id = $created_file->id; } else { // Doesn't exist $parent_id = null; } } $parent_id = $folder_id; } } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Got error when trying to get directory id for $path: " . $ex->getMessage()); $parent_id = null; } return $parent_id; } // Upload a file all in one shot // returns null if error, Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile if success public static function upload_file($google_client, $src_file_path, $parent_file_id, $dest_file_name = '') { /* @var $google_Client Duplicator_Pro_Google_Client */ $drive_file = null; /* @var $google_service_drive Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive */ try { $mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'; $google_service_drive = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive($google_client); $upload_file = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(); //$upload_file->setTitle(basename($src_file_path)); if (empty($dest_file_name)) { $dest_file_name = basename($src_file_path); } $upload_file->setName($dest_file_name); $upload_file->setMimeType($mime_type); $upload_file->setParents(array($parent_file_id)); try { $data = file_get_contents($src_file_path); if ($data !== false) { // DUP_PRO_LOG::traceObject("file to upload", $upload_file) /* @var $drive_file Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile */ $drive_file = $google_service_drive->files->create($upload_file, array('data' => $data, 'uploadType' => 'media')); } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Couldn't read file contents from $src_file_path when attempting Google Drive Upload"); } } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Exception from Google drive insert of $src_file_path " . $ex->getMessage()); } if (isset($drive_file) == false) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("File returned from Google drive insert of $src_file_path is null."); } } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Error uploading $src_file_path to Google Drive"); } return $drive_file; } // Will either upload it successfully or populate $upload_info->error_details public static function upload_file_chunk($google_client, $src_file_path, $parent_file_id, $upload_chunk_size = self::UploadChunkSizeBytes, $max_upload_time_in_sec = 10, $next_offset = 0, $resume_uri = null, $server_load_delay = 0) { /* @var $google_client Duplicator_Pro_Google_Client */ $upload_info = new DUP_PRO_GDriveClient_UploadInfo(); try { if (file_exists($src_file_path) == false) { $upload_info->error_details = "$src_file_path doesn't exist!"; } $google_service_drive = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive($google_client); $google_client->setDefer(true); $upload_file = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(); $upload_file->name = basename($src_file_path); $upload_file->setMimeType('application/octet-stream'); $upload_file->setParents(array($parent_file_id)); $request = $google_service_drive->files->create($upload_file); if ($resume_uri == null) { $resume_uri = false; } $media_file_upload = new DUP_Pro_EnhancedGoogleMediaFileUpload($google_client, $request, 'binary/octet-stream', null, true, $upload_chunk_size, false, $next_offset, $resume_uri); $media_file_upload->setFileSize(filesize($src_file_path)); // Upload the various chunks. $status will be false until the process is complete. $handle = fopen($src_file_path, "rb"); if ($handle != false) { fseek($handle, $next_offset); $start_time = time(); $time_passed = 0; while (!$upload_info->is_complete && !feof($handle) && ($time_passed < $max_upload_time_in_sec)) { if($server_load_delay !== 0) { usleep($server_load_delay); } $chunk = self::read_file_chunk($handle, $upload_chunk_size); $upload_info->is_complete = ($media_file_upload->nextChunk($chunk) !== false); $upload_info->resume_uri = $media_file_upload->resumeUri; $upload_info->next_offset = $media_file_upload->getNextOffset(); fseek($handle, $upload_info->next_offset); $time_passed = time() - $start_time; } if ($upload_info->is_complete) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Upload info is complete!"); } fclose($handle); } else { $upload_info->error_details = "Error opening $src_file_path"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $message = $ex->getMessage(); $upload_info->error_details = "Error uploading to Google Drive: " . $message; if(DUP_PRO_STR::contains($message, 'storage quota has been exceeded')) { /* @var $system_global DUP_PRO_System_Global_Entity */ $system_global = DUP_PRO_System_Global_Entity::get_instance(); $system_global->add_recommended_text_fix(DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__('Google Drive out of storage space'), DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__('Free up space on Google Drive or increase storage quota.')); $system_global->save(); } } $google_client->setDefer(false); return $upload_info; } static function download_file($google_client, $google_file, $local_filepath, $overwrite_local = true) { /* @var $google_client Duplicator_Pro_Google_Client */ /* @var $google_file Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile */ $success = false; if ($overwrite_local || (file_exists($local_filepath) === false)) { $google_service_drive = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Drive($google_client); $file_contents = $google_service_drive->files->get($google_file->id, array('alt' => 'media' )); if (@file_put_contents($local_filepath, $file_contents) === FALSE) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Problem writing downloaded file from $remote_filepath to $local_filepath!"); } else { $success = true; } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Attempted to download a file to $local_filepath but that file already exists!"); } return $success; } static function read_file_chunk($handle, $chunk_size) { $byte_count = 0; $giant_chunk = ""; while (!feof($handle)) { // fread will never return more than 8192 bytes if the stream is read buffered and it does not represent a plain file $chunk = fread($handle, 8192); $byte_count += strlen($chunk); $giant_chunk .= $chunk; if ($byte_count >= $chunk_size) { return $giant_chunk; } } return $giant_chunk; } // Array(email, familyName, givenName,...) public static function get_user_info($google_client) { $userInfoService = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Service_Oauth2($google_client); $userInfo = null; try { $userInfo = $userInfoService->userinfo->get(); return $userInfo; } catch (Duplicator_Pro_Google_Exception $e) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Error retrieving user information"); } if ($userInfo != null && $userInfo->getId() == null) { $userInfo = null; } return $userInfo; } public static function get_binary_self_value() { return 'jfds2!x4'; } public static function get_binary_extraction_value() { return 'kkd23p'; } public static function get_raw_google_client() { $client = new Duplicator_Pro_Google_Client(); $global = DUP_PRO_Global_Entity::get_instance(); $io = $client->getIo(); $setopts = array(); if (is_a($io, 'Duplicator_Pro_Google_IO_Curl')) { $setopts[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = $global->ssl_disableverify ? false : true; $setopts[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = $global->ssl_disableverify ? 0 : 2; if (!$global->ssl_useservercerts) { $setopts[CURLOPT_CAINFO] = DUPLICATOR_PRO_CERT_PATH; $setopts[CURLOPT_CAPATH] = DUPLICATOR_PRO_CERT_PATH; } // Raise the timeout from the default of 15 $setopts[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = 360; $setopts[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = 180; if ($global->ipv4_only) $setopts[CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4; } elseif (is_a($io, 'Duplicator_Pro_Google_IO_Stream')) { $setopts['timeout'] = 360; // https://wiki.php.net/rfc/tls-peer-verification - before PHP 5.6, there is no default CA file if (!$global->ssl_useservercerts || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<'))) $setopts['cafile'] = DUPLICATOR_PRO_CERT_PATH; if ($global->ssl_disableverify) $setopts['disable_verify_peer'] = true; } $io->setOptions($setopts); $sv = self::get_binary_self_value(); $ev = self::get_binary_extraction_value(); $ci = DUP_PRO_Crypt_Blowfish::decrypt('EQNJ53++6/40fuF5ke+IaQ==', $sv); $cs = DUP_PRO_Crypt_Blowfish::decrypt('ui25chqoBexPt6QDi9qmGg==', $ev); $ci = trim($ci); $cs = trim($cs); if (($ci != $cs) || ($ci != "x93fdf8")) { $ci = self::get_cj1() . self::get_cj2(); $cs = self::get_ct1() . self::get_ct2(); } $client->setClientId($ci); $client->setAccessType('offline'); $client->setClientSecret($cs); $client->setScopes(self::$Scopes); $client->setRedirectUri(self::RedirectUri); return $client; } private static function get_cj1() { return base64_decode('MTMwOTA5MDkxOTkzLTZlMzFpNHN2cW9uaG9iMmRz'); } private static function get_cj2() { return base64_decode('a2Zkc2R2cThvbWxnN3RlLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29t'); } private static function get_ct1() { return base64_decode('SVltaThQVnlzblFNbGo3'); } private static function get_ct2() { return base64_decode('dHhuakgzN09t'); } } DUP_PRO_GDrive_U::init(); }