Edit File: class.web.services.import.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); class DUP_PRO_Web_Services_import extends DUP_PRO_Web_Services { public function init() { $this->add_class_action('wp_ajax_duplicator_pro_import_upload', 'importUpload'); $this->add_class_action('wp_ajax_duplicator_pro_import_package_delete', 'deletePackage'); $this->add_class_action('wp_ajax_duplicator_pro_import_set_view_mode', 'setViewMode'); } public static function importUploadCallback() { $out = array(); if (!file_exists(DUPLICATOR_PRO_PATH_IMPORTS)) { DupProSnapLibIOU::mkdir(DUPLICATOR_PRO_PATH_IMPORTS, 0755, true); } //CONTROLLER LOGIC $archive_filename = isset($_FILES["file"]["name"]) ? sanitize_text_field($_FILES["file"]["name"]) : null; $temp_filename = isset($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]) ? sanitize_text_field($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]) : null; $chunk = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'chunk', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => false))); $chunks = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'chunks', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => false))); $archive_filepath = DUPLICATOR_PRO_PATH_IMPORTS.'/'.$archive_filename; if (!preg_match(DUPLICATOR_PRO_ARCHIVE_REGEX_PATTERN, $archive_filename)) { throw new Exception(DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__("Invalid archive file name. Please use the valid archive file!")); } //CHUNK MODE if ($chunks !== false) { $archive_part_filepath = "{$archive_filepath}.part"; // Clean last upload part leaved as it is (The situation in which user navigate to another url while uploading archive file path) if ($chunk === 0 && file_exists($archive_part_filepath)) { @unlink($archive_part_filepath); } if (($output = @fopen($archive_part_filepath, $chunks ? "ab" : "wb")) === false) { throw new Exception(sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__('Could not write output: %s'), $archive_filepath)); } if (($input = @fopen($temp_filename, "rb")) === false) { throw new Exception(sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__('Could not read input: %s'), $temp_filename)); } while ($buffer = fread($input, 8192)) { if (false === fwrite($output, $buffer)) { throw new Exception(sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__('Could not write output: %s'), $archive_filepath)); } } fclose($output); fclose($input); $out['mode'] = 'chunk'; if ($chunk == ($chunks - 1)) { if (rename($archive_part_filepath, $archive_filepath) === false) { throw new Exception('Can\'t rename file part to file'); } $out['status'] = 'complete'; } else { $out['status'] = 'chunking'; } } else { // DIRECT MODE if (move_uploaded_file($temp_filename, $archive_filepath) === false) { throw new Exception(DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__('Can\'t rename file part to file')); } $out['status'] = 'complete'; $out['mode'] = 'direct'; } if ($out['status'] === 'complete') { try { $importObj = new DUP_PRO_Package_Importer($archive_filepath); $importObj->cleanImportFolder(); $out['isImportable'] = $importObj->isImportable(); $out['fullPath'] = $importObj->getFullPath(); $out['installerPageLink'] = $importObj->getInstallerPageLink(); $out['htmlDetails'] = $importObj->getHtmlDetails(false); $out['created'] = $importObj->getCreated(); $out['invalidMessage'] = ''; } catch (Exception $e) { $out['isImportable'] = false; $out['fullPath'] = $archive_filepath; $out['installePageUrl'] = ''; $out['htmlDetails'] = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::esc_html__('Problem on import, message: %s'), $e->getMessage()); $out['created'] = ''; $out['invalidMessage'] = $e->getMessage(); } } return $out; } public function importUpload() { self::ajax_json_wrapper(array(__CLASS__, 'importUploadCallback'), 'duplicator_pro_import_upload', $_POST['nonce'], 'export'); } public static function deletePackageCallback() { $isValid = true; $inputData = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, array( 'path' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR, 'options' => array( 'default' => false ) ), )); if (!$inputData['path']) { $isValid = false; } if (!$isValid) { throw new Exception(DUP_PRO_U::__("Invalid Request!")); } $normalized_file_path = DupProSnapLibIOU::safePath($inputData['path'], true); $is_in_dup_pro_imports = strpos($normalized_file_path, DUPLICATOR_PRO_PATH_IMPORTS) === 0; $is_in_ssdir = strpos($normalized_file_path, DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH) === 0; if (($is_in_dup_pro_imports || $is_in_ssdir) && file_exists($normalized_file_path)) { @unlink($normalized_file_path); } DUP_PRO_Package_Importer::cleanImportFolder(); return true; } public function deletePackage() { self::ajax_json_wrapper(array(__CLASS__, 'deletePackageCallback'), 'duplicator_pro_import_package_delete', $_POST['nonce'], 'export'); } public static function setViewModeCallback() { $viewMode = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'view_mode', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); switch ($viewMode) { case DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::VIEW_MODE_ADVANCED: case DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::VIEW_MODE_BASIC: break; default: throw new Exception(DUP_PRO_U::__('Invalid view mode')); } if (!($userId = get_current_user_id())) { throw new Exception(DUP_PRO_U::__('Invalid current urser id')); } $archives = DUP_PRO_Package_Importer::getArchiveList(); if ($viewMode == DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::VIEW_MODE_BASIC && count($archives) > 1) { update_user_meta($userId, DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::USER_META_VIEW_MODE, DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::VIEW_MODE_ADVANCED); throw new Exception(DUP_PRO_U::__('It is not possible to set the view mode to basic if the number of packages is more than one. Remove packages before performing this action.')); } if ($viewMode != DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::getViewMode()) { if (update_user_meta($userId, DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::USER_META_VIEW_MODE, $viewMode) == false) { throw new Exception(DUP_PRO_U::__('Can\'t update user meta value')); } } return DUP_PRO_CTRL_import::getViewMode(); } public function setViewMode() { self::ajax_json_wrapper(array(__CLASS__, 'setViewModeCallback'), 'duplicator_pro_import_set_view_mode', $_POST['nonce'], 'export'); } }