Edit File: class.ftp.chunker.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); class DUP_PRO_FTP_UploadInfo { public $next_offset; public $error_details = null; public $success = false; public $fatal_error = false; } /** * Description of cls-ftp-chunker * */ class DUP_PRO_FTP_Chunker { public $server; public $port = 21; public $username; public $password; public $timeout_in_sec = 90; public $ssl = false; public $passive_mode = false; public $echo = false; public $ftp_connection_id = false; public $ftp_login_result = false; public function __construct($server, $port = 21, $username = 'anonymous', $password = 'anonymous@gmail.com', $timeout_in_sec = 15, $ssl = false, $passive_mode = false) { $this->server = $server; $this->port = $port; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->timeout_in_sec = $timeout_in_sec; $this->ssl = $ssl; $this->passive_mode = $passive_mode; } public function open() { $opened = false; $this->close(); if($this->ssl) { if(function_exists('ftp_ssl_connect')) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Attempting to open ssl connection"); $this->ftp_connection_id = ftp_ssl_connect($this->server, $this->port, $this->timeout_in_sec); } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceError("Attempted to open FTP SSL connection when OpenSSL hasn't been statically built into this PHP install."); return false; } } else { $this->ftp_connection_id = @ftp_connect($this->server, $this->port, $this->timeout_in_sec); } if ($this->ftp_connection_id !== false) { $message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('Successfully FTP connected to %1$s:%2$d'), $this->server, $this->port); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); $this->ftp_login_result = ftp_login($this->ftp_connection_id, $this->username, $this->password); if($this->ftp_login_result) { $message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('Logged user %1$s into %2$s'), $this->username, $this->server); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); if($this->passive_mode) { if(ftp_pasv($this->ftp_connection_id, true)) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace('Set connection to passive'); $opened = true; } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceError("Couldn't set the connection into passive mode." . $this->get_info()); } } else { $opened = true; } } if ($this->ftp_login_result == false) { $message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('Error logging in user %1$s into %2$s'), $this->username, $this->server); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); } } else { $message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('Error connecting to FTP server %1$s:%2$d'), $this->server, $this->port); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); } return $opened; } public function create_directory($directory) { $parts = explode('/',$directory); // 2013/06/11/username $part_count = count($parts); if($part_count > 0) { //foreach($parts as $part) for($pidx = 0; $pidx < $part_count; $pidx++) { $part = $parts[$pidx]; if(trim($part) != '') { if(($pidx == 1) && (substr($directory, 0, 1) == '/')) { $part = '/' . $part; } if(!@ftp_chdir($this->ftp_connection_id, $part)) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Creating directory $part since it doesn't exist"); @ftp_mkdir($this->ftp_connection_id, $part); @ftp_chdir($this->ftp_connection_id, $part); } } } } return @ftp_chdir($this->ftp_connection_id, $directory); } public function directory_exists($directory) { return @ftp_chdir($this->ftp_connection_id, $directory); } public function close() { $closed = false; if ($this->ftp_connection_id !== false) { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceObject("closing ftp connection", $this->ftp_connection_id); $closed = ftp_close($this->ftp_connection_id); } else { $closed = true; } return $closed; } public function is_opened() { return (($this->ftp_connection_id != false) && ($this->ftp_login_result == true)); } public function upload_file($source_filepath, $storage_folder, $dest_filename = '') { $uploaded = false; if($this->is_opened()) { $offset = 0; $timeout = 15; $start_time = time(); while (!$uploaded) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("file calling upload chunk offset=$offset"); /* @var $ftp_upload_info DUP_PRO_FTP_UploadInfo */ $ftp_upload_info = $this->upload_chunk($source_filepath, $storage_folder, $timeout, $offset, 0, $dest_filename); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("after upload chunk file"); $offset = $ftp_upload_info->next_offset; if ($ftp_upload_info->success) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("1"); $uploaded = true; } else if ($ftp_upload_info->error_details != null) { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceError("Error uploading $source_filepath to $storage_folder: $ftp_upload_info->error_details"); break; } else if (time() - $start_time >= $timeout) { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceError("File transfer timed out"); } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("2"); // $offset = $ftp_upload_info->next_offset; } } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::traceError("Tried to upload file when connection wasn't opened. Info:" . $this->get_info()); } return $uploaded; } public function upload_chunk($source_filepath, $storage_folder, $max_upload_time_in_sec = 15, $offset = 0, $server_load_delay = 0, $dest_filename = '') { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("FTP CHUNK OFFSET IN=$offset"); /* @var $ftp_upload_info DUP_PRO_FTP_UploadInfo */ $ftp_upload_info = new DUP_PRO_FTP_UploadInfo(); if($this->is_opened()) { $start_time = time(); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("call upload chunk"); $local_file_handle = fopen($source_filepath, 'rb'); if ($local_file_handle !== false) { if(fseek($local_file_handle, $offset) != 0) { $error_message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('Couldnt seek to $offset in %1$s'), $source_filepath); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($error_message); $ftp_upload_info->error_details = $error_message; $ftp_upload_info->next_offset = $offset; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("closing local file handle"); fclose($local_file_handle); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("local file handle closed"); return $ftp_upload_info; } $filename = !empty($dest_filename) ? $dest_filename : basename($source_filepath); $dest_filepath = "$storage_folder/$filename"; if($offset == 0) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Deleting $dest_filepath before attempting to upload it"); // Delete any file that may be there already $this->delete($dest_filepath); } $time_passed = time() - $start_time; // $ret = ftp_nb_fput($this->ftp_connection_id, $dest_filepath, $local_file_handle, FTP_BINARY, $offset); if ($offset == 0) { $ret = ftp_nb_fput($this->ftp_connection_id, $dest_filepath, $local_file_handle, FTP_BINARY); } else { $ftp_size = ftp_size($this->ftp_connection_id, $dest_filepath); $ret = ftp_nb_fput($this->ftp_connection_id, $dest_filepath, $local_file_handle, FTP_BINARY, $ftp_size); } $next_offset = $offset; while (($ret == FTP_MOREDATA) && ($time_passed < $max_upload_time_in_sec)) { if($server_load_delay !== 0) { usleep($server_load_delay); } if ($ret != FTP_FAILED) { $next_offset = ftell($local_file_handle); } $time_passed = time() - $start_time; if($time_passed < $max_upload_time_in_sec) { $ret = ftp_nb_continue($this->ftp_connection_id); } } if ($ret == FTP_FAILED) { $error_message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('FTP failed during transfer of %1$s'), $source_filepath); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($error_message); $ftp_upload_info->error_details = $error_message; $ftp_upload_info->next_offset = $offset; } else if ($ret == FTP_FINISHED) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("ftp finished with offset $next_offset"); $next_offset = $this->finish_file_chunk($local_file_handle, $next_offset); if($next_offset == -1) { $ftp_upload_info->error_details = DUP_PRO_U::__('Problem finishing file chunk transfer'); $ftp_upload_info->fatal_error = true; $this->delete($dest_filepath); } else { $ftp_upload_info->next_offset = $next_offset; } $ftp_size = ftp_size($this->ftp_connection_id, $dest_filepath); $local_size = filesize($source_filepath); /* error_log('$ftp_size -> '.$ftp_size); error_log('$local_size -> '.$local_size); */ // rsr temp // $ftp_size = 1; if(($ftp_size != -1) && ($ftp_size != $local_size)) { $error_message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('FTP size mismatch for %1$s. Local file=%2$d bytes while server\'s file is %3$d bytes.'), $source_filepath, $local_size, $ftp_size); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($error_message); $ftp_upload_info->error_details = $error_message; $ftp_upload_info->fatal_error = true; $this->delete($dest_filepath); } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("ftp size={$ftp_size}"); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace(sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('FTP sizes match for %1$s. Local file=%2$d bytes while server\'s file is %3$d bytes.'), $source_filepath, $local_size, $ftp_size)); $ftp_upload_info->success = true; } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("timed out so saving off offset $next_offset"); $next_offset = $this->finish_file_chunk($local_file_handle, $next_offset); if($next_offset == -1) { $ftp_upload_info->error_details = DUP_PRO_U::__('Problem finishing file chunk transfer'); $ftp_upload_info->fatal_error = true; } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("FTP CHUNK OFFSET OUT=$next_offset"); $ftp_upload_info->next_offset = $next_offset; } //$ret = FTP_MOREDATA } DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("closing local file handle"); fclose($local_file_handle); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("local file handle closed"); } else { $message = sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('Error opening %1$ for FTP'), $source_filepath); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); $ftp_upload_info->error_details = $message; } } else { $message = "Tried to upload file when connection wasn't opened. Info:" . $this->get_info(); $ftp_upload_info->error_details = $message; DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); } // $this->eo('ftp_upload_info', $ftp_upload_info); return $ftp_upload_info; } private function finish_file_chunk($local_file_handle, $next_offset) { $matches = false; $tries = 0; while(!$matches && ($tries < 2)) { $prev_offset = $next_offset; $next_offset = ftell($local_file_handle); $matches = ($next_offset == $prev_offset); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Finish file chunk next_offset=$next_offset prev_offset=$prev_offset"); $tries++; // Want to give it a couple seconds after it matches to settle down usleep(2000000); } if($matches) { return $next_offset; } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Never was able to finish file chunk transfer"); return -1; } } public function get_info() { $ssl_string = DUP_PRO_STR::boolToString($this->ssl); $passive_string = DUP_PRO_STR::boolToString($this->passive_mode); return sprintf(DUP_PRO_U::__('Server:%1$s Port:%2$d User:%3$s SSL:%4$s Passive:%5$s'), $this->server, $this->port, $this->username, $ssl_string, $passive_string); } public function get_filelist($directory = '.') { $items = array(); if($this->is_opened()) { $parameters = "$directory"; $items = ftp_nlist($this->ftp_connection_id, $parameters); for($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { $items[$i] = basename($items[$i]); } } else { $items = false; $message = "Tried to upload file when connection wasn't opened. Info:" . $this->get_info(); DUP_PRO_LOG::trace($message); } return $items; } public function delete($file_path) { $ret_val = false; if($this->is_opened()) { $ret_val = @ftp_delete($this->ftp_connection_id, $file_path); if($ret_val) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Successfully deleted $file_path from " . $this->server); } } else { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Tried to upload file when connection wasn't opened. Info:" . $this->get_info()); } return $ret_val; } // Using straight up downloading right now - not using chunking public function download_file($remote_source_filepath, $local, $is_local_directory = true) { $ret_val = false; if($is_local_directory) { $filename = basename($remote_source_filepath); $local_dest_filepath = "$local/$filename"; } else { $local_dest_filepath = $local; } $ret_val = ftp_get($this->ftp_connection_id, $local_dest_filepath, $remote_source_filepath, FTP_BINARY); if($ret_val == false) { DUP_PRO_LOG::trace("Error downloading $remote_source_filepath into $local_dest_filepath. FTP Info: " . $this->get_info()); } return $ret_val; } }