Edit File: Client.php
<?php namespace DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service; defined("ABSPATH") or die(""); use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Common\Collection; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Common\Exception\BadMethodCallException; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Common\Version; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Inflection\InflectorInterface; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Http\Client as HttpClient; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Http\Exception\MultiTransferException; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service\Exception\CommandTransferException; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service\Command\CommandInterface; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\CompositeFactory; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\FactoryInterface as CommandFactoryInterface; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service\Resource\ResourceIteratorClassFactory; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service\Resource\ResourceIteratorFactoryInterface; use DuplicatorPro\Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface; /** * Client object for executing commands on a web service. */ class Client extends HttpClient implements ClientInterface { const COMMAND_PARAMS = 'command.params'; /** @var ServiceDescriptionInterface Description of the service and possible commands */ protected $serviceDescription; /** @var CommandFactoryInterface */ protected $commandFactory; /** @var ResourceIteratorFactoryInterface */ protected $resourceIteratorFactory; /** @var InflectorInterface Inflector associated with the service/client */ protected $inflector; /** * Basic factory method to create a new client. Extend this method in subclasses to build more complex clients. * * @param array|Collection $config Configuration data * * @return Client */ public static function factory($config = array()) { return new static(isset($config['base_url']) ? $config['base_url'] : null, $config); } public static function getAllEvents() { return array_merge(HttpClient::getAllEvents(), array( 'client.command.create', 'command.before_prepare', 'command.after_prepare', 'command.before_send', 'command.after_send', 'command.parse_response' )); } /** * Magic method used to retrieve a command * * @param string $method Name of the command object to instantiate * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the command * * @return mixed Returns the result of the command * @throws BadMethodCallException when a command is not found */ public function __call($method, $args) { return $this->getCommand($method, isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : array())->getResult(); } public function getCommand($name, array $args = array()) { // Add global client options to the command if ($options = $this->getConfig(self::COMMAND_PARAMS)) { $args += $options; } if (!($command = $this->getCommandFactory()->factory($name, $args))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Command was not found matching {$name}"); } $command->setClient($this); $this->dispatch('client.command.create', array('client' => $this, 'command' => $command)); return $command; } /** * Set the command factory used to create commands by name * * @param CommandFactoryInterface $factory Command factory * * @return self */ public function setCommandFactory(CommandFactoryInterface $factory) { $this->commandFactory = $factory; return $this; } /** * Set the resource iterator factory associated with the client * * @param ResourceIteratorFactoryInterface $factory Resource iterator factory * * @return self */ public function setResourceIteratorFactory(ResourceIteratorFactoryInterface $factory) { $this->resourceIteratorFactory = $factory; return $this; } public function getIterator($command, array $commandOptions = null, array $iteratorOptions = array()) { if (!($command instanceof CommandInterface)) { $command = $this->getCommand($command, $commandOptions ?: array()); } return $this->getResourceIteratorFactory()->build($command, $iteratorOptions); } public function execute($command) { if ($command instanceof CommandInterface) { $this->send($this->prepareCommand($command)); $this->dispatch('command.after_send', array('command' => $command)); return $command->getResult(); } elseif (is_array($command) || $command instanceof \Traversable) { return $this->executeMultiple($command); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Command must be a command or array of commands'); } } public function setDescription(ServiceDescriptionInterface $service) { $this->serviceDescription = $service; if ($this->getCommandFactory() && $this->getCommandFactory() instanceof CompositeFactory) { $this->commandFactory->add(new Command\Factory\ServiceDescriptionFactory($service)); } // If a baseUrl was set on the description, then update the client if ($baseUrl = $service->getBaseUrl()) { $this->setBaseUrl($baseUrl); } return $this; } public function getDescription() { return $this->serviceDescription; } /** * Set the inflector used with the client * * @param InflectorInterface $inflector Inflection object * * @return self */ public function setInflector(InflectorInterface $inflector) { $this->inflector = $inflector; return $this; } /** * Get the inflector used with the client * * @return self */ public function getInflector() { if (!$this->inflector) { $this->inflector = Inflector::getDefault(); } return $this->inflector; } /** * Prepare a command for sending and get the RequestInterface object created by the command * * @param CommandInterface $command Command to prepare * * @return RequestInterface */ protected function prepareCommand(CommandInterface $command) { // Set the client and prepare the command $request = $command->setClient($this)->prepare(); // Set the state to new if the command was previously executed $request->setState(RequestInterface::STATE_NEW); $this->dispatch('command.before_send', array('command' => $command)); return $request; } /** * Execute multiple commands in parallel * * @param array|Traversable $commands Array of CommandInterface objects to execute * * @return array Returns an array of the executed commands * @throws Exception\CommandTransferException */ protected function executeMultiple($commands) { $requests = array(); $commandRequests = new \SplObjectStorage(); foreach ($commands as $command) { $request = $this->prepareCommand($command); $commandRequests[$request] = $command; $requests[] = $request; } try { $this->send($requests); foreach ($commands as $command) { $this->dispatch('command.after_send', array('command' => $command)); } return $commands; } catch (MultiTransferException $failureException) { // Throw a CommandTransferException using the successful and failed commands $e = CommandTransferException::fromMultiTransferException($failureException); // Remove failed requests from the successful requests array and add to the failures array foreach ($failureException->getFailedRequests() as $request) { if (isset($commandRequests[$request])) { $e->addFailedCommand($commandRequests[$request]); unset($commandRequests[$request]); } } // Always emit the command after_send events for successful commands foreach ($commandRequests as $success) { $e->addSuccessfulCommand($commandRequests[$success]); $this->dispatch('command.after_send', array('command' => $commandRequests[$success])); } throw $e; } } protected function getResourceIteratorFactory() { if (!$this->resourceIteratorFactory) { // Build the default resource iterator factory if one is not set $clientClass = get_class($this); $prefix = substr($clientClass, 0, strrpos($clientClass, '\\')); $this->resourceIteratorFactory = new ResourceIteratorClassFactory(array( "{$prefix}\\Iterator", "{$prefix}\\Model" )); } return $this->resourceIteratorFactory; } /** * Get the command factory associated with the client * * @return CommandFactoryInterface */ protected function getCommandFactory() { if (!$this->commandFactory) { $this->commandFactory = CompositeFactory::getDefaultChain($this); } return $this->commandFactory; } /** * @deprecated * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function enableMagicMethods($isEnabled) { Version::warn(__METHOD__ . ' is deprecated'); } }