Edit File: class.json.entity.base.php
<?php /** * Base class for entities that store their data in JSON format * * Standard: Missing * * @package DUP_PRO * @subpackage classes/entities * @copyright (c) 2017, Snapcreek LLC * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GNU Public License * @since 3.0.0 * * @todo Finish Docs */ defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; require_once(DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH.'/classes/utilities/class.u.low.php'); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH.'/classes/entities/class.verifiers.php'); class DUP_PRO_JSON_Entity_Base { public $id; public $type; private $dirty; private $table_name; protected $verifiers; const DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME = 'duplicator_pro_entities'; function __construct($table_name = self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME) { global $wpdb; $this->id = -1; $this->type = get_class($this); $this->dirty = false; $this->verifiers = array(); $this->table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.$table_name; } public static function init_table() { global $wpdb; $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME; $query_string = "CREATE TABLE `{$table_name}` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type VARCHAR(100), data TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY type_idx (type)) $charset_collate;"; dbDelta($query_string); } public function insert() { global $wpdb; // DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("inserting type $this->type"); $query_string = "INSERT INTO ".$this->table_name; $query_string .= " (type, data) VALUES (%s, %s)"; $data = DUP_PRO_Low_U::getPublicProperties($this); $serialized_data = json_encode($data); if (strlen($serialized_data) < 65536) { $prepared_query = $wpdb->prepare($query_string, $this->type, $serialized_data); $wpdb->query($prepared_query); $this->id = $wpdb->insert_id; if ($this->id == false) { $this->id = -1; DUP_PRO_Low_U::errLog("Error inserting. Query: ".$prepared_query); return false; } } else { DUP_PRO_Low_U::errLog("Entity ({$this->type}) trying to be inserted exceeds max size of 65K!"); return false; } return true; } public function update() { global $wpdb; $query_string = "UPDATE ".$this->table_name; $query_string .= " SET type = %s, data = %s WHERE id = %d"; $data = DUP_PRO_Low_U::getPublicProperties($this); $serialized_data = DupProSnapJsonU::wp_json_encode_pprint($data); if (strlen($serialized_data) < 65536) { $prepared_query = $wpdb->prepare($query_string, $this->type, $serialized_data, $this->id); $updated = $wpdb->query($prepared_query); $this->dirty = false; return true; } else { DUP_PRO_Low_U::errLog("Entity ({$this->type}) trying to be updated exceeds max size of 65K!"); return false; } } public function delete() { // self::delete_by_id($this->id, $this->table_name); global $wpdb; // $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . $table_name; $query_string = "DELETE FROM ".$this->table_name; $query_string .= " WHERE id = %d"; $prepared_query = $wpdb->prepare($query_string, $this->id); $wpdb->query($prepared_query); $this->id = -1; $this->dirty = false; } public static function get_by_id_and_type($id, $type, $table_name = self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.$table_name; $query_string = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name; $query_string .= " WHERE id = %d"; $prepped = $wpdb->prepare($query_string, $id); $row = $wpdb->get_row($prepped); if ($row != NULL) { $instance = new $type(); $instance->id = (int) $row->id; $instance->type = $row->type; $instance->table_name = $table_name; $data = json_decode($row->data); foreach ($data as $property_name => $property_value) { // The if fixes the bug introduced in 3.0.13 if (($property_name != 'verifiers') && ($property_name != 'table_name') && ($property_name != 'dirty')) { $instance->$property_name = $property_value; } } return $instance; } else { // DUP_PRO_Low_U::errLog("get_by_id_and_type: row $prepped is null".print_r(debug_backtrace(), true)); // Storage ids can disappear return null; } } public static function delete_by_id_base($id, $table_name = self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.$table_name; $query_string = "DELETE FROM ".$table_name; $query_string .= " WHERE id = %d"; $prepared_query = $wpdb->prepare($query_string, $id); $wpdb->query($prepared_query); } public static function delete_by_type_and_field($type, $field_name, $field_value, $table_name = self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME) { $instances = self::get_by_type_and_field($type, $field_name, $field_value, $table_name); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $instance->delete(); } } public static function get_by_type_and_field($type, $field_name, $field_value, $table_name = self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME) { $filtered_instances = array(); $instances = self::get_by_type($type, $table_name); foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($instance->$field_name == $field_value) { array_push($filtered_instances, $instance); } } return $filtered_instances; } public static function is_exist_by_id_and_type($id, $type, $table_name = self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.$table_name; $query_string = "SELECT count(id) FROM ".$table_name; $query_string .= " WHERE id = %d"; $prepped = $wpdb->prepare($query_string, $id); $count = $wpdb->get_var($prepped); return $count; } public static function get_by_type($type, $table_name = self::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME, $page = 0) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.$table_name; $query_string = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name; $query_string .= " WHERE type = %s"; if ($page > 0) { $records_per_page = 50; $offset = ($page - 1) * $records_per_page; $query_string .= " LIMIT $offset, $records_per_page"; } $prepared = $wpdb->prepare($query_string, $type); $rows = $wpdb->get_results($prepared); $instances = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $instance = new $type(); $instance->id = $row->id; $instance->type = $row->type; $instance->table_name = $table_name; $data = json_decode($row->data); foreach ($data as $property_name => $property_value) { // The if fixes the bug introduced in 3.0.13 if (($property_name != 'verifiers') && ($property_name != 'table_name') && ($property_name != 'dirty')) { $instance->$property_name = $property_value; } } array_push($instances, $instance); } return $instances; } public function save() { $saved = false; if ($this->id == -1) { $saved = $this->insert(); } else { //screw the dirty part - too problematic if we update member directlyif ($this->dirty) { $saved = $this->update(); $this->dirty = false; } return $saved; } public function set_post_variables($post) { $error_string = ''; // First do a verifier scrub and only then let it fall through to set foreach ($post as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $individual_value) { $local_error = $this->verify_posted_variable($key, $individual_value); if ($local_error != '') { $error_string .= $local_error.".<br/>"; } } } else { $local_error = $this->verify_posted_variable($key, $value); if ($local_error != '') { $error_string .= $local_error.".<br/>"; } } } return $error_string; } private function verify_posted_variable($key, $value) { $error_string = ''; $value = stripslashes($value); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->verifiers)) { $error_string = $this->verifiers[$key]->verify($value); $this->set($key, $value); } else { $this->set($key, $value); } return $error_string; } public function set($property_name, $property_value) { if (property_exists($this->type, $property_name)) { $this->$property_name = $property_value; $this->dirty = true; } } /** * check if prop exists ofr type * * @param string $property_name * @return mixed */ public function __get($property_name) { if (property_exists($this->type, $property_name)) { return $this->$property_name; } else { return null; } } /** * call __get magic method * mantained for retro comapatibility * * @param string $property_name * @return mixed */ public function get($property_name) { return $this->$property_name; } }