Edit File: class.u.search.reaplce.manager.php
<?php /** * Search and reaplace manager * * Standard: PSR-2 * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2 Full Documentation * * @package SC\DUPX\U * */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; /** * Search and replace manager * singleton class */ final class DUPX_S_R_MANAGER { const GLOBAL_SCOPE_KEY = '___!GLOBAL!___!SCOPE!___'; /** * * @var DUPX_S_R_MANAGER */ private static $instance = null; /** * full list items not sorted * @var DUPX_S_R_ITEM[] */ private $items = array(); /** * items sorted by priority and scope * [ * 10 => [ * '___!GLOBAL!___!SCOPE!___' => [ * DUPX_S_R_ITEM * DUPX_S_R_ITEM * DUPX_S_R_ITEM * ], * 'scope_one' => [ * DUPX_S_R_ITEM * DUPX_S_R_ITEM * ] * ], * 20 => [ * . * . * . * ] * ] * * @var array */ private $prorityScopeItems = array(); /** * * @return DUPX_S_R_MANAGER */ public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } private function __construct() { } /** * * @return array */ public function getArrayData() { $data = array(); foreach ($this->items as $item) { $data[] = $item->toArray(); } return $data; } /** * * @param array $data */ public function setFromArrayData($data) { foreach ($data as $itemArray) { $new_item = DUPX_S_R_ITEM::getItemFromArray($itemArray); $this->setNewItem($new_item); } } /** * * @param string $search * @param string $replace * @param string $type // item type DUPX_S_R_ITEM::[TYPE_STRING|TYPE_URL|TYPE_URL_NORMALIZE_DOMAIN|TYPE_PATH] * @param int $prority // lower first * @param bool|string|string[] $scope // true = global scope | false = never | string signle scope | string[] scope list * * @return boolean|DUPX_S_R_ITEM // false if fail or new DUPX_S_R_ITEM */ public function addItem($search, $replace, $type = DUPX_S_R_ITEM::TYPE_STRING, $prority = 10, $scope = true) { if (strlen((string) $search) == 0) { return false; } if (is_bool($scope)) { $scope = $scope ? self::GLOBAL_SCOPE_KEY : ''; } DUPX_Log::info( 'ADD SEARCH AND REPLACE ITEM'."\n". 'Search:"'.$search.'" Replace:"'.$replace.'" Type:"'.$type.'" Prority:"'.$prority.'" Scope:"'.DUPX_Log::varToString($scope), DUPX_Log::LV_DETAILED); $new_item = new DUPX_S_R_ITEM($search, $replace, $type, $prority, $scope); return $this->setNewItem($new_item); } /** * * @param DUPX_S_R_ITEM $new_item * * @return boolean|DUPX_S_R_ITEM // false if fail or new DUPX_S_R_ITEM */ private function setNewItem($new_item) { $this->items[$new_item->getId()] = $new_item; // create priority array if (!isset($this->prorityScopeItems[$new_item->prority])) { $this->prorityScopeItems[$new_item->prority] = array(); // sort by priority ksort($this->prorityScopeItems); } // create scope list foreach ($new_item->scope as $scope) { if (!isset($this->prorityScopeItems[$new_item->prority][$scope])) { $this->prorityScopeItems[$new_item->prority][$scope] = array(); } $this->prorityScopeItems[$new_item->prority][$scope][] = $new_item; } return $new_item; } /** * get all search and reaple items by scpoe * * @param null|string $scope if scope is empty get only global scope * @return DUPX_S_R_ITEM[] */ private function getSearchReplaceItems($scope = null, $globalScope = true) { $items_list = array(); foreach ($this->prorityScopeItems as $priority => $priority_list) { // get scope list if (!empty($scope) && isset($priority_list[$scope])) { foreach ($priority_list[$scope] as $item) { $items_list[] = $item; } } // get global scope if ($globalScope && isset($priority_list[self::GLOBAL_SCOPE_KEY])) { foreach ($priority_list[self::GLOBAL_SCOPE_KEY] as $item) { $items_list[] = $item; } } } return $items_list; } /** * get replace list by scope * result * [ * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ] * * @param null|string $scope if scope is empty get only global scope * @param bool $unique_search If true it eliminates the double searches leaving the one with lower priority. * * @return array */ public function getSearchReplaceList($scope = null, $unique_search = true, $globalScope = true) { DUPX_Log::info('-- SEARCH LIST -- SCOPE: '.DUPX_Log::varToString($scope), DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG); $items_list = $this->getSearchReplaceItems($scope, $globalScope); if (DUPX_Log::isLevel(DUPX_Log::LV_HARD_DEBUG)) { DUPX_Log::info('-- SEARCH LIST ITEMS --'."\n".print_r($items_list, true), DUPX_Log::LV_HARD_DEBUG); } if ($unique_search) { $items_list = self::uniqueSearchListItem($items_list); if (DUPX_Log::isLevel(DUPX_Log::LV_HARD_DEBUG)) { DUPX_Log::info('-- UNIQUE LIST ITEMS --'."\n".print_r($items_list, true), DUPX_Log::LV_HARD_DEBUG); } } DUPX_Log::info('--- BASE STRINGS ---'); foreach ($items_list as $index => $item) { DUPX_Log::info( 'SEARCH['.str_pad($item->type, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT).']'.str_pad($index + 1, 3, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).":". str_pad(DUPX_Log::varToString($item->search)." ", 50, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT). "=> ". DUPX_Log::varToString($item->replace)); } $result = array(); foreach ($items_list as $item) { $result = array_merge($result, $item->getPairsSearchReplace()); } // remove empty search strings $result = array_filter($result, function ($val) { if (!empty($val['search'])) { return true; } else { DUPX_Log::info('Empty search string remove, replace: '.DUPX_Log::varToString($val['replace']), DUPX_Log::LV_DETAILED); return false; } }); if (DUPX_Log::isLevel(DUPX_Log::LV_DEBUG)) { DUPX_Log::info('--- REXEXES ---'); foreach ($result as $index => $c_sr) { DUPX_Log::info( 'SEARCH'.str_pad($index + 1, 3, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).":". str_pad(DUPX_Log::varToString($c_sr['search'])." ", 50, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT). "=> ". DUPX_Log::varToString($c_sr['replace'])); } } return $result; } /** * remove duplicated search strings. * Leave the object at lower priority * * @param DUPX_S_R_ITEM[] $list * @return boolean|DUPX_S_R_ITEM[] */ private static function uniqueSearchListItem($list) { $search_strings = array(); $result = array(); if (!is_array($list)) { return false; } foreach ($list as $item) { if (!in_array($item->search, $search_strings)) { $result[] = $item; $search_strings[] = $item->search; } } return $result; } private function __clone() { } } /** * search and replace item use in manager to creat the search and replace list. */ class DUPX_S_R_ITEM { const PATH_SEPARATOR_REGEX_NORMAL = '[\/\\\\]'; const PATH_SEPARATOR_REGEX_JSON = '(?:\\\\\/|\\\\\\\\)'; const PATH_END_REGEX_MATCH_NORMAL = '([\/\\\\"\'\n\r]|$)'; const PATH_END_REGEX_MATCH_JSON = '(\\\\\/|\\\\\\\\|["\'\n\r]|$)'; const URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_NORMAL = '([\/?"\'\n\r]|$)'; const URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_JSON = '(\\\\\/|[?"\'\n\r]|$)'; const URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_URLENCODE = '(%2F|%3F|["\'\n\r]|$)'; private static $uniqueIdCount = 0; const TYPE_STRING = 'str'; const TYPE_URL = 'url'; const TYPE_URL_NORMALIZE_DOMAIN = 'urlnd'; const TYPE_PATH = 'path'; /** * * @var int */ private $id = 0; /** * * @var int prority lower first */ public $prority = 10; /** * * @var string[] scope list */ public $scope = array(); /** * * @var string type of string */ public $type = self::TYPE_STRING; /** * * @var string search string */ public $search = ''; /** * * @var string replace string */ public $replace = ''; /** * * @param string $search * @param string $replace * @param string $type * @param int $prority * @param string|string[] $scope if empty never used */ public function __construct($search, $replace, $type = DUPX_S_R_ITEM::TYPE_STRING, $prority = 10, $scope = array()) { if (!is_array($scope)) { $this->scope = empty($scope) ? array() : array((string) $scope); } else { $this->scope = $scope; } $this->prority = (int) $prority; switch ($type) { case DUPX_S_R_ITEM::TYPE_URL: case DUPX_S_R_ITEM::TYPE_URL_NORMALIZE_DOMAIN: $this->search = rtrim($search, '/'); $this->replace = rtrim($replace, '/'); break; case DUPX_S_R_ITEM::TYPE_PATH: $this->search = DupProSnapLibIOU::safePathUntrailingslashit($search); $this->replace = DupProSnapLibIOU::safePathUntrailingslashit($replace); break; case DUPX_S_R_ITEM::TYPE_STRING: default: $this->search = (string) $search; $this->replace = (string) $replace; break; } $this->type = $type; $this->id = self::$uniqueIdCount; self::$uniqueIdCount++; } public function toArray() { return array( 'id' => $this->id, 'prority' => $this->prority, 'scope' => $this->scope, 'type' => $this->type, 'search' => $this->search, 'replace' => $this->replace ); } public static function getItemFromArray($array) { $result = new self($array['search'], $array['replace'], $array['type'], $array['prority'], $array['scope']); return $result; } /** * return search an replace string * * result * [ * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ] * * @return array */ public function getPairsSearchReplace() { switch ($this->type) { case self::TYPE_URL: return self::searchReplaceUrl($this->search, $this->replace); case self::TYPE_URL_NORMALIZE_DOMAIN: return self::searchReplaceUrl($this->search, $this->replace, true, true); case self::TYPE_PATH: return self::searchReplacePath($this->search, $this->replace); case self::TYPE_STRING: default: return self::searchReplaceWithEncodings($this->search, $this->replace); } } /** * Get search and replace strings with encodings * prevents unnecessary substitution like when search and reaplace are the same. * * result * [ * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ] * * @param string $search * @param string $replace * @param bool $json add json encode string * @param bool $urlencode add urlencode string * * @return array pairs search and replace */ public static function searchReplaceWithEncodings($search, $replace, $json = true, $urlencode = true) { $result = array(); if ($search != $replace) { $result[] = array( 'search' => '/'.preg_quote($search, '/').'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes($replace, '\\$') ); } else { return array(); } // JSON ENCODE if ($json) { $search_json = DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($search); $replace_json = DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($replace); if ($search != $search_json && $search_json != $replace_json) { $result[] = array( 'search' => '/'.preg_quote($search_json, '/').'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes($replace_json, '\\$') ); } } // URL ENCODE if ($urlencode) { $search_urlencode = urlencode($search); $replace_urlencode = urlencode($replace); if ($search != $search_urlencode && $search_urlencode != $replace_urlencode) { $result[] = array( 'search' => '/'.preg_quote($search_urlencode, '/').'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes($replace_urlencode, '\\$') ); } } return $result; } /** * Add replace strings to substitute old url to new url * 1) no protocol old url to no protocol new url (es. //www.hold.url => //www.new.url) * 2) wrong protocol new url to right protocol new url (es. http://www.new.url => https://www.new.url) * * result * [ * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ] * * @param string $search_url * @param string $replace_url * @param bool $force_new_protocol if true force http or https protocol (work only if replace url have http or https scheme) * * @return array */ public static function searchReplaceUrl($search_url, $replace_url, $force_new_protocol = true, $normalizeWww = false) { $result = array(); if (($parse_search_url = parse_url($search_url)) !== false && isset($parse_search_url['scheme'])) { $search_url_raw = substr($search_url, strlen($parse_search_url['scheme']) + 1); } else { $search_url_raw = $search_url; } $search_url_raw = trim($search_url_raw, '/'); if (($parse_replace_url = parse_url($replace_url)) !== false && isset($parse_replace_url['scheme'])) { $replace_url_raw = substr($replace_url, strlen($parse_replace_url['scheme']) + 1); } else { $replace_url_raw = $replace_url; } $replace_url_raw = trim($replace_url_raw, '/'); // (?<!https:|http:)\/\/(?:www\.|)aaaa\.it([?\/'"]|$) if ($normalizeWww && self::domainCanNormalized($search_url)) { if (self::isWww($search_url_raw)) { $baseSearchUrl = substr($search_url_raw, strlen('www.')); } else { $baseSearchUrl = $search_url_raw; } $regExSearchUrlNormal = '\/\/(?:www\.)?'.preg_quote($baseSearchUrl, '/'); $regExSearchUrlJson = '\\\\\/\\\\\/(?:www\.)?'.preg_quote(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($baseSearchUrl), '/'); $regExSearchUrlEncode = '%2F%2F(?:www\.)?'.preg_quote(urlencode($baseSearchUrl), '/'); //'/https?:\/\/(?:www\.|)aaaa\.it(?<end>[?\/\'"]|$)/m' //$searchRawRegEx = '/(?<!https:|http:)\/\/(?:www\.|)'.preg_quote($baseSearchUrl, '/').'([?\/\'"]|$)/m'; } else { $regExSearchUrlNormal = '\/\/'.preg_quote($search_url_raw, '/'); $regExSearchUrlJson = '\\\\\/\\\\\/'.preg_quote(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($search_url_raw), '/'); $regExSearchUrlEncode = '%2F%2F'.preg_quote(urlencode($search_url_raw), '/'); } // NORMALIZE source protocol if ($force_new_protocol && $parse_replace_url !== false && isset($parse_replace_url['scheme'])) { $result[] = array( 'search' => '/(?<!https:|http:)'.$regExSearchUrlNormal.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_NORMAL.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes('//'.$replace_url_raw, '\\$').'$1' ); $result[] = array( 'search' => '/https?:'.$regExSearchUrlNormal.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_NORMAL.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes($replace_url, '\\$').'$1' ); $result[] = array( 'search' => '/(?<!https:|http:)'.$regExSearchUrlJson.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_JSON.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes('//'.$replace_url_raw), '\\$').'$1' ); $result[] = array( 'search' => '/https?:'.$regExSearchUrlJson.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_JSON.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($replace_url), '\\$').'$1' ); $result[] = array( 'search' => '/(?<!https%3A|http%3A)'.$regExSearchUrlEncode.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_URLENCODE.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes(urlencode('//'.$replace_url_raw), '\\$').'$1' ); $result[] = array( 'search' => '/https?%3A'.$regExSearchUrlEncode.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_URLENCODE.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes(urlencode($replace_url), '\\$').'$1' ); } else { $result[] = array( 'search' => '/'.$regExSearchUrlNormal.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_NORMAL.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes('//'.$replace_url_raw, '\\$').'$1' ); $result[] = array( 'search' => '/'.$regExSearchUrlJson.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_JSON.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes('//'.$replace_url_raw), '\\$').'$1' ); $result[] = array( 'search' => '/'.$regExSearchUrlEncode.self::URL_END_REGEX_MATCH_URLENCODE.'/m', 'replace' => addcslashes(urlencode('//'.$replace_url_raw), '\\$').'$1' ); } return $result; } /** * result * [ * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ['search' => ...,'replace' => ...] * ] * * @param string $search_path * @param string $replace_path * * @return array */ public static function searchReplacePath($search_path, $replace_path) { $result = array(); if ($search_path == $replace_path) { return $result; } $explodeSearch = explode('/', $search_path); $normaSearchArray = array_map(function ($val) { return preg_quote(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($val), '/'); }, $explodeSearch); $normalPathSearch = '/'.implode(self::PATH_SEPARATOR_REGEX_NORMAL, $normaSearchArray).self::PATH_END_REGEX_MATCH_NORMAL.'/m'; $result[] = array('search' => $normalPathSearch, 'replace' => addcslashes($replace_path, '\\$').'$1'); $jsonSearchArray = array_map(function ($val) { return preg_quote(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($val), '/'); }, $explodeSearch); $jsonPathSearch = '/'.implode(self::PATH_SEPARATOR_REGEX_JSON, $jsonSearchArray).self::PATH_END_REGEX_MATCH_JSON.'/m'; $result[] = array('search' => $jsonPathSearch, 'replace' => addcslashes(DupProSnapJsonU::getJsonWithoutQuotes($replace_path), '\\$').'$1'); return $result; } /** * get unique item id * * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param $url string The URL whichs domain you want to get * @return string The domain part of the given URL * www.myurl.co.uk => myurl.co.uk * www.google.com => google.com * my.test.myurl.co.uk => myurl.co.uk * www.myurl.localweb => myurl.localweb * */ public static function getDomain($url) { $pieces = parse_url($url); $domain = isset($pieces['host']) ? $pieces['host'] : ''; $regs = null; if (strpos($domain, ".") !== false) { if (preg_match('/(?P<domain>[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{1,63}\.[a-z\.]{2,6})$/i', $domain, $regs)) { return $regs['domain']; } else { $exDomain = explode('.', $domain); return implode('.', array_slice($exDomain, -2, 2)); } } else { return $domain; } } public static function domainCanNormalized($url) { $pieces = parse_url($url); if (!isset($pieces['host'])) { return false; } if (strpos($pieces['host'], ".") === false) { return false; } $dLevels = explode('.', $pieces['host']); if ($dLevels[0] == 'www') { return true; } switch (count($dLevels)) { case 1: return false; case 2: return true; case 3: if (preg_match('/(?P<domain>[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{1,63}\.[a-z\.]{2,6})$/i', $pieces['host'], $regs)) { return $regs['domain'] == $pieces['host']; } return false; default: return false; } } public static function isWww($url) { $pieces = parse_url($url); if (!isset($pieces['host'])) { return false; } else { return strpos($pieces['host'], 'www.') === 0; } } }