Edit File: class.s3.iterator.php
<?php /** * Step 3 iterator * * Standard: PSR-2 * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2 Full Documentation * * @package SC\DUPX\Chunk * */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; require_once(DUPX_INIT.'/classes/chunk/Iterators/Interfaces/GenericSeekableIterator.php'); /** * Description of class * * @author andrea */ class DUPX_s3_iterator implements GenericSeekableIterator { const STEP_INIT = 'init'; const STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE = 'search_replace'; const STEP_REMOVE_MAINTENACE = 'rem_maintenance'; const STEP_REMOVE_LICENSE_KEY = 'rem_licenze_key'; const STEP_CREATE_ADMIN = 'create_admin'; const STEP_CONF_UPDATE = 'config_update'; const STEP_GEN_UPD = 'gen_update'; const STEP_GEN_CLEAN = 'gen_clean'; const STEP_NOTICE_TEST = 'notice_test'; const STEP_CLEANUP_TMP_FILES = 'cleanup_tmp_files'; const STEP_SET_FILE_PERMS = 'set_files_perms'; const STEP_FINAL_REPORT_NOTICES = 'final_report'; private static $numIterations = 10; protected $position = array( 'l0' => self::STEP_INIT, 'l1' => null, 'l2' => null ); protected $isValid = true; protected $tablesIterator = null; public function __construct() { $tables = DUPX_S3_Funcs::getInstance()->getPost('tables'); $this->tablesIterator = new ArrayIterator($tables); $this->rewind(); } public function rewind() { $this->isValid = true; $this->position = array( 'l0' => self::STEP_INIT, 'l1' => null, 'l2' => null ); $this->tablesIterator->rewind(); } public function next() { switch ($this->position['l0']) { case self::STEP_INIT: if ($this->getNextSearchReplacePosition(true)) { // if search and replace is valid go to STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE; } else { // if search and replace isn't valid skip STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and go to STEP_REMOVE_MAINTENACE $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_REMOVE_MAINTENACE; } break; case self::STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE: if (!$this->getNextSearchReplacePosition()) { $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_REMOVE_MAINTENACE; } break; case self::STEP_REMOVE_MAINTENACE: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_REMOVE_LICENSE_KEY; break; case self::STEP_REMOVE_LICENSE_KEY: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_CONF_UPDATE; break; case self::STEP_CONF_UPDATE: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_GEN_UPD; break; case self::STEP_GEN_UPD: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_GEN_CLEAN; break; case self::STEP_GEN_CLEAN: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_CREATE_ADMIN; break; case self::STEP_CREATE_ADMIN: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_NOTICE_TEST; break; case self::STEP_NOTICE_TEST: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_CLEANUP_TMP_FILES; break; case self::STEP_CLEANUP_TMP_FILES: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_SET_FILE_PERMS; break; case self::STEP_SET_FILE_PERMS: $this->position['l0'] = self::STEP_FINAL_REPORT_NOTICES; break; case self::STEP_FINAL_REPORT_NOTICES: default: $this->position['l0'] = null; $this->isValid = false; } } private function getNextSearchReplacePosition($init = false) { $valid = true; $s3func = DUPX_S3_Funcs::getInstance(); $pages = isset($s3func->cTableParams['pages']) ? $s3func->cTableParams['pages'] : 0; $this->position['l2'] = (int) $this->position['l2']; $this->position['l2']++; if ($this->position['l2'] < $pages) { /* NEXT PAGE */ DUPX_Log::info('ITERATOR INCREMENT PAGE: '.$this->position['l2'].' PAGES['.$pages.']', 3); $s3func->cTableParams['page'] = $this->position['l2']; } else { if ($init) { DUPX_UpdateEngine::loadInit(); DUPX_Log::info('ITERATOR FIRST TABLE: '.$this->position['l2'].' PAGES['.$pages.']', 3); $this->tablesIterator->rewind(); } else { DUPX_Log::info('ITERATOR INCREMENT TABLE: '.$this->position['l2'].' PAGES['.$pages.']', 3); if ($s3func->cTableParams['updated']) { $s3func->report['updt_tables']++; } $this->tablesIterator->next(); } $this->position['l1'] = $this->tablesIterator->key(); $this->position['l2'] = 0; // search first table with rows and columns while ($this->tablesIterator->valid()) { DUPX_Log::info('ITERATOR CHECK TABLE: '.$this->tablesIterator->current(), 3); // init table params if isn't initialized if (DUPX_UpdateEngine::initTableParams($this->tablesIterator->current())) { // table with columns and rows found break; } // NEXT TABLE $this->tablesIterator->next(); } if ($this->tablesIterator->valid()) { $this->position['l1'] = $this->tablesIterator->key(); $this->position['l2'] = 0; } else { $this->position['l1'] = null; $this->position['l2'] = null; $s3func->cTableParams = null; DUPX_UpdateEngine::loadEnd(); DUPX_UpdateEngine::replaceBlogsAndSiteTables(); DUPX_UpdateEngine::logStats(); DUPX_UpdateEngine::logErrors(); $valid = false; } } return $valid; } public function gSeek($position) { $this->position = $position; switch ($this->position['l0']) { case self::STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE: $this->tablesIterator->seek($this->position['l1']); break; default: } } public function getPosition() { return $this->position; } public function key() { return implode('_', $this->position); } public function current() { $result = array( 'l0' => $this->position['l0'], 'l1' => null, 'l2' => null ); $result['l0'] = $this->position['l0']; switch ($this->position['l0']) { case self::STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE: $result['l1'] = $this->tablesIterator->current(); $result['l2'] = $this->position['l2']; break; default: } return $result; } public function stopIteration() { switch ($this->position['l0']) { case self::STEP_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE: DUPX_UpdateEngine::commitAndSave(); break; default: } } public function valid() { return $this->isValid; } public function itCount() { return self::$numIterations; } }