Edit File: blocks.js
/* global wp */ ;(function () { var el = wp.element.createElement var useDispatch = wp.data.useDispatch var registerBlockType = wp.blocks.registerBlockType var useBlockProps = wp.blockEditor.useBlockProps || function (props) { return props; } function FlatsomeIcon (props) { return el( 'svg', { width: props.width || 24, height: props.height || 24, viewBox: '0 0 33 32', fill: 'none', xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' }, [ el('path', { key: 0, fill: 'currentColor', d: 'M15.9433 4.47626L18.474 7.00169L7.01624 18.4357L4.48556 15.9103L15.9433 4.47626ZM15.9433 0L0 15.9103L7.01624 22.912L22.9596 7.00169L15.9433 0Z' }), el('path', { key: 1, fill: 'currentColor', d: 'M16.128 22.83L18.4798 25.1769L16.128 27.5239L13.7761 25.1769L16.128 22.83ZM16.128 18.3537L9.29039 25.1766L16.128 32L22.9655 25.1766L16.128 18.3532V18.3537Z' }), el('path', { key: 2, fill: 'currentColor', fillOpacity: '0.6', d: 'M25.229 13.7475L27.5808 16.0945L25.229 18.4414L22.8775 16.0946L25.2293 13.7477L25.229 13.7475ZM25.2293 9.27141L18.3914 16.0946L25.229 22.918L32.0666 16.0946L25.229 9.27124L25.2293 9.27141Z' }) ] ) } function gotoUxBuilder () { if (window.flatsome_gutenberg) { window.top.location.href = window.flatsome_gutenberg.edit_button.url } } function Placeholder () { var editor = useDispatch('core/editor') var blockProps = useBlockProps() return el('div', blockProps, [ el( wp.components.Placeholder, { key: 'placeholder', icon: el(FlatsomeIcon, { width: 21, height: 21 }), label: 'UX Builder content', instructions: 'This content can only be edited in UX Builder.' }, el( wp.components.Button, { variant: 'secondary', onFocus: function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }, onClick: function () { editor.savePost().then(gotoUxBuilder) } }, 'Edit with UX Builder' ) ) ]) } function SaveRawHTML (props) { return el(wp.element.RawHTML, {}, props.attributes.content) } registerBlockType('flatsome/uxbuilder', { icon: FlatsomeIcon, edit: Placeholder, save: SaveRawHTML }) }())