Edit File: DropboxClient.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); /** * DropPHP - A simple Dropbox client that works without cURL. * * http://fabi.me/en/php-projects/dropphp-dropbox-api-client/ * * * @author Fabian Schlieper <fabian@fabi.me> * @copyright Fabian Schlieper 2014 * @version 1.7.1 * @license See LICENSE * */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/OAuthSimple.php"); if (!class_exists('DUP_PRO_DropboxClient_UploadInfo')) { class DUP_PRO_DropboxClient_UploadInfo { public $upload_id; public $next_offset; public $error_details = null; public $file_meta = null; // Is non null if upload complete } } if (!class_exists('DUP_PRO_DropboxClient')) { class DUP_PRO_DropboxClient { const API_URL = "https://api.dropbox.com/1/"; const API_CONTENT_URL = "https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/"; const BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; const MAX_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE = 150000000; // 150MB const UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE = 4000000; // 4MB private $appParams; private $consumerToken; private $requestToken; private $accessToken; private $locale; private $rootPath; private $useCurl; function __construct($app_params, $locale = "en", $use_curl) { $this->appParams = $app_params; if (empty($app_params['app_key'])) throw new DropboxException("App Key is empty!"); $this->consumerToken = array('t' => $this->appParams['app_key'], 's' => $this->appParams['app_secret']); $this->locale = $locale; $this->rootPath = empty($app_params['app_full_access']) ? "sandbox" : "dropbox"; $this->requestToken = null; $this->accessToken = null; //$this->useCurl = function_exists('curl_init'); $this->useCurl = $use_curl; if($this->useCurl) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Using cURL for Dropbox transfers"); } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Using FOpen URL for Dropbox transfers"); } } // ################################################## // Authorization /** * Step 1 of authentication process. Retrieves a request token or returns a previously retrieved one. * * @access public * @param boolean $get_new_token Optional (default false). Wether to retrieve a new request token. * @return array Request Token array. */ public function GetRequestToken($get_new_token = false) { if (!empty($this->requestToken) && !$get_new_token) return $this->requestToken; $rt = $this->authCall("oauth/request_token"); if (empty($rt) || empty($rt['oauth_token'])) throw new DropboxException('Could not get request token!'); return ($this->requestToken = array('t' => $rt['oauth_token'], 's' => $rt['oauth_token_secret'])); } /** * Step 2. Returns a URL the user must be redirected to in order to connect the app to their Dropbox account * * @access public * @param string $return_url URL users are redirected after authorization * @return string URL */ public function BuildAuthorizeUrl($return_url = null) { $rt = $this->GetRequestToken(); if (empty($rt) || empty($rt['t'])) throw new DropboxException('Request Token Invalid (' . print_r($rt, true) . ').'); $url = "https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=" . $rt['t']; if ($return_url != null) { $url .= "&oauth_callback=" . urlencode($return_url); } return $url; } /** * Step 3. Acquires an access token. This is the final step of authentication. * * @access public * @param array $request_token Optional. The previously retrieved request token. This parameter can only be skipped if the DropboxClient object has been (de)serialized. * @return array Access Token array. */ public function GetAccessToken($request_token = null) { if (!empty($this->accessToken)) return $this->accessToken; if (empty($request_token)) $request_token = $this->requestToken; if (empty($request_token)) throw new DropboxException('Request token required!'); $at = $this->authCall("oauth/access_token", $request_token); if (empty($at)) { throw new DropboxException(sprintf('Could not get access token! (request token: %s)', $request_token['t'])); } if (!isset($at['oauth_token']) || !isset($at['oauth_token_secret'])) { throw new DropboxException(sprintf('Could not get access token! (request token: %s)', $request_token['t'])); } return ($this->accessToken = array('t' => $at['oauth_token'], 's' => $at['oauth_token_secret'])); } /** * Sets a previously retrieved (and stored) access token. * * @access public * @param string|object $token The Access Token * @return none */ public function SetAccessToken($token) { if (empty($token['t']) || empty($token['s'])) throw new DropboxException('Passed invalid access token.'); $this->accessToken = $token; } /** * Checks if an access token has been set. * * @access public * @return boolean Authorized or not */ public function IsAuthorized() { if (empty($this->accessToken)) return false; return true; } // ################################################## // API Functions /** * Retrieves information about the user's account. * * @access public * @return object Account info object. See https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/api#account-info */ public function GetAccountInfo() { return $this->apiCall("account/info", "GET"); } /** * Get file list of a dropbox folder. * * @access public * @param string|object $dropbox_path Dropbox path of the folder * @return array An array with metadata of files/folders keyed by paths */ public function GetFiles($dropbox_path = '', $recursive = false, $include_deleted = false) { if (is_object($dropbox_path) && !empty($dropbox_path->path)) $dropbox_path = $dropbox_path->path; return $this->getFileTree($dropbox_path, $include_deleted, $recursive ? 1000 : 0); } /** * Get file or folder metadata * * @access public * @param $dropbox_path string Dropbox path of the file or folder */ public function GetMetadata($dropbox_path, $include_deleted = false, $rev = null) { if (is_object($dropbox_path) && !empty($dropbox_path->path)) $dropbox_path = $dropbox_path->path; return $this->apiCall("metadata/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_path", "GET", compact('include_deleted', 'rev')); } /** * Download a file to the webserver * * @access public * @param string|object $dropbox_file Dropbox path or metadata object of the file to download. * @param string $dest_path Local path for destination * @param string $rev Optional. The revision of the file to retrieve. This defaults to the most recent revision. * @param callback $progress_changed_callback Optional. Callback that will be called during download with 2 args: 1. bytes loaded, 2. file size * @return object Dropbox file metadata */ public function DownloadFile($dropbox_file, $dest_path = '', $rev = null, $progress_changed_callback = null) { if (is_object($dropbox_file) && !empty($dropbox_file->path)) $dropbox_file = $dropbox_file->path; if (empty($dest_path)) $dest_path = basename($dropbox_file); $url = $this->cleanUrl(self::API_CONTENT_URL . "/files/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_file") . (!empty($rev) ? ('?' . http_build_query(array('rev' => $rev), '', '&')) : ''); $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "GET"); $fh = @fopen($dest_path, 'wb'); // write binary if ($fh === false) { @fclose($rh); throw new DropboxException("Could not create file $dest_path !"); } if ($this->useCurl) { curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_FILE, $fh); $response_headers = array(); self::execCurlAndClose($context, $response_headers); fclose($fh); $meta = self::getMetaFromHeaders($response_headers, true); $bytes_loaded = filesize($dest_path); } else { $rh = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $context); // read binary if ($rh === false) throw new DropboxException("HTTP request to $url failed!"); // get file meta from HTTP header $s_meta = stream_get_meta_data($rh); $meta = self::getMetaFromHeaders($s_meta['wrapper_data'], true); $bytes_loaded = 0; while (!feof($rh)) { if (($s = fwrite($fh, fread($rh, self::BUFFER_SIZE))) === false) { @fclose($rh); @fclose($fh); throw new DropboxException("Writing to file $dest_path failed!'"); } $bytes_loaded += $s; if (!empty($progress_changed_callback)) { call_user_func($progress_changed_callback, $bytes_loaded, $meta->bytes); } } fclose($rh); fclose($fh); } if ($meta->bytes != $bytes_loaded) throw new DropboxException("Download size mismatch! (header:{$meta->bytes} vs actual:{$bytes_loaded}; curl:{$this->useCurl})"); return $meta; } // @returns DUP_PRO_DropboxClient_UploadInfo public function upload_file_chunk($src_file, $dropbox_path = '', $upload_chunk_size = self::UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE, $max_upload_time_in_sec = 15, $offset = 0, $upload_id = null, $server_load_delay = 0) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("start"); $dropbox_client_upload_info = new DUP_PRO_DropboxClient_UploadInfo(); $dropbox_client_upload_info->next_offset = $offset; $dropbox_client_upload_info->upload_id = $upload_id; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("offset coming in=$offset"); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("chunk size=$upload_chunk_size"); if (empty($dropbox_path)) { $dropbox_path = basename($src_file); } elseif (is_object($dropbox_path) && !empty($dropbox_path->path)) { $dropbox_path = $dropbox_path->path; } // make sure the dropbox_path is not a dir. if it is, append baseneme of $src_file $dropbox_bn = basename($dropbox_path); if (strpos($dropbox_bn, '.') === false) { // check if ext. is missing -> could be a directory! try { $meta = $this->GetMetadata($dropbox_path); if ($meta && $meta->is_dir) $dropbox_path = $dropbox_path . '/' . basename($src_file); } catch (Exception $e) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("problem getting metadata"); } } DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("dropbox path=$dropbox_path"); $file_size = filesize($src_file); $fh = fopen($src_file, 'rb'); if ($fh === false) { //throw new DropboxException(); DUP_PRO_LOG::traceError("problem opening $src_file"); } fseek($fh, $offset); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Just did fseek now tell says " . ftell($fh)); $start_time = time(); $time_passed = 0; $end_of_file = feof($fh); $eof_string = $end_of_file ? 'true' : 'false'; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("upload_id=$upload_id filesize = $file_size end_of_file=$eof_string max_upload_time=$max_upload_time_in_sec"); $error_present = false; while (($end_of_file == false) && ($time_passed < $max_upload_time_in_sec) & ($error_present == false)) { if($server_load_delay !== 0) { usleep($server_load_delay); } DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Uploading offset $offset since timepassed=$time_passed"); $url = $this->cleanUrl(self::API_CONTENT_URL . "/chunked_upload") . '?' . http_build_query(compact('upload_id', 'offset'), '', '&'); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("3"); $content = fread($fh, $upload_chunk_size); $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "PUT", $content); $old_offset = $offset; $offset += strlen($content); if($this->useCurl) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Using curl from url = $url"); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); $response = json_decode(self::execCurlAndClose($context)); } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Using file_get_contents from url = $url"); $file_contents = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); $response = json_decode($file_contents); } unset($content); unset($context); // NOTE: it returns 400 if dropbox already has that chunk if (empty($response) == false) { if (!empty($response->error)) { $error_message = DUP_PRO_U::__('Response error present:') . $response->error; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("rolling back dropbox due to $error_message"); if(strpos($response->error, 'expected [') !== false) { $matches = array(); $preg_retval = preg_match("/.*expected\\s+\\[(.+)\\]/", $response->error, $matches); if(count($matches) == 2) { $old_offset = (int)$matches[1]; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Forcing old offset to be $old_offset"); } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceObject("Something wrong with parsing matches, retval=$preg_retval", $matches); } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Response error doens't contain expected"); } $dropbox_client_upload_info->error_details = $error_message; $error_present = true; $offset = $old_offset; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("rolling back dropbox to offset $offset due to $error_message"); } else if (empty($upload_id)) { $upload_id = $response->upload_id; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("upload id set to $upload_id"); } } else { $error_message = "Response to {$url} is missing and file content is $file_contents. Make sure 'extension=php_openssl.dll' is in the php.ini for windows. "; $error_message .= 'On Linux based systems check for the --with-openssl[=DIR] flag.'; $dropbox_client_upload_info->error_details = $error_message; $error_present = true; $offset = $old_offset; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("rolling back dropbox to offset $offset due to $error_message"); } DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("4"); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("5"); $time_passed = time() - $start_time; $end_of_file = feof($fh); } @fclose($fh); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Time passed=$time_passed"); if ($end_of_file) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("end of file"); $dropbox_client_upload_info->file_meta = $this->apiCall("commit_chunked_upload/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_path", "POST", compact('overwrite', 'parent_rev', 'upload_id'), true); } $dropbox_client_upload_info->upload_id = $upload_id; $dropbox_client_upload_info->next_offset = $offset; return $dropbox_client_upload_info; } /** * Upload a file to dropbox * * @access public * @param $src_file string Local file to upload * @param $dropbox_path string Dropbox path for destination * @return object Dropbox file metadata */ public function UploadFile($src_file, $dropbox_path = '', $overwrite = true, $parent_rev = null) { if (empty($dropbox_path)) $dropbox_path = basename($src_file); elseif (is_object($dropbox_path) && !empty($dropbox_path->path)) $dropbox_path = $dropbox_path->path; // make sure the dropbox_path is not a dir. if it is, append baseneme of $src_file $dropbox_bn = basename($dropbox_path); if (strpos($dropbox_bn, '.') === false) { // check if ext. is missing -> could be a directory! try { $meta = $this->GetMetadata($dropbox_path); if ($meta && $meta->is_dir) $dropbox_path = $dropbox_path . '/' . basename($src_file); } catch (Exception $e) { } } // Delete any file that may be there ahead of time try { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Deleting dropbox files $dropbox_path"); $this->Delete($dropbox_path); } catch(Exception $ex) { // Bury any exceptions } $file_size = filesize($src_file); if ($file_size > self::MAX_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE) { $fh = fopen($src_file, 'rb'); if ($fh === false) throw new DropboxException(); $upload_id = null; $offset = 0; while (!feof($fh)) { $url = $this->cleanUrl(self::API_CONTENT_URL . "/chunked_upload") . '?' . http_build_query(compact('upload_id', 'offset'), '', '&'); if ($this->useCurl) { $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "PUT"); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_PUT, 1); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_INFILE, $fh); $chunk_size = min(self::UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE, $file_size - $offset); $offset += $chunk_size; curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $chunk_size); $response = json_decode(self::execCurlAndClose($context)); fseek($fh, $offset); if ($offset >= $file_size) break; } else { $content = fread($fh, self::UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE); $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "PUT", $content); $offset += strlen($content); $response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url, false, $context)); unset($content); } unset($context); self::checkForError($response); if (empty($upload_id)) { $upload_id = $response->upload_id; if (empty($upload_id)) throw new DropboxException("Upload ID empty!"); } } @fclose($fh); return $this->apiCall("commit_chunked_upload/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_path", "POST", compact('overwrite', 'parent_rev', 'upload_id'), true); } $query = http_build_query(array_merge(compact('overwrite', 'parent_rev'), array('locale' => $this->locale)), '', '&'); $url = $this->cleanUrl(self::API_CONTENT_URL . "/files_put/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_path") . "?$query"; if ($this->useCurl) { $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "PUT"); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); $fh = fopen($src_file, 'rb'); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_PUT, 1); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_INFILE, $fh); // file pointer curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize($src_file)); $meta = json_decode(self::execCurlAndClose($context)); fclose($fh); return self::checkForError($meta); } else { $content = file_get_contents($src_file); if (strlen($content) == 0) throw new DropboxException("Could not read file $src_file or file is empty!"); $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "PUT", $content); return self::checkForError(json_decode(file_get_contents($url, false, $context))); } } /** * Get thumbnail for a specified image * * @access public * @param $dropbox_file string Path to the image * @param $format string Image format of the thumbnail (jpeg or png) * @param $size string Thumbnail size (xs, s, m, l, xl) * @return mime/* Returns the thumbnail as binary image data */ public function GetThumbnail($dropbox_file, $size = 's', $format = 'jpeg', $echo = false) { if (is_object($dropbox_file) && !empty($dropbox_file->path)) $dropbox_file = $dropbox_file->path; $url = $this->cleanUrl(self::API_CONTENT_URL . "thumbnails/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_file") . '?' . http_build_query(array('format' => $format, 'size' => $size), '', '&'); $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "GET"); if ($this->useCurl) { curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($context, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); } $thumb = $this->useCurl ? self::execCurlAndClose($context) : file_get_contents($url, NULL, $context); if ($echo) { header('Content-type: image/' . $format); echo $thumb; unset($thumb); return; } return $thumb; } function GetLink($dropbox_file, $preview = true, $short = true, &$expires = null) { if (is_object($dropbox_file) && !empty($dropbox_file->path)) $dropbox_file = $dropbox_file->path; $url = $this->apiCall(($preview ? "shares" : "media") . "/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_file", "POST", array('locale' => null, 'short_url' => $preview ? $short : null)); $expires = strtotime($url->expires); return $url->url; } function Delta($cursor) { return $this->apiCall("delta", "POST", compact('cursor')); } function token_from_oauth1() { /* https://www.dropbox.com/developers-v1/core/docs#oa2-from-oa1 */ return $this->apiCall("oauth2/token_from_oauth1", "POST"); } function GetRevisions($dropbox_file, $rev_limit = 10) { if (is_object($dropbox_file) && !empty($dropbox_file->path)) $dropbox_file = $dropbox_file->path; return $this->apiCall("revisions/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_file", "GET", compact('rev_limit')); } function Restore($dropbox_file, $rev) { if (is_object($dropbox_file) && !empty($dropbox_file->path)) $dropbox_file = $dropbox_file->path; return $this->apiCall("restore/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_file", "POST", compact('rev')); } function Search($path, $query, $file_limit = 1000, $include_deleted = false) { return $this->apiCall("search/$this->rootPath/$path", "POST", compact('query', 'file_limit', 'include_deleted')); } function GetCopyRef($dropbox_file, &$expires = null) { if (is_object($dropbox_file) && !empty($dropbox_file->path)) $dropbox_file = $dropbox_file->path; $ref = $this->apiCall("copy_ref/$this->rootPath/$dropbox_file", "GET", array('locale' => null)); $expires = strtotime($ref->expires); return $ref->copy_ref; } function Copy($from_path, $to_path, $copy_ref = false) { if (is_object($from_path) && !empty($from_path->path)) $from_path = $from_path->path; return $this->apiCall("fileops/copy", "POST", array('root' => $this->rootPath, ($copy_ref ? 'from_copy_ref' : 'from_path') => $from_path, 'to_path' => $to_path)); } /** * Creates a new folder in the DropBox * * @access public * @param $path string The path to the new folder to create * @return object Dropbox folder metadata */ function CreateFolder($path) { return $this->apiCall("fileops/create_folder", "POST", array('root' => $this->rootPath, 'path' => $path)); } /** * Delete file or folder * * @access public * @param $path mixed The path or metadata of the file/folder to be deleted. * @return object Dropbox metadata of deleted file or folder */ function Delete($path) { if (is_object($path) && !empty($path->path)) $path = $path->path; return $this->apiCall("fileops/delete", "POST", array('locale' => null, 'root' => $this->rootPath, 'path' => $path)); } function Move($from_path, $to_path) { if (is_object($from_path) && !empty($from_path->path)) $from_path = $from_path->path; return $this->apiCall("fileops/move", "POST", array('root' => $this->rootPath, 'from_path' => $from_path, 'to_path' => $to_path)); } function getFileTree($path = "", $include_deleted = false, $max_depth = 0, $depth = 0) { static $files; if ($depth == 0) $files = array(); $dir = $this->apiCall("metadata/$this->rootPath/$path", "GET", compact('include_deleted')); if (empty($dir) || !is_object($dir)) return false; if (!empty($dir->error)) throw new DropboxException($dir->error); foreach ($dir->contents as $item) { $files[trim($item->path, '/')] = $item; if ($item->is_dir && $depth < $max_depth) { $this->getFileTree($item->path, $include_deleted, $max_depth, $depth + 1); } } return $files; } function createCurl($url, $http_context) { $ch = curl_init($url); $curl_opts = array( CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // exclude header from output //CURLOPT_MUTE => true, // no output! CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // but return! CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, ); $curl_opts[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $http_context['method']; if (!empty($http_context['content'])) { $curl_opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = & $http_context['content']; if (defined("CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE")) $curl_opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE] = strlen($http_context['content']); } $curl_opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $http_context['header'])); curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_opts); return $ch; } static private $_curlHeadersRef; static function _curlHeaderCallback($ch, $header) { self::$_curlHeadersRef[] = trim($header); return strlen($header); } static function &execCurlAndClose($ch, &$out_response_headers = null) { if (is_array($out_response_headers)) { self::$_curlHeadersRef = & $out_response_headers; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array(__CLASS__, '_curlHeaderCallback')); } $res = curl_exec($ch); $err_no = curl_errno($ch); $err_str = curl_error($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($err_no || $res === false) { throw new DropboxException("cURL-Error ($err_no): $err_str"); } return $res; } private function createRequestContext($url, $method, &$content = null, $oauth_token = -1) { if ($oauth_token === -1) $oauth_token = $this->accessToken; $method = strtoupper($method); $http_context = array('method' => $method, 'header' => ''); $oauth = new DUP_PRO_OAuthSimple($this->consumerToken['t'], $this->consumerToken['s']); if (empty($oauth_token) && !empty($this->accessToken)) $oauth_token = $this->accessToken; if (!empty($oauth_token)) { $oauth->setParameters(array('oauth_token' => $oauth_token['t'])); $oauth->signatures(array('oauth_secret' => $oauth_token['s'])); } if (!empty($content)) { $post_vars = ($method != "PUT" && preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*=/i", substr($content, 0, 32))); $http_context['header'] .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n"; $http_context['header'] .= "Content-Type: application/" . ($post_vars ? "x-www-form-urlencoded" : "octet-stream") . "\r\n"; $http_context['content'] = & $content; if ($method == "POST" && $post_vars) $oauth->setParameters($content); } elseif ($method == "POST") { // make sure that content-length is always set when post request (otherwise some wrappers fail!) $http_context['content'] = ""; $http_context['header'] .= "Content-Length: 0\r\n"; } // check for query vars in url and add them to oauth parameters (and remove from path) $path = $url; $query = strrchr($url, '?'); if (!empty($query)) { $oauth->setParameters(substr($query, 1)); $path = substr($url, 0, -strlen($query)); } $signed = $oauth->sign(array( 'action' => $method, 'path' => $path)); //print_r($signed); $http_context['header'] .= "Authorization: " . $signed['header'] . "\r\n"; return $this->useCurl ? $this->createCurl($url, $http_context) : stream_context_create(array('http' => $http_context)); } private function authCall($path, $request_token = null) { $url = $this->cleanUrl(self::API_URL . $path); $dummy = null; $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, "POST", $dummy, $request_token); $contents = $this->useCurl ? self::execCurlAndClose($context) : file_get_contents($url, false, $context); $data = array(); parse_str($contents, $data); return $data; } private static function checkForError($resp) { if (!empty($resp->error)) throw new DropboxException($resp->error); return $resp; } private function apiCall($path, $method, $params = array(), $content_call = false) { $url = $this->cleanUrl(($content_call ? self::API_CONTENT_URL : self::API_URL) . $path); $content = http_build_query(array_merge(array('locale' => $this->locale), $params), '', '&'); if ($method == "GET") { $url .= "?" . $content; $content = null; } $context = $this->createRequestContext($url, $method, $content); $json = $this->useCurl ? self::execCurlAndClose($context) : file_get_contents($url, false, $context); //if($json === false) // throw new DropboxException(); $resp = json_decode($json); return self::checkForError($resp); } private static function getMetaFromHeaders(&$header_array, $throw_on_error = false) { $use_anonymous_function = duplicator_use_anonymous_function(); if ($use_anonymous_function) { $obj = json_decode(substr(@array_shift(array_filter($header_array, create_function('$s', 'return stripos($s, "x-dropbox-metadata:") === 0;'))), 20)); } else { $obj = json_decode(substr(@array_shift(array_filter($header_array, create_function('$s', 'return stripos($s, "x-dropbox-metadata:") === 0;'))), 20)); } if ($throw_on_error && (empty($obj) || !is_object($obj))) throw new DropboxException("Could not retrieve meta data from header data: " . print_r($header_array, true)); if ($throw_on_error) self::checkForError($obj); return $obj; } function cleanUrl($url) { $p = substr($url, 0, 8); $url = str_replace('//', '/', str_replace('\\', '/', substr($url, 8))); $url = rawurlencode($url); $url = str_replace('%2F', '/', $url); return $p . $url; } } if (!class_exists('DropboxException')) { class DropboxException extends Exception { public function __construct($err = null, $isDebug = FALSE) { if (is_null($err)) { $el = error_get_last(); $this->message = $el['message']; $this->file = $el['file']; $this->line = $el['line']; } else $this->message = $err; self::log_error($err); if ($isDebug) { self::display_error($err, TRUE); } } public static function log_error($err) { error_log($err, 0); } public static function display_error($err, $kill = FALSE) { print_r($err); if ($kill === FALSE) { die(); } } } } }