Edit File: class.plugin.item.php
<?php /** * plugin item descriptor * * Standard: PSR-2 * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2 Full Documentation * * @package SC\DUPX\U * */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; /** * */ class DUPX_Plugin_item { const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'; const STATUS_INACTIVE = 'inactive'; const STATUS_NETWORK_ACTIVE = 'network-active'; const STATUS_DROP_INS = 'drop-ins'; const STATUS_MUST_USE = 'must-use'; /** * * @var string */ private $data = array( 'slug' => null, 'name' => '', 'version' => '', 'pluginURI' => '', 'author' => '', 'authorURI' => '', 'description' => '', 'title' => '', 'networkActive' => false, 'active' => false, 'mustUse' => false, 'dropIns' => false, 'deactivateAction' => false, 'deactivateMessage' => null, 'activateAction' => false ); /** * * @param array $data * * @throws Exception */ public function __construct($data) { if (!is_array($data) || !isset($data['slug'])) { throw new Exception('invalud input data'); } $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $data); if (empty($this->data['name'])) { $this->data['name'] = $this->data['slug']; } if (empty($this->data['title'])) { $this->data['title'] = $this->data['name']; } } /** * * @param int $subsite // if -1 it checks that at least one site exists in which it is active in the netowrk * * @return boolean */ public function isActive($subsite = -1) { if ($this->data['active'] === true) { return true; } else if ($subsite === -1 && !empty($this->data['active'])) { return true; } else if ($this->data['active'] === true || (is_array($this->data['active']) && in_array($subsite, $this->data['active']))) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * * @return boolean */ public function isNetworkActive() { return $this->data['networkActive']; } /** * * @return boolean */ public function isMustUse() { return $this->data['mustUse']; } /** * * @return boolean */ public function isDropIns() { return $this->data['dropIns']; } /** * is true if all active status are false * * @param int $subsite // if -1 it checks that at least one site exists in which it is active in the netowrk * @return boolean */ public function isInactive($subsite = -1) { return !$this->isActive($subsite) && !$this->isNetworkActive() && !$this->isMustUse() && !$this->isDropIns(); } /** * return true if isn't networkActive or must-use or drop-ins * * @return boolean */ public function isNetworkInactive() { return !$this->isNetworkActive() && !$this->isMustUse() && !$this->isDropIns(); } public function isIgnore() { return in_array($this->data['slug'], DUPX_Paramas_Manager::getInstance()->getValue(DUPX_Paramas_Manager::PARAM_IGNORE_PLUGINS)); } public function isForceDisabled() { return in_array($this->data['slug'], DUPX_Paramas_Manager::getInstance()->getValue(DUPX_Paramas_Manager::PARAM_FORCE_DIABLE_PLUGINS)); } /** * set activate action true if the plugin is active or if deactivateAction is enabled * * @return bool // return activateAction */ /** * set activate action true if the plugin is active or if deactivateAction is enabled * * @param int $subsite // current subsite id * @param type $networkCheck // if true check only on network or check by subsite id * @param type $forceActivation // if true skip all pluginstati check and set activation action * * @return bool // return activateAction */ public function setActivationAction($subsite = -1, $networkCheck = false, $forceActivation = false) { if ($this->isIgnore()) { return true; } if ($forceActivation) { DUPX_Log::info('PLUGINS ['.__FUNCTION__.']: set forced activation action '.DUPX_log::varToString($this->slug), DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG); return ($this->data['activateAction'] = true); } $activate = false; if ($networkCheck) { if ($this->isNetworkInactive()) { $activate = true; } } else { if ($this->isInactive($subsite) || ($subsite > -1 && $this->isNetworkActive())) { $activate = true; } } if ($activate || $this->data['deactivateAction']) { DUPX_Log::info('PLUGINS ['.__FUNCTION__.']: set activation action '.DUPX_log::varToString($this->slug), DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG); $this->data['activateAction'] = true; } return $this->data['activateAction']; } /** * set deactivation action if the plugin isn't inactive * * @param string $shortMsg * @param string $longMsg * @param boolean $networkCheck // if true check if is active only on network * @return boolean // return deactivaeAction status */ public function setDeactivateAction($subsite = -1, $shortMsg = null, $longMsg = null, $networkCheck = false) { if ($this->isIgnore()) { return true; } $deactivate = false; if ($networkCheck) { if (!$this->isNetworkInactive()) { $deactivate = true; } } else { if (!$this->isInactive($subsite)) { $deactivate = true; } } if ($deactivate) { DUPX_Log::info('PLUGINS ['.__FUNCTION__.']: set deactivate action '.DUPX_log::varToString($this->slug), DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG); $this->data['deactivateAction'] = true; if (!empty($shortMsg)) { $this->data['deactivateMessage'] = array( 'shortMsg' => $shortMsg, 'longMsg' => $longMsg ); } } return $this->data['deactivateAction']; } public function getPluginArchivePath() { $archiveConfig = DUPX_ArchiveConfig::getInstance(); if ($this->isMustUse()) { $mainDir = $archiveConfig->getRelativePathsInArchive('muplugins'); } else if ($this->isDropIns()) { $mainDir = $archiveConfig->getRelativePathsInArchive('wpcontent'); } else { $mainDir = $archiveConfig->getRelativePathsInArchive('plugins'); } return $mainDir.'/'.$this->slug; } public function getPluginPath() { $paramManager = DUPX_Paramas_Manager::getInstance(); $mainDir = false; if ($this->isMustUse()) { $mainDir = $paramManager->getValue(DUPX_Paramas_Manager::PARAM_PATH_MUPLUGINS_NEW); } else if ($this->isDropIns()) { $mainDir = $paramManager->getValue(DUPX_Paramas_Manager::PARAM_PATH_CONTENT_NEW); } else { $mainDir = $paramManager->getValue(DUPX_Paramas_Manager::PARAM_PATH_PLUGINS_NEW); } if ($mainDir === false) { return false; } $dirNameRelative = dirname($this->slug); $relativePath = false; if (empty($dirNameRelative) || $dirNameRelative == '.') { $relativePath = $this->slug; } else { $relativePath = $dirNameRelative; } $result = $mainDir.'/'.$relativePath; if (!file_exists($result)) { return false; } else { return $result; } } /** * */ public function deactivate() { if (!$this->deactivateAction) { return false; } DUPX_Log::info('[PLUGINS MANAGER] deactivate '.DUPX_Log::varToString($this->slug), DUPX_Log::LV_DETAILED); $deactivated = false; $origFileManager = DUPX_Orig_File_Manager::getInstance(); if ($this->isMustUse() || $this->isDropIns()) { if (($pluginPath = $this->getPluginPath()) == false) { DUPX_Log::info('PLUGINS: can\'t remove plugin '.$this->slug.' because it doesn\'t exists'); } else { $origFileManager->addEntry($this->slug, $pluginPath, DUPX_Orig_File_Manager::MODE_MOVE); $deactivated = true; } } else { // for other type of plugins do nothing. They are not activated because they are missing in the table list of plugins $deactivated = true; } if ($deactivated) { if (is_null($this->data['deactivateMessage'])) { DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::getInstance()->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => $this->name.' has been deactivated', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::NOTICE, 'sections' => 'plugins' )); } else { DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::getInstance()->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => $this->data['deactivateMessage']['shortMsg'], 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::SOFT_WARNING, 'longMsg' => $this->data['deactivateMessage']['longMsg'], 'longMsgMode' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::MSG_MODE_HTML, 'sections' => 'plugins' )); } } else { DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::getInstance()->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'Can\'t deactivate the plugin '.$this->name, 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::SOFT_WARNING, 'longMsg' => 'Folder of the plugin not found', 'sections' => 'plugins' )); } // prevent multiple decativation action $this->deactivateAction = false; return true; } /** * * @param int $subsiteId * @return string */ public function getOrgiStatus($subsiteId) { if ($this->isMustUse()) { return self::STATUS_MUST_USE; } else if ($this->isDropIns()) { return self::STATUS_DROP_INS; } else if ($this->isNetworkActive()) { return self::STATUS_NETWORK_ACTIVE; } else if ($this->isActive($subsiteId)) { return self::STATUS_ACTIVE; } else { return self::STATUS_INACTIVE; } } /** * * @param string $status * @return string * @throws Exception */ public static function getStatusLabel($status) { switch ($status) { case self::STATUS_MUST_USE: return 'must-use'; case self::STATUS_DROP_INS: return 'drop-in'; case self::STATUS_NETWORK_ACTIVE: return 'network active'; case self::STATUS_ACTIVE: return 'active'; case self::STATUS_INACTIVE: return 'inactive'; default: throw new Exception('Invalid status'); } } /** * Uninstall a single plugin. * * Calls the uninstall hook, if it is available. * * @param string $plugin Path to the main plugin file from plugins directory. * @return true True if a plugin's uninstall.php file has been found and included. */ public function uninstall() { $nManager = DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::getInstance(); try { DUPX_RemoveRedundantData::loadWP(); // UNINSTALL PLUGIN IF IS ACTIVE $level = error_reporting(E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR); if (DupProSnapLibUtil::wp_is_ini_value_changeable('display_errors')) { @ini_set('display_errors', 0); } DUPX_Log::info("UNINSTALL PLUGIN ".DUPX_Log::varToString($this->data['slug']), DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG); $pluginFile = plugin_basename($this->data['slug']); $uninstallable_plugins = (array) get_option('uninstall_plugins'); /** * Fires in uninstall_plugin() immediately before the plugin is uninstalled. * @param string $plugin Path to the main plugin file from plugins directory. * @param array $uninstallable_plugins Uninstallable plugins. */ do_action('pre_uninstall_plugin', $this->data['slug'], $uninstallable_plugins); if (file_exists(WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.dirname($pluginFile).'/uninstall.php')) { if (isset($uninstallable_plugins[$pluginFile])) { unset($uninstallable_plugins[$pluginFile]); update_option('uninstall_plugins', $uninstallable_plugins); } unset($uninstallable_plugins); if (defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) { $already_defined_uninstall_const = true; } else { define('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', $pluginFile); $already_defined_uninstall_const = false; } wp_register_plugin_realpath(WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.$pluginFile); if ($already_defined_uninstall_const) { $uninstall_file_content = file_get_contents(WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.dirname($pluginFile).'/uninstall.php'); /* $regexProhibited = array( 'dirname[\t\s]*\([\t\s]*WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN[\t\s]*\)', 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN[\t\s]*\!?=', '\!?=[\t\s]*WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', 'current_user_can' ); */ $prohibited_codes = array( 'dirname( WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN )', 'dirname(WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN )', 'dirname( WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN)', 'dirname(WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN)', 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN =', 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN !=', 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN=', 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN!=', '= WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', '!= WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', '=WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN=', '!=WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', 'current_user_can', ); foreach ($prohibited_codes as $prohibited_code) { if (false !== stripos($uninstall_file_content, $prohibited_code)) { DUPX_Log::info("Can't include uninstall.php file of the ".$this->data['slug']." because prohibited code found"); return false; } } } include(WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.dirname($pluginFile).'/uninstall.php'); } elseif (isset($uninstallable_plugins[$pluginFile])) { $callable = $uninstallable_plugins[$pluginFile]; unset($uninstallable_plugins[$pluginFile]); update_option('uninstall_plugins', $uninstallable_plugins); unset($uninstallable_plugins); wp_register_plugin_realpath(WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.$pluginFile); include_once(WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.$pluginFile ); add_action("uninstall_{$pluginFile}", $callable); /** * Fires in uninstall_plugin() once the plugin has been uninstalled. * * The action concatenates the 'uninstall_' prefix with the basename of the * plugin passed to uninstall_plugin() to create a dynamically-named action. * * @since 2.7.0 */ do_action("uninstall_{$pluginFile}"); // Extra // Extra } else { // The plugin was never activated so no need to call uninstallation hook } // store plugin in original file folder $origFileManager = DUPX_Orig_File_Manager::getInstance(); if (($pluginPath = $this->getPluginPath()) == false) { DUPX_Log::info('PLUGINS: can\'t remove plugin '.$this->slug.' because don\'t exists'); } else { $origFileManager->addEntry($this->slug, $pluginPath, DUPX_Orig_File_Manager::MODE_MOVE); } } catch (Exception $e) { $errorMsg = "**ERROR** The Inactive plugin ".$this->name." can't be deleted"; $longMsg = 'Please delete the plugin '.$this->name.' ('.$this->slug.') manually'.PHP_EOL. 'Exception message: '.$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL. 'Trace: '.$e->getTraceAsString(); DUPX_Log::info($errorMsg); $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => $errorMsg, 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::HARD_WARNING, 'longMsg' => $longMsg, 'longMsgMode' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::MSG_MODE_PRE, 'sections' => 'plugins' )); return false; } catch (Error $e) { $errorMsg = "**ERROR** The Inactive plugin ".$this->name." can't be deleted"; $longMsg = 'Please delete the plugin '.$this->name.' ('.$this->slug.') manually'.PHP_EOL. 'Exception message: '.$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL. 'Trace: '.$e->getTraceAsString(); DUPX_Log::info($errorMsg); $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => $errorMsg, 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::HARD_WARNING, 'longMsg' => $longMsg, 'longMsgMode' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::MSG_MODE_PRE, 'sections' => 'plugins' )); return false; } error_reporting($level); return true; } /** * * @param string $key * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function __get($key) { if (!isset($this->data[$key])) { throw new Exception('prop '.$key.' don\'t exists'); } return $this->data[$key]; } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function __set($key, $value) { if (!isset($this->data[$key])) { throw new Exception('prop '.$key.' don\'t exists'); } if ($key === 'slug') { throw new Exception('can\'t modify slug prop'); } return ($this->data[$key] = $value); } /** * * @param string $key * @return boolean */ public function __isset($key) { return isset($this->data[$key]); } }