Edit File: ctrl.base.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH.'/classes/utilities/class.u.php'); DUP_PRO_U::init(); //Enum used to define the various test statues final class DUP_PRO_CTRL_Status { const ERROR = -2; const FAILED = -1; const UNDEFINED = 0; const SUCCESS = 1; } /** * Base class for all controllers * * @package Duplicator * @subpackage classes/ctrls */ class DUP_PRO_CTRL_Base { //Represents the name of the Nonce Action public $Action; //The return type valiad options: PHP, JSON-AJAX, JSON public $returnType = 'JSON-AJAX'; public function setResponseType($type) { $opts = array('PHP', 'JSON-AJAX', 'JSON'); if (!in_array($type, $opts)) { throw new Exception('The $type param must be one of the following: '.implode(',', $opts).' for the following function ['.__FUNCTION__.']'); } $this->returnType = $type; } public static function getCurrentPageId() { $screen = get_current_screen(); return ($screen instanceof WP_Screen) ? $screen->id : ''; } public static function getCurrentPageTabId() { $page = self::getCurrentPageId(); if (strlen($page) == 0) { return ''; } $tab = DupProSnapLibUtil::filterInputRequest('tab', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, array('options' => array('default' => ''))); return $page.(strlen($tab) ? '_'.$tab : ''); } //Merges $_POST params with custom parameters. public function postParamMerge($params = array()) { $params = is_array($params) ? $params : array(); return array_merge($_POST, $params); } //Merges $_GET params with custom parameters. public function getParamMerge($params) { $params = is_array($params) ? $params : array(); return array_merge($_GET, $params); } } /** * A class structure used to report on controller methods * * @package Duplicator * @subpackage classes/ctrls */ class DUP_PRO_CTRL_Report { //Properties public $runTime; public $returnType; public $results; public $status; } /** * A class used format all controller responses in a consistent format. Every controller response will * have a Report and Payload structure. The Payload is an array of the result responses. The Report is used to * report on the overall status of the controller method * * Standard: PSR-2 * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2 * * @package Duplicator * @subpackage classes/ctrls * @copyright (c) 2017, Snap Creek LLC * */ class DUP_PRO_CTRL_Result { //Properties public $report; public $payload; private $timeStart; private $timeEnd; private $CTRL; function __construct(DUP_PRO_CTRL_Base $CTRL_OBJ) { // DUP_PRO_U::hasCapability('read'); DUP_PRO_U::hasCapability('export'); $this->timeStart = $this->microtimeFloat(); $this->CTRL = $CTRL_OBJ; //Report Data $this->report = new DUP_PRO_CTRL_Report(); $this->report->returnType = $CTRL_OBJ->returnType; } /** * Used to process a controller request * * @param object $payload The response object that will be returned * @param enum $status The status of a response * * @return object || JSON Returns a PHP object or json encoded object */ public function process($payload, $status = DUP_PRO_CTRL_Status::UNDEFINED) { if (is_array($this->payload)) { $this->payload[] = $payload; $this->report->results = count($this->payload); } else { $this->payload = $payload; $this->report->results = (is_array($payload)) ? count($payload) : 1; } $this->report->status = $status; $this->getProcessTime(); switch ($this->CTRL->returnType) { case 'JSON' : return json_encode($this); break; case 'PHP' : return $this; break; default: // JSON-AJAX if (!headers_sent()) { if ($status === DUP_PRO_CTRL_Status::ERROR) { die(header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500)); } else { header('Content-Type: application/json'); } } return die(json_encode($this)); break; } } /** * Used to process an error response * * @param object $exception The PHP exception object * * @return object || JSON Returns a PHP object or json encoded object */ public function processError($exception) { $payload = array(); $payload['Message'] = $exception->getMessage(); $payload['File'] = $exception->getFile(); $payload['Line'] = $exception->getLine(); $payload['Trace'] = $exception->getTraceAsString(); $this->process($payload, DUP_PRO_CTRL_Status::ERROR); die(json_encode($this)); } private function getProcessTime() { $this->timeEnd = $this->microtimeFloat(); $this->report->runTime = $this->timeEnd - $this->timeStart; } private function microtimeFloat() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec); } }