Edit File: main.php
<?php defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); // DUP_PRO_U::hasCapability('read'); DUP_PRO_U::hasCapability('export'); global $wpdb; require_once(DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH . '/assets/js/javascript.php'); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH . '/views/inc.header.php'); function DUP_PRO_DEBUG_TestSetup($CTRL) { $title = $CTRL['Title']; $action = $CTRL['Action']; $testable = $CTRL['Test'] ? 1 : 0; $test_css = $testable ? '' : 'style="display:none"'; $nonce = isset($CTRL['nonce']) ? $CTRL['nonce'] :wp_create_nonce($action); $html = <<<EOT <div class="keys"> <input type="hidden" name="testable" value="{$testable}" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="{$action}" /> <input type="hidden" name="nonce" value="{$nonce}" /> <span class="result"><i class="fa fa-cube fa-lg"></i></span> <input type='checkbox' id='{$action}' name='{$action}' {$test_css} /> <label for='{$action}'>{$title}</label> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jQuery(this).closest('form').find('div.params').toggle()">Params</a> | <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jQuery(this).closest('form').submit()">Test</a> </div> EOT; echo $html; } ?> <style> div.debug-area {line-height: 26px} table.debug-toolbar {width:100%; margin: 3px 0 -10px -5px; } table.debug-toolbar td {padding:3px; white-space: nowrap} table.debug-toolbar td:last-child {width: 100%} div.debug-area form {margin: 15px 0 0 0; border-top: 1px solid #dfdfdf; padding-top: 5px} div.debug-area div.keys label {font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; padding-right: 5px } div.debug-area div.params label {width:150px; display:inline-block} div.debug-area input[type=text] {width:400px} div.section-hdr {margin:35px 0 0 0; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; border:1px solid silver; border-radius: 3px; padding:1px 5px 1px 5px; background: #dfdfdf;} div.params {display:none} i.result-pass {color:green} i.result-fail {color:red} </style> <script> var UNIT_TEST_FORMS; var UNIT_TEST_CHKBOXES; var UNIT_TEST_PASSED; var UNIT_TEST_COUNTER; var UNIT_TEST_RUNNING = false; </script> <div class="wrap dup-wrap dup-support-all"> <h1><?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_html_e('Testing Interface'); ?></h1> <hr size="1" /> <table class="debug-toolbar"> <tr> <td> <span id="results-all"><i class="fa fa-cube fa-lg"></i></span> <input id="test-checkall" type="checkbox" onclick="DupPro.Debug.CheckAllTests()"> </td> <td> <input type="button" class="button button-small" value="<?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_attr_e('Run Tests'); ?>" onclick="DupPro.Debug.RunTests()" /> <input type="button" class="button button-small" value="<?php DUP_PRO_U::esc_attr_e('Refresh Page'); ?>" onclick="window.location.reload();" /> </td> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="test-openwindow" onchange="DupPro.Debug.TestNewWindow()" /> <label for="test-openwindow">Tests in new window</label> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="debug-area"> <?php include_once 'tst.tools.php'; include_once 'tst.packages.php'; ?> </div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //Run test on all checked options DupPro.Debug.RunTests = function() { try { UNIT_TEST_RUNNING = true; UNIT_TEST_PASSED = true; UNIT_TEST_COUNTER = 0; UNIT_TEST_CHKBOXES = $("div.keys input[type='checkbox']:checked").length; UNIT_TEST_FORMS = $("div.keys input[name='testable'][value='1']").closest('form'); $(UNIT_TEST_FORMS).each(function(index) { var $form = $(this); var $result = $form.find('span.result'); var $check = $form.find('div.keys input[type="checkbox"]'); var input; if ($check.is(':checked')) { $('#results-all').html('<i class="fa fa-cog fa-sm fa-spin fa-fw fa-lg"></i>'); $result.html('<i class="fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin fa-fw fa-lg"></i>'); //Run any callbacks if defined if ($form.attr("onsubmit") != undefined) { $form.submit(); } input = $form.serialize(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, data: input, success: function(respData) { try { var data = DupPro.parseJSON(respData); } catch(err) { console.error(err.message); console.error('JSON parse failed for response data: ' + respData); return false; } DupPro.Debug.ProcessResult(data, $result); }, error: function(data) {}, done: function(data) {} }); } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { UNIT_TEST_RUNNING = false; } } //Call back used to test the status of a result DupPro.Debug.ProcessResult = function(data, result) { UNIT_TEST_COUNTER++; var status = data.report.status || 0; console.log('Processing Results' + UNIT_TEST_COUNTER) console.log(data); if (status > 0) { result.html('<i class="fa fa-check-circle fa-lg result-pass"></i>'); } else { UNIT_TEST_PASSED = false; result.html('<i class="fa fa-check-circle fa-lg result-fail"></i>'); } //Set after all tests have ran if (UNIT_TEST_COUNTER >= UNIT_TEST_CHKBOXES) { (UNIT_TEST_PASSED) ? $('#results-all').html('<i class="fa fa-check-circle fa-lg result-pass"></i>') : $('#results-all').html('<i class="fa fa-check-circle fa-lg result-fail"></i>'); } } //Check all of the check boxes DupPro.Debug.CheckAllTests = function() { var checkAll = $('#test-checkall').is(':checked'); $("div.keys input[type='checkbox']:visible").each(function() { (checkAll) ? $(this).attr('checked', '1') : $(this).removeAttr('checked'); }); } //Test links will open in seperate window if checked DupPro.Debug.TestNewWindow = function() { var check = $('#test-openwindow').is(':checked'); var count = 0; $("form").each(function(index) { count++; (check) ? $(this).attr('target', 'dup_debug' + count) : $(this).attr('target', 'dup_debug'); }); } //INIT $("form").each(function(index) { var $form = $(this); $form.attr('action', 'admin-ajax.php'); $form.attr('target', 'dup_debug'); $form.attr('method', 'post'); }); }); </script>